A list of puns related to "Knapp"
Was just listening to it live! Expect lots of posts of clips from the conversation to be posted tomorrow when the recording is up. (EDIT: The interview is premiering now publicly on the Coast2Coast youtube (for free!). And if you’d rather prefer a written transcription, Joe Murgia has a great twitter thread. Thanks to u/sivimigi for pointing this out!)
Overall, Lue seemed very optimistic, and said 2022 is going to be an even more exciting year than 2021 and that the government was going to become even more publicly involved with the topic.
Also, George Knapp did a fantastic job and was able to get Lue to discuss the people within the OUSDI who were retaliating against him via the “deleted” emails and contradictory statements from the pentagon press office. Lue wouldn’t name names directly, but George brought up the name Garry Reid and Elizondo’s response was “if you don’t have anything nice to say about someone, don’t say it at all.” Lue also said he hopes the IG investigation(s) will become public, because when that happens it’ll be a moment to “kick back with some popcorn and enjoy the show”. He specifically mentioned that the people responsible for this retaliation were his former bosses in the OUSDI (when he served as director of NPSMS aka “the SAP access people”). He also mentioned that the recent story by The Black Vault regarding the missing 1970’s CIA documents was in some way related to what has happened with his emails (unsure on the specifics of this, would need to listen to this part again).
He also emphasized that this will be a long process; for example, he said if you’re someone expecting the government to bring out the bodies in the near future you should “go learn a hobby and maybe come back in 5 years”. He said that right now, this is just the first of nine innings, and we’re off to a strong start. He also said that he has confidence in Avril Haines to “reign in” the those trying to subvert the narrative in the DoD (ex. AOISMG), and that she is likely already aware of who exactly these people are and why they’re doing it (in his words, “self preservation”).
He also mentioned that the US governmen
... keep reading on reddit ➡Der Titel ist glaube ich selbsterklärend. Wart ihr schon einmal in einer (oder einigen) Situation(en), in denen ihr in akuter Lebensgefahr wart bzw. nur knapp mit dem Leben davon gekommen seid? Kann alles sein, von schweren Krankheiten bis hin zu (beinahe-)Unfällen und/oder "Extremsituationen" wie beispielsweise das Klettern an einer hohen Felswand ohne Sicherung.
Bremen hat die höchste Impfquote mit Abstand (80,8% vollständig, Quelle). Niedersachsen und Schleswig-Holstein wechseln sich seit Monaten als Länder mit der niedrigsten Inzidenz ab. Die Übersterblichkeit ist hier kaum/nicht messbar. Was vermutet ihr wovon das kommt?
Looks like Coast to Coast will resume regular programming tonight that does not include:
What it will include is a discussion that looks back at 2021 and the UFO activity during that year! Lue Elizondo, former Intelligence Officer, will describe what will come next as we look forward. Knapp will also have on journalist Bryce Zabel who will attempt to shed some light on what 2022 could bring in the UFO world.
So bring in the cat, brew a hot cup of coffee, put on your smoking jacket and fuzzy slippers, and forget about the crappy topics C2C had on last week. Tonight will be a treat.
Etwas Kontext: Ich habe nach dem Referendariat 1 Jahr als Vertretung an einem Gymnasium gearbeitet, dann 5,5 Jahre an einer Gesamtschule im Brennpunkt. Wurde auf Lebenszeit verbeamtet, habe dann aber beim Auftreten deutlicher Burnoutsymptome gekündigt. Um dem Job nochmal unter anderen Umständen eine Chance zu geben habe ich an einer Privatschule angefangen. War nach einem Jahr aber auch wieder richtig ausgebrannt und habe gekündigt und mit dem Beruf abgeschlossen. Meine Fächer sind Englisch und Religion. Klassenleitung, LK, Mitarbeit in Gremien war alles dabei. Ask me anything!
Lue Elizondo Appeared on Coast to Coast AM with George Knapp a few days ago. Just sharing this in case anyone missed it.
I was reading an old AMA thread that George Knapp did back in 2013 and I found one of his replies really neat. It seems to predict the current UAP/UFO slow disclosure that we currently find ourselves in. He was asked what he thought of the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure that occurred in 2013. He replied (the wall of text is how he had it formatted sorry):
" I support the general idea of disclosure and think they had a top notch lineup--with a few clunkers thrown into the mix. However, as I mentioned in response to another question, I do not believe disclosure is going to happen, now or anytime. I do believe, as J. Vallee has said, that there is a treasure trove of UFO evidence somewhere because the government is the one with the sensors and radar to collect such info, but IF it still exists, it most likely has been transferred out of the government and into private or corporate hands so that someone like me could never find it via FOIA, or--more likely--so no one in Congress could find it. I have been told by person who are highly placed and whom I trust very much that a policy similar to disclosure is underway now. it is something akin to confirmation of the basic core story. It is a gradual, long term strategy and will not involve a sudden announcement by the President. We have all heard rumors about this sort of thing in years past. For the first time, I now believe something really is going on. I applaud S. Bassett for his commitment to the cause. as a 1st amendment guy, I beleive in the public's right to know, but--as mentioned--disclosure is not going to happen, not unless it is done by another major government or by some kind of irrefutable gesture by "the visitors", whoever they might be. They seem to have shown no interest in giving us proof positive, beyond tantalizing glimpses, so ti seems like they favor a gradual release as well. I have not met Greer but am not a fan. Every time I get an email from him, he is asking people for money, and it always seems like the issue of the day is about HIM, more than the phenomena. Maybe if I had a chance to meet him face to face, I would form a different impression. "
That's all, I just thought it interesting that Knapp was aware of what is happening now 9 years ago. Here's the link https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/1dtaqy/i_am_investigative_journalist_george_knapp/
Dachte mir es könnte vielleicht interessant sein, da man ja in Deutschland scheinbar auf den nächsten Lockdown zusteuert während es hier in Schweden so etwas nie gab.
Fragt mich alles zu Einschränkungen, Impfungen in einem digitalisierten Gesundheitssystem, keine Masken etc.
Habe erst an sowas wie Pusted oder Hugendubel gedacht, die es ja überall gibt. Fällt euch noch etwas ein?
Habe eine Landkarte bei Amazon bestellt und mir wurde die falsche geschickt, jetzt brauch ich Rat 😄
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