I've been torturing my daughter, vol. 4

The fourth album is often the best.

Credit to the original submitters. Thanks for keeping me funny, dads.

EDIT: Black Sabbath, Paranoid, Master of Reality

👍︎ 64
👤︎ u/geoffevans
📅︎ May 25 2017
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Batman made a dad joke (JLA vol.1 #99)


👍︎ 2
👤︎ u/Mac_Light
📅︎ Jul 22 2015
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I've been torturing my daughter with jokes for years now

And here they are

In case this is your first time here (I haven't posted in a while), I find jokes here and elsewhere on the internet (and now my friends have started sending me jokes), and I text them to my daughter. I then capture her reactions for those sweet, sweet internet points.

Thanks very much to the original joke submitters. You dads are alright. If you missed any of the previous episodes:

Vol. 1

Vol. 2

Vol. 3

Vol. 4

EDIT: Since this is blowing up, I may as well mention that the young lady in question just passed her driver's license test this morning! Everyone congratulate her!

Also, thanks for the gold.

👍︎ 13k
👤︎ u/geoffevans
📅︎ Jul 30 2018
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