Why does Compton have the best cell data?
Because they have the most Gβs.
ποΈ 12
οΈ Apr 27 2021
My friend, the anthropomorphic cell phone was in dire Straits
He walked into the police station and yelled "help! I'm on five per cent!"
First, a cop punched him.
Then, one of them plugged him in to a power bank
Suddenly he had reached 100%. It was a miracle
They charged him with assault and battery
ποΈ 5
οΈ Apr 17 2021
What did the cell say when his sister stepped on his foot?
ποΈ 26
οΈ Mar 25 2021
How do cells takes a photo of themselves?
ποΈ 8
οΈ Apr 10 2021
A red blood cell was travelling through the bloodstream...
It bumped into another cell and screamed "Jesus Christ!!" God was not happy, he said "You should never use the Lords name in vein."
ποΈ 10
οΈ Mar 17 2021
What did the cell say when his sister stepped on his toe?
ποΈ 26
οΈ Mar 02 2021
My friend studies the science of unspecialized cells that can divide to produce some cells that are destined to become specialized....
ποΈ 3
οΈ Mar 06 2021
My cell phone got drunk.
It took too many screenshots.
ποΈ 121
οΈ Dec 03 2020
I realized today the life of a blood cell is truly futile..
After all, it lives its whole life in vein
ποΈ 7
οΈ Feb 09 2021
How can you get drunk using your cell phone?
Take a lot of screen shots!
ποΈ 13
οΈ Jan 26 2021
D cells, D cells...
ποΈ 5
οΈ Jan 05 2021
I have designed a way to combine cell phone and moving stair technologies. Want to know what itβs called?
I had to pull of the road to post this cause Iβve been laughing at myself for the last 5 miles.
ποΈ 3
οΈ Jan 29 2021
Your cell phone has already replaced your watch, camera, calendar and alarm clock....
Don't let it replace your family.
ποΈ 12
οΈ Nov 04 2020
My sister, the biologist, was studying cell division when she dropped her microscope on my toe.
ποΈ 25
οΈ Dec 08 2020
What do you call a small cell phone?
ποΈ 6
οΈ Nov 29 2020
Why did the cell phone have to wear glasses?
Because it lost its contacts
ποΈ 26
οΈ Oct 02 2020
A rich man who got sent to jail decided to pay to upgrade his prison cell.
He is now behind gold bars.
ποΈ 7
οΈ Oct 01 2020
*Sad Red Blood Cell Noises*
ποΈ 44
οΈ Aug 13 2020
βͺHow do you make your cell phone smarter? β¬ βͺ
Turn up the brightness. β¬
ποΈ 7
οΈ Oct 03 2020
I use my cell phone as an alarm clock.
I call it Veriz'n shine..
ποΈ 2
οΈ Oct 02 2020
My cell signal always drops when I work the front desk at work and I can't get calls.
ποΈ 6
οΈ Sep 22 2020
The real reason new cell phones break easy is because of gravity.
No phone back then was subject to multiple Gs and now we're up to 5G!
ποΈ 6
οΈ Aug 25 2020
Cell phone
ποΈ 2k
οΈ Sep 12 2019
Science has found that honeybee venom helps kill aggressive breast cancer cells.
They've updated their name reflecting their new job to Boobees.
ποΈ 7
οΈ Sep 01 2020
My wife and 2yo were just watching Paw Patrol. There is a cow mooing into a cell phone to video chat with the team to ask for help for a cat stuck on the roof.
I told my wife "That cat would have way more grip on roof shingles and I expect more I realism from talking cartoon cows. This is "UDDERLY" ridiculous."
She may have buried her head and avoided eye contact for a bit. I was proud.
ποΈ 3
οΈ Aug 23 2020
Cell Phone Box
ποΈ 16
οΈ May 07 2020
Son:What happens when white blood cells fail to protect us from an infection?
Dad:Their effort goes in vein.
ποΈ 8
οΈ Jul 02 2020
What do you call taking a picture of your own cells under a microscope?
ποΈ 11
οΈ Jun 13 2020
Why do plants propagate so easily? Because they have a lot of stem cells.
ποΈ 7
οΈ Apr 27 2020
What's the name of the largest cell service provider for alien life forms?
ποΈ 9
οΈ Apr 02 2020
What cell service provider do track stars use?
ποΈ 3
οΈ Apr 27 2020
ποΈ 4k
οΈ Jun 12 2018
Do they use cell phones in prison?
ποΈ 53
οΈ Jan 15 2020
In cells
ποΈ 21
οΈ Dec 04 2019
Get it itβs because itβs a Cell wall
ποΈ 2k
οΈ Mar 25 2018
What did the first African cell phone user say to other African cell phone user?
ποΈ 4
οΈ Apr 27 2020
What was the cell phone provider's baby's first word ?
ποΈ 2
οΈ May 16 2020
How do you determine the sex of a cell?
ποΈ 33
οΈ Dec 06 2019
Me and my ex cell mates talk all the time.
We like to talk about spreadsheets.
ποΈ 4
οΈ Mar 29 2020
What did the cell say when itβs sister stepped on itβs foot
ποΈ 35
οΈ Mar 15 2021
What did the cell say when their sister stepped on their toe?
ποΈ 10
οΈ Feb 12 2021
What did the cell say to the other cell who stepped on its foot?
ποΈ 8
οΈ Oct 25 2020
What does the cell say to his sister when she steps on his toe?
ποΈ 18
οΈ Jul 29 2020
I'll try to cell this one too you...
What did the cell say to it's sibling when she stepped on his toe?
My toe sis...
ποΈ 6
οΈ Mar 04 2020
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