i had a pretty normal childhood that seemed to sudd let stop when i turned 13

that great year. the start of 8th grade. finally a teenager. all of a sudden my mom says that her fiancé cheated on her and we’re moving out of a semi-nice house into a crappy, tiny trailer. not her fault, she was taking care of 3 kids plus letting my brothers friends live with us due to their home lives. she was working 2 full time jobs to support our household. i knew she was depressed. yet me, the youngest of everyone, had to step up to remind my mom to go shopping, to learn how to cook for everyone, let her unload her emotional baggage onto me. all while my siblings were off with their friends. i became suicidal. my mom found out that i had been sexting people online and grounded me until the end of the summer, didn’t help.

then we’re staying with our dad a few hours away, when he wakes us up in the early morning saying there’s been a fire. our house burned down, along with all of my belongings. my mom doesn’t have a home for me to go back to so i move in with my dad, enroll at a new school, lose all of my friends, sleep all the time, fail my classes. classic depression.

then my dad relapses on crack cocaine. we live with him like that for a few months. him tearing up our house from his paranoia, spending all his money on drugs so we don’t have anything to eat, threatening to kill himself and screaming at us. he disconnected our phones so we couldn’t call our mom. finally he threatened to beat up my brother so he went to a neighbor and called her. she was there that same night, pissed as fuck. we moved back in with her in her run down one bedroom trailer. we slept on a futon in the living room for a year, no privacy whatsoever.

mom finds a nice two bedroom house a few blocks away and we move in. all of a sudden my sister is living with her new bf and my mom is gone all the time at work. i’m home alone pretty much every day. and even when i’m not, my mom never comes out of her room so i eat alone and clean alone and play games alone. first time being alone in 17 years (i’m 17 at this point). i get my license and do all of the grocery shopping and laundry and house cleaning and maintenance. like i’m a stay at home wife. funny enough, this is when it really starts to dawn on me that i lost everything that i owned in that fire. it made me so sad that i couldn’t remember what i had owned.

then i get a boyfriend and things aren’t so bad for the first time in a while. BAM our house gets robbed. the thief stole the sword that my grandpa gave me for my 18th

... keep reading on reddit ➡

👍︎ 9
📅︎ Jan 21 2022
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Ah hell naw I know that aint mudd and lil sudds in spoon
👍︎ 182
📅︎ Nov 25 2021
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Shawn Menard lists Jenna Sudd's municipal voting record ahead of federal election twitter.com/ShawnMenard1/…
👍︎ 155
📅︎ Aug 10 2021
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Similar to Sudds' jacket, what other NPC clothing items do you want to see?
👍︎ 222
📅︎ Aug 07 2021
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Sudds resigns as councillor after winning Kanata-Carleton riding ottawa.ctvnews.ca/mobile/…
👍︎ 24
📅︎ Sep 25 2021
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Sudds blasted for use of city hall resources mid-election ottawacitizen.com/news/el…
👍︎ 62
📅︎ Sep 10 2021
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I just unlocked Sudds Jacket?

So I logged on today and saw that I unlocked Sudds Jacket but I never played season 3. I just became a pirate legend a few weeks ago. Was wondering if this has happened to anyone else with this item or any other.

👍︎ 2
👤︎ u/Texazilian
📅︎ Dec 01 2021
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ASAP/SUDD-C self-referral

I’m posting this mostly for myself, but I hope it might help others too.

I am weighing self-referring for some in-patient program or whatever is available to help with my alcohol addiction. I have tried self-rehabilitation, but I am still drinking nightly and see no end in sight if I’m honest.

I am an Officer. I have a clearance. Honestly, though, I am less concerned now about those things than I am about getting my behaviors in a better place, which is why I’m bringing it up. No matter how long we serve, the Army is a temporary job, and I have to live with myself all the time. I want to get better.

I have had no legal or performance issues; I want to refer myself entirely voluntarily. I am aware my command will probably be notified, but those are small potatoes at this point. Ok, so let’s get into it.

Background: I used to be a good Officer. All MQs, 270+ APFT back when that mattered, never had any H/W issues. Now after COVID and teleworking I have fallen into bad habits. I can get away with being hungover, unshaven, and fat because I telework so much. And so, honestly, I am that nearly every day. We are transitioning to going back into the office though, and I want to fix myself before my new habits become insurmountable. I can probably hide them, but I would prefer to fix them.

Currently: I am overweight. I drink every day and can’t sleep at an appropriate time unless I’ve had some drinks. But then those “some drinks” become 10 beers, and I don’t PT or do much significant work during business hours. Again, I’ve had no disciplinary problems and show up in person only when I have to, but usually I do so in baggy clothes, with a ton of cologne, and having spent an hour fixing my breath and shaving/cutting my hair.

Problem: I have packets in for a few things. Branch transfer, education programs, etc. Will my self-enrollment in whatever ASAP/SUDD-C rehab preclude my acceptance into those transfers/programs if the boards meet while I am receiving treatment? Will I be flagged even for self-referral? I feel like moving to a new phase of my career will help with my alcohol abuse, but I also don’t want to put off seeking treatment. The most important is actually fixing myself, not faking it or putting it off.

