My lumberjack friend was irate because he had such dull tools to chop trees. So he went to his foreman.

He had an ax to grind.

πŸ‘︎ 5
πŸ‘€︎ u/thomasbrakeline
πŸ“…︎ Aug 12 2020
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Pirates make me irate
πŸ‘︎ 146
πŸ‘€︎ u/Glowstick2019
πŸ“…︎ Nov 29 2019
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Getting p(irate)

What's a pirates favourite letter? R!!

What's a pirates second favourite letter?? C!!

What's a pirates least favourite letter??

Dear Mr Pirate, we regret to inform you that due to improper acquirement of docking paperwork your ship has been seized....

πŸ‘︎ 6
πŸ‘€︎ u/optometris
πŸ“…︎ Jan 25 2017
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My classmate wanted to say something about irate...

He asked about it then said they should put it on the apple app store.


God damnit.

πŸ‘︎ 2
πŸ‘€︎ u/vaGnomeMagician
πŸ“…︎ Sep 23 2014
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What do you call a pirate who's mad because he can't pee?


πŸ‘︎ 16
πŸ“…︎ Dec 13 2020
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What's a pirates favourite letter ?

'P' Without P he'd be 'irate'

πŸ‘︎ 15
πŸ“…︎ Dec 07 2020
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How do you make pirate furious?

Remove the p

πŸ‘︎ 446
πŸ‘€︎ u/SrGearhead
πŸ“…︎ Dec 21 2019
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What's a pirate's favorite letter.

P. Without it they're irate.

πŸ‘︎ 79
πŸ‘€︎ u/XxMrSlayaxX
πŸ“…︎ May 10 2020
🚨︎ report
What's a pirates favorite letter?

P. It's like R, but missing a leg.

πŸ‘︎ 50
πŸ‘€︎ u/CuriousQueso
πŸ“…︎ Apr 08 2019
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How do you make a Pirate angry?

Take the 'P' out of him…

πŸ‘︎ 4k
πŸ‘€︎ u/madazzahatter
πŸ“…︎ Jul 17 2017
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Many people say that a pirate’s favourite letter is R but...

It’s actually the P.

If you take it away he becomes irate.

πŸ‘︎ 206
πŸ‘€︎ u/v1ncent97
πŸ“…︎ Oct 08 2019
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What is a pirate’s favorite letter?

R. But his true love be the C.

πŸ‘︎ 510
πŸ‘€︎ u/alexisd3000
πŸ“…︎ May 26 2018
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What happens when you don’t let a pirate pee?

He gets irate

πŸ‘︎ 8
πŸ‘€︎ u/garboooge
πŸ“…︎ Feb 10 2020
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What's the difference between an angry circus owner and a Roman barber?

One is a raving showman, and the other is a shaving Roman.

πŸ‘︎ 76
πŸ‘€︎ u/JRBX
πŸ“…︎ Feb 23 2019
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Why do Pirates hate going to the bathroom?

As soon as they get rid of their P, they’re just irate.

πŸ‘︎ 14
πŸ‘€︎ u/Wolff_X
πŸ“…︎ Dec 06 2019
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What is a pirate's favorite letter?

Child: RRRRrrrr!
Dad: Nay! 'Tis the C

πŸ‘︎ 76
πŸ‘€︎ u/InthegrOTTO87
πŸ“…︎ Feb 17 2017
🚨︎ report
I measure the success of my puns by seeing how angry they make people.

That's how irate them.

πŸ‘︎ 314
πŸ“…︎ Jul 19 2017
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Why do pirates love the letter p so much?

Without it they'd be irate

πŸ‘︎ 28
πŸ‘€︎ u/bionicbob321
πŸ“…︎ May 26 2019
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A lot of people think a pirate's favorite letter is "R" ...

But it's actually ... the "C"!

πŸ‘︎ 14
πŸ‘€︎ u/meepsmops
πŸ“…︎ Nov 29 2016
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A man walks into an ice cream parlor

and says, β€œGive me two scoops of chocolate.”

The guy behind the counter says, β€œI’m sorry sir, we’re out of chocolate.”

The man replies with, β€œwell, in that give me two scoops of chocolate.”

The guy behind the counter says, β€œSir, I’m sorry but we’re out of chocolate.”

The man, thinking hard this time says, β€œWell, I want two scoops of chocolate.”

The guy behind the counter, now irate, says, β€œSir, can you spell the straw in strawberry?”


β€œCan you spell the van in vanilla?”


β€œCan you spell the fuck in chocolate?”

The man thinks for a second and says, β€œThere is no β€˜fuck’ in chocolate.”

The guy behind the counter slaps the countertop with his hand and says, β€œThat’s what I’ve been trying to tell you! There is no fuckin’ chocolate.”

πŸ‘︎ 27
πŸ‘€︎ u/maaack3nzi3
πŸ“…︎ Aug 28 2018
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What do you call a pissed of sailor?


πŸ‘︎ 4
πŸ‘€︎ u/yetilock
πŸ“…︎ Apr 12 2019
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A man walks into a bar...

...he orders a drink. The bartender makes the drink, and gives it to him. The man is upset. "This drink is too warm!" He exclaims.

The bartender takes his drink back, adds an ice cube, and hands it to the Man. The man is unhappy with this. "this drink is still too warm!"

The bartender takes the drink back, and adds more ice cubes. Once again, he hands it to the Man. The man is irate. "This drink is STILL too warm!!!"

The bartender is now annoyed. He takes the man's drink, dumps it out, and serves him a glass of ice. The man is left speechless.

Finally, just ice was served

πŸ‘︎ 10
πŸ‘€︎ u/p1nkbr0
πŸ“…︎ Mar 15 2019
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With Pirate bay in the news this joke is timely, if not funny

Dad: what's a pirate's favorite letter? Me: That's easy, "arrr" Dad: you'd think so but you'd be wrong. Its the "C" Me: groan Dad: But wait there's more... actually it might be the "P", because without a p a pirate is just irate! Me: I'm so done

πŸ‘︎ 8
πŸ‘€︎ u/mokatter
πŸ“…︎ Dec 12 2014
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What happens when you don't let a pirate pee?

Well he becomes irate! Dad told me this one on the way out of CVS when we saw a guy with an eye patch.

πŸ‘︎ 3
πŸ‘€︎ u/BubberDuckey
πŸ“…︎ Feb 09 2015
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What do you call an irritated pirate?


πŸ‘︎ 2
πŸ‘€︎ u/Zorgron
πŸ“…︎ Oct 08 2020
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What’s a pirate’s favourite letter?

P. Without it they would be irate

πŸ‘︎ 33
πŸ‘€︎ u/dandan_56
πŸ“…︎ Feb 24 2018
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