A list of puns related to "El"
ma bate gadul sa inchiriez o masina pentru cateva zile. am si facut o rezervare (n-am achitat nimic) si mi-au trimis ceva detalii pe mail. un pic reticent la treaba asta cu inchiriatul am zis sa citesc termenele si conditiile contractului. m-am crucit de ce-am gasit prin el. pun numai 2 dintre clauze care ma ca fac sa renunt la idee si sa ma risc la tren in plina pandemie. e macar legal asa ceva ?
>Politica de anulare a unei rezervări confirmată si platită în avans > >O rezervare plătită în avans, [..], se poate anula în următoarele condiții: > a) Dacă data și ora de ridicare a mașinii este mai mare de 24h față de data anulării, se va >rambursa în contul clientului întreaga sumă plătită în avans (in maxim 365 zile lucratoare), MINUS >20 de euro. Cei 20 de euro reprezintă comisioanele bancare + costurile logistice de închiriere.
>ACORD DE DEBITARE ULTERIOARĂ A CARDULUI BANCAR > >[nume firma] își rezervă dreptul de a încasa ulterior de pe cardul bancar al CLIENTULUI: penalități, >taxe, daune produse Autoturismului, lipsă de combustibil, amenzi, perioada cât - Autoturismul >este imobilizat în service din cauza daunelor produse (se calculează numărul de zile imobilizate >inmultit cu tarifele prezentate pe site-ul www.[nume firma].com in tabelul din sectiunea 2.1 PLATA/ >REZERVAREA AUTOTURISMULUI ) plus o taxă fixă de administrare în valoare de 85 € >(reprezentand costuri administrative precum resursa umana, timp, combustibil, taxe si impozite, >etc >pentru gestionarea si rezolvarea cazului). Prin semnarea Contractului de Închiriere, CLIENTUL >a luat la cunoștință toate termenele și condițiile contractului și își dă acordul ca ulterior [nume >firma] sa poate încasa de pe cardul bancar al acestuia in termen de 1 an de zile de la semnarea >Contractului de Închiriere, toate sumele prevazute in Contractul de Închiriere, insa numai in >situatiile in care aceste sume sunt datorate in stricta conformitate cu clauzele contractuale.
Updating this frequently, he's having an interview with Josep Pedrerol right now
>"The major clubs of England, Spain and Italy have to give a solution to the bad situation that football is experiencing"
>"More competitive games will make everyone earn more money."
>"We came to the conclusion that by doing the Super League instead of the CL we could help the lost income."
>"The Super League will save clubs financially."
>"Here at Real Madrid we lost a lot of money and we're in a very bad situation. Top clubs in Spain and England are coming to conclusions about fixing football. Madrid alone lost €400m and nothing was being done about that."
Long commercial break rn... We're back
>"UEFA threats? Football needs to evolve, audiences are going down."
>"Football was losing interest from fans, we need a change."
>"16-24 year old fans of that age don't have interest in football. Football needs to adapt to the new generations, now."
>"All I do is for the good of football."
>"The Super League will generate more money. It’s more attractive. Manchester-Madrid or Milan-Barca will be more attractive than Manchester vs a smaller team.
>"What does the world want? The big teams have fans from China and Singapore and beyond, and that's what generates money."
>"Teams can come in to the Super League, we never thought of that it's not a closed league, and we always thought about sporting merit. Sevilla can perfectly join the Super League the same way they can go to the CL in their league position."
>"We have 15 teams + another 5 teams. Those 5 teams will earn their place every season."
>"If you win, you receive €120-130m from UEFA but with Super League we will earn much more."
>"The new Champions League format will not save football. I don't understand it, it won't help anything."
>"I came in 2000 to save Real Madrid from financial ruin and I did. I saved the club."
>"UEFA is a monopoly, what we're trying to do is save football. They must be transparent, and UEFA never has had a good history."
>"I don't know why UEFA has been threatening since our press release says we would work out with them and FIFA."
>"UEFA has prepared the new format of UCL for 2024. In 2024, football will be dead."
>"The players can stay totally calm about their national teams. The ban can't happen."
>"How can La Liga lose prestige? It won't lose value with the Super League. Those two competitions can coexist."
... keep reading on reddit ➡Hello guys, he didn't show up yesterday, but the interview WILL take place today, at 00:00 local time. (In 13 minutes)
Link to stream
Last night was a long night. We were together in the meeting until around 1:00 A.M.
Interviewer: President of Real Madrid and the Super League? No, the President of Real Madrid is fine.
I am quite sad and disappointed. We have been working on this Super League project for 3 years, to fight against the economic problems we were going through.
The format of the Champions League is obsolete, and people only become interested at the quarter-final.
Among the 12 teams, we lost a total of €650M last season. This season, that number will double or triple. The current format clearly does not work.
Among the 12 teams, we have about 2 billion fans around the world, half the total of football fans in the world.
I have never seen such aggression from the Presidents of UEFA and La Liga. It seemed planned.