Has anyone been through something similar? Any tips or advice?

👍︎ 8
📅︎ Sep 06 2021
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Sudds Jacket+Boots of Courage What do you think?
👍︎ 77
👤︎ u/namejuju
📅︎ Jul 06 2021
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Celestial/space outfit with Sudd's jacket.
👍︎ 35
📅︎ Jun 25 2021
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Loving Sudd's Jacket reddit.com/gallery/o6yd8d
👍︎ 118
📅︎ Jun 24 2021
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Sudds is my friend like the stars are his friends
👍︎ 10
📅︎ Sep 28 2021
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Meet Sudds, my suicidal friend. v.redd.it/o7vniyu8kj661
👍︎ 17k
📅︎ Dec 21 2020
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Sudds gang
👍︎ 202
📅︎ Jun 27 2021
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I’ve wanted Sudds’ jacket for ages. What items do you want to see in the future?
👍︎ 35
📅︎ Jun 30 2021
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Attempted the Sudds jacket, best try so far
👍︎ 74
📅︎ Jul 12 2021
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Got the merchant eyepatch to match Sudds jacket
👍︎ 27
👤︎ u/cloidless
📅︎ Jun 28 2021
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Loving the new Sudds Jacket
👍︎ 15
📅︎ Jun 27 2021
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My mix'n'match for the new Sudd's jacket reddit.com/gallery/ohqrh1
👍︎ 42
👤︎ u/ACNepeta
📅︎ Jul 10 2021
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Fogg n Sudds - Texas Tailgate.

There used to be a restaurant chain called fogg ‘n sudds- there was one at Cambie and Broadway I think. They may still exist we moved from Vancouver a while ago.

Years ago they had a appetizer called “Texas Tailgate which was served with something called gold sauce. They don’t make this anymore but my husband always loved the gold sauceS his birth day is coming up and I love to replicate this for him.

Any old foggers know what this sauce was and where I could snag some?

👍︎ 6
📅︎ Dec 27 2020
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First trip with our 75% finished van fron TX to CO 1050miles. Not without issues. The heater stopped working, was 25f with 40mph wind. Run them hot our sudd will build up quick. Now running 80% diesel and 20% kerosene. 40mph headwind, 8mpg and also the van overheated fighting the wind at 75mph.
👍︎ 239
👤︎ u/Sztimo
📅︎ Dec 25 2020
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SUDD? Beware of depressing rant.

Just wanting to vent. I hate. this. illness. It all started like a UTI bakc in mid June (happy 38th birthday to me) treated unsuccessfully as a UTI for a month, finally found diverticulitis on the descending colon, it all was due constipation. What I was eating during COVID quarantine? Vegetables, salmon, chicken, broccoli, low carb stuff, eggs, spinach.

After a round of Cipro/Flagyl that completely sent me to the ER with aseptic meningitis, flu like symptoms and a 103 fever and that destroyed my gut flora, I finally managed my illness by eating chicken soup with vegetables almost everyday for months. Never during this time I was pain free, there were always "ghost" pinches, tenesmus, oh the tenesmus... gas, discomfort, etc.

I have classified 2 kinds of pain, the one I feel but I can ignore (which is pinches here and there) but allow me to keep going with my life; and the: I am here and you cannot ignore me pain, pressure, pain, discomfort. It is always on different spots too.

I have not had any other diverticulitis flairs since July, last week after 2 days of awful pressure on my right side, and lower back I went to the ER. Blood tests, yet another CT Scan. No infection, no inflammation, no nothing. Just pain and misery that I cannot ignore.

I had an appointment with a third GI this Tuesday, I was literally sobbing when he saw me, I told him I feel I have lost my life the way I used to know it, I am always either in mild pain or severe pain. I cannot have a "regular" bowel movement. I have lost 45 pounds since July.

They all pad me on the back, tell me, "we are gonna help you" and they leave the office and schedule me for more "tests" for a month after I seen them. I am so sad, so depressed and so lost.

I am 38 years old and I am the mom of a beautiful 9 year old boy and there are some days that I feel I have completely lost the interest of being alive. I want my body to heal or shut down already.

Before this, I used to be happy all the time, energetic, happy to be around my friends and loved ones, now I am not even a shadow of who I used to be and it's just taking a huge toll on me.

I keep hearing a lot about SUDD, I honestly just want to suggest surgery and maybe looking closer would allow these doctors to see what really is going on in there? My CT scans show no infection, and my colonoscopy came out "normal". I have diverticulosis but very mild.

I do not feel normal tho. I feel the complete opposite than normal.

