A list of puns related to "Legal Capacity"
Are the standard capacity magazines for Glocks fair game to carry for CCW? The terms and conditions for LACo state :
• Possessing a firearm or equipment altered from its originally approved and inspected condition, or weapon not listed on the license
• Possessing any illegal equipment or attachments to a firearm
Anyone have any issues with getting a standard cap mag “approved”?
Hi all! Say a person has dementia and would like to sign legal documents without a guardian or said persons power of attorney, would they be able to do so?
Thank you and happy New Years to you all!
TD Ameritrade, Inc. is a subsidiary of Charles Schwab Corp (both multi-billion dollar enterprises and Global Financial Service Providers), and a member of FINRA/SIPC. Yet, they are claiming their resources are being overwhelmed by too many demands for DRS transfers on GME...which is causing a 4-6 week delay in processing those DRS requests.
Securities trading is a time-sensitive activity, as everyone is aware. By delaying execution of demands for DRS transfers, they are perpetuating the ability of the "DTC Network" to continue loaning/naked shorting those shares, which ultimately causes the genuine owner of those shares to suffer financially (as the naked shorting drives down the price). Keep records of all correspondence with brokers who delay executing DRS demands.
I did something (don't remember what), and government send me a letter that my legal capacity has been revoked because of it. I wasn't really subjected to any laws, wasn't recognized as a person and engage with any anything. Like a slave without an owner, I was outside of the system.
I remember it was really realistic an I was distressed as hell trying to become a 'person' again. Can't remember last time I was so relieved after waking up.
What could it even mean?
Title pretty much says it all. The only valid argument that I see against flat out banning the ar 15 and high capacity magazines is that heavy regulation and tax would make it so that only wealthy individuals can own ar-15s. Pretty much anyone who is willing to go through the process of obtaining a class 3 firearm can do so, provided that they are not barred from owning other kinds of firearms.
The cheapest class 3 firearm I've seen was either 10 or 15k usd, and the process of obtaining one takes around 8 months I've been told. Businesses are also allowed to own post 1986 firearms, which is why some ranges have modern m249 saws, m4s, and ak-47s. One with enough money could buy some private property and obtain all the required licenses and have their own private shooting range business.
Since I have yet to see any of these guns used in mass shootings, I'm not convinced that fully banning the ar-15 and high capacity magazines has any legitimate arguments.
I am stuck with getting CLCCM from my Tunisian embassy in Tokyo as they requested my presence. Is there any workaround or any other alternative documents that Nagoya city hall would approve it? Has anybody been or knows someone in a similar situation and got it solved?
I am planning to proceed the marriage procedures online that my partner would send me the marriage application form to fill in and sign then post mail it back, since either one of the couples can submit the marriage application.
The consul suggested having my celibacy certificate [issued from my hometown] translated and stamped/legalized in the ministry of foreign affairs and again in the Japanese embassy in Tunis. However, I need to verify with the latter.
Any suggestions and insights/fact are much appreciated!
Bet you
In MD what is the highest capacity magazine I can legally purchase for a handgun? I know for rifles it is 10, is it the same for handuns?
I can’t seem to find what the legal capacity for a semi-auto shotgun that just uses a magazine tube is? All i can find online about semi-auto shotguns is 6 rounds for a detachable magazine.
England, UK
My mother suffered quite a severe covid related stroke earlier in the year. The stroke has unfortunately left her paralysed down one side of her body, unable to move independently, swallow or speak. She is also unfortunately unable to communicate more than understanding basic prompts/commands (look over here, lift functioning arm, wave etc). I believe she has little understanding of what is happening around her or even who I am at times. I believe she qualifies as having lost mental capacity, as not able to verbalise or communicate decisions soundly for herself.
Fortunately - she is stable, and has recently been moved from the hospital ward she was being treated on to a rehabilitation facility. Lifting of restrictions have meant I have been able to visit her and gain a fuller picture of what recovery has been made rather than having nearly all updates over the phone. I have not yet had a report from a psychotherapist to confirm her mental capacity.
It is now obvious the chances of a full recovery are highly unlikely and quality of life will never be what it once was. The living accommodation she was in beforehand is no longer fit for purpose. She is currently addressed to a care home that is paid for by her local council due to being legally blind with several other disabilities. The tenancy has been renewed and paid in full for this year to ensure she has a consistent address).
Unfortunately, my mother did not appoint anyone as LPA (legal power of attorney), which I have confirmed to be true via the forms on the Gov website. I believe the next steps for me to assume LPA are to apply to court of protection which I assume if my research is correct, as I am applying and have not been appointed I will assume title of Deputy not attorney. I’m unsure what the differences are here but I believe grants me enough power to manage her affairs, finances and make decisions in terms of care beyond what sits with powers as next of kin etc.
I believe I can locate all the correct forms through Gov website and fill them in to be sent off to begin process.
However, my question is - Is it advisable I contact a solicitor or gain legal advice while navigating this process. Are there likely to be any pitfalls I need to be aware of to cover myself and ensure my poor Mum is looked after care and accommodation wise, and settle outstanding balances with her finances and make sure they’re managed correctly?
From my understanding of the law, the magazine capacity law referring to 10 rds is only for (detachable) magazines that can fit into semi-automatic firearms.
Does this means, that technically, (theoretical) drums that only fit into bolt-action rifles like the Mosin Nagant are legal???
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