All the threats, insults.. It was as if we had killed football! Football must be saved.
One of the 6 Premier League clubs did not have much of an interest in the Super League, and that began to wear off on the others. They were never convinced of the project.
It is very easy to understand, the League is untouchable. The time that you need to get money is during the week. This format clearly does not work.
If this project didn't work, another one will. Remember: All the 12 clubs signed a legally binding contract.
The Super League project was viable without the German and French teams, for sure.
We didn't promise anything to Bayern and PSG. That rumor is false.
I think that we did not present the project well, but we were not given an opportunity to explain it well. They have not given us the opportunity because they did not want to.
It can't be La Liga where the teams at the top lose money and the other teams win money.
The Super League project is on stand-by, this I can confirm.
Juventus and A.C. Milan have not left the Super League.
The English teams left because of the hostile atmosphere. UEFA have put on a display that has surprised me. We asked to speak to the UEFA President, and it was as if we had dropped an atomic bomb.
Young people no longer watch football. 40% of 16-24 year olds do NOT watch football.
4 teams from each country can enter the
His name was Elo-el
the ghouls just freaked me out alot enemies like them do in games when i first start to play but 1 year later i dont give a second thought when i see a few.
just magical how that works isnt it XD
¡Hola Reddit! Soy Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, Jefe de Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Hace unos días mi equipo me contó sobre esta comunidad y me pareció una buena idea charlar con ustedes para conocernos un poco más. Creo que está buenísimo poder tener un diálogo tan directo como el que ofrece esta plataforma, los invito a dejar sus preguntas en los comentarios y en un rato las voy a estar contestando.
Empiezo yo, tengo 26 años y soy dentista, me recibí hace poco más de un año pero estoy ejerciendo hace bastante más, y dentro de esos años de ejercicio lo más random que me pasó fue atendiendo a un paciente de 19 años, la cosa fue así:
En el medio de la consulta, entre charla y charla mientras le ponía selladores no me acuerdo cómo me terminó comentando que jugaba "a un juego de disparos que se llamaba CSGO" el cual evidentemente yo conozco al milímetro (juego desde que salió básicamente, llegué a global, lvl 20 en gc, no me considero ni un poco profesional pero si quiero creer que juego bastante decente). En ese momento sentí un deseo primitivo e infantil de decirle YO TAMBIÉN JUEGO,imposible de reprimir, y si. Se lo termine diciendo, y para peor, pasándome todos los manuales de ética y de relación paciente profesional por el escroto, le dije que si me ganaba un match yo le pagaba lo que restaba del tratamiento (en realidad eran dos aplicaciones de barniz de flúor trimestrales y no era tanto pero bueno) el pibe con su mejor cara de "a este viejo lo destruyó" me dijo que obvio que aceptaba.
El mismo día a la noche se jugó esa partida en Overpass, gane 16 2. A favor del pibe tengo que decir que se notaba que no tenía una premade armada y creo que su rango era ak o ak cruzada, un gran jugador, pero que no pudo con la experiencia del dentista con el kd más alto de la localidad de Boulogne.
Hello, I will be posting quotes from Florentino Pérez's interview with El Larguero.
Links to the stream for Spanish speakers
We are still waiting on Pérez to finish the meeting he is currently in, so the interview has not begun yet.
It has been 31 minutes. Pérez has not showed his face yet.
50 minutes now. Beyond humiliating for Pérez at this point, especially considering how arrogant he was yesterday. His 10 year 'project' has fallen apart.
1 hour. An entire HOUR, Florentino has delayed this interview for.
1 hour and 20 minutes. Pérez will not be showing up. I will not be updating this thread anymore, but you can have a discussion in the comments about what was said on the broadcast. Goodnight guys.
I think I just blew my own mind. I read the below article and all the sudden it just popped into my head...what if Guinan is a Q......and the Q's are what's left of the El-Aurians that got blown up on those ships in the nexus during Star Trek Generations. What if they had been in the Nexus for SO long they figured out how to manipulate its powers and basically became the Q continuum. But Guinan is like pfft, I'm not about this life and dipped out.
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Tessék menni pultozni, szórólapozni, előválasztást koordinálni, kampányolni, akármi. Nélkületek nem fog menni, az internetes siránkozás semmit nem ér. Az ellenzéknek nincs elég pénze és embere, hogy felvegye a harcot az teljes állami apparátussal, amit a Fidesz mozgósítani fog a választásokra. Aktivisták, szimpatizánsok kellenek, de valami kibaszott sok.
Könyörgöm, tegyetek valamit aktívan, ha zavar, hogy lopnak. Köszönöm!
Itt lehet csatlakozni:
Mindenki Magyarországa Mozgalom; Márki-Zay
Hadházy Ákos: kapcsolat@hadhazyakos.hu; Tisztességes és Igazságos Társadalomért Alapítvány; Korrupcióinfó
Szél Bernadett: bernadett@szelbernadett.hu
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