If you have something si

... keep reading on reddit ➡

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👍︎ 10
📅︎ Oct 23 2020
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How comes when supercell says it it’s fine but all of a sudd when I say it it’s illegal???
👍︎ 632
📅︎ Oct 22 2020
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New Sudds jacket working well
👍︎ 4
👤︎ u/hoosacking
📅︎ Jul 04 2021
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Any way to make my character look like Sudds?
👍︎ 33
📅︎ Mar 01 2021
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Mats of papyrus thrive in The Sudd, part of the Nile in South Sudan. They formed an impenetrable barrier to boats trying to ascend the river to Sub-Saharan Africa. Today this swamp remains the largest wetland in Africa, and a refuge for wildlife fleeing the conflicted areas of Africa.
👍︎ 122
👤︎ u/mrflyod
📅︎ Oct 24 2020
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I’m not sudd if somebody’s posted this or if there’s someway i can check but. This person recreated bad apple in minecraft with only banners, and it is smooth af youtu.be/_OitnANtj-E
👍︎ 36
📅︎ Feb 13 2021
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Solitude in the Superstition Mountains while sipping on local Arizona sudds.
👍︎ 53
📅︎ May 11 2020
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i have sudds
👍︎ 22
📅︎ May 09 2020
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Rifaximin : Chronic Diverticular disease experiments and findings for SUDD

Fellow forum members. I had promised a few months back that I will update the forum on my findings for Symptomatic Uncomplicated diverticular disease / Chronic diverticulitis/ SUDD. experiments. Here it is. Ask me any questions you have. Hope some of you will find this useful.

Quick summary:

Rifaximin cyclic therapy with or without soluble fiber helps in reducing SUDD/symptomatic uncomplicated diverticular disease provided you continue to be careful with diet.

Use curcumin for pain management once in a while and avoid raw uncooked veggies and Gluten.

Note: Not a medical advice. I did this in consultation/under observation with my Primary care and GI doc. So do the same before trying!


400 mg -3 times on first day followed by 400mg twice a day for 7 days with 25 days in between. Finished 4 cycles, plan to do 2 more.

Benefiber/soluble fibers like inulin 2-4g every day for the first 1 month. Seemed make some other things worse (more right-sided pain and gas). So didn’t persist after a month.

Stool softeners (Magnesium citrate or Docusate Sodium as needed)


50% reduction in pain and discomfort. It is subjective but it is 100% noticeable.

No diverticulitis attacks during the therapy period of 4.5 months / 4 cycles.

Side-effects :

sometimes bloating/right-sided pain near appendix: quite severe, but nothing like diverticulitis pain.

Constipation: pretty obvious since Rifaximin is a well-known medicine for IBS-D!. So need to take Docusate sodium or extra magnesium citrate with some Psyllium /fiber to soften the stools.

Other therapies tried over past 2 years:

  1. Curcumin/Turmeric with black-pepper /Golden tea : take it often to manage pain and fatigue. Works without fail. Cleanses gall bladder as a benefit and overall inflammation reduction in the body.

  2. Grapefruit seed extract: some benefit during painful days. Seems to work well as an antibiotic and antifungal. Does cause constipation sometimes. Can be useful in managing flares.

  3. Ginger squeezed into lemon Juice : helps with lack of appetite when you have semi flare.

  4. Lactoferrin : no benefit: mild side-effects (right sided pain).

  5. Aloe Vera Juice : no benefit: mild side-effects.

  6. Slippery Elm : no benefit but no side-effects either.

  7. Activated charcoal : might be helpful in diarrhea during attack/flare. No side-effects, but I didn't try this too much, so cannot quantify.

  8. Avoiding Gluten and raw uncooked veggies/ Salads : 100% benef

... keep reading on reddit ➡

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👍︎ 4
📅︎ Dec 19 2020
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More details about what you can and can’t do outside. Thanks Jenna Sudds!
👍︎ 95
📅︎ Apr 05 2020
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Rifaximin for my SUDD

I just want to update my experience for those that suffer with chronic DD symptoms like myself. I have constant pain in my LLQ, bouts of extreme bloating, and constipation (which makes the pain worse).

My doc prescribed this to me to help deal with my symptoms after finding diverticulosis on my CT & colonoscopy.

I took Rifaximin for 2 weeks, 3 times a day 550mg. It did not really to anything for me, maybe decrease my bloating a little, help keep me a little more regular, but no drastic improvements.

Kind of disappointing after hearing good things about it, especially for patients with chronic symptoms. This med is somewhat expensive, unfortunately for me, it was not worth the money.

👍︎ 8
👤︎ u/does25457
📅︎ Nov 07 2020
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Satans blood or some Holy Sudds?! Coolest had washing sticker I’ve ever seen.
👍︎ 23
📅︎ Mar 08 2021
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Norm Talley - Magic Wand [Sudd WAX] (2019) youtube.com/watch?v=p48Mf…
👍︎ 6
👤︎ u/Holy-Fuckk
📅︎ Feb 13 2021
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Bamse sudd
👍︎ 41
👤︎ u/Dagmaskar
📅︎ Nov 25 2020
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Why did the Sudd present such a barrier to those exploring the upper Nile?

The Sudd is usually portrayed as an impenetrable swamp in South Sudan. Throughout history it has acted as a barrier to people attempting to find the source of the Nile. So on a whim, I took a look at the area via Google Earth. Yes, it's swampy with channels and lakes aplenty. BUT there is a clear channel that the White Nile follows all the way through the Sudd. It certainly seems navigable at this time. So the questions is what, if anything has changed? Why did this area present such a challenge when it seems like there is a clear way through (for at least part of the year)?

👍︎ 2
📅︎ Sep 27 2020
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