Help me help a friend: need a good pun

Hi, a friend of mine had to organize a “theme”week for a Biology student’s association. The name of the theme has to be a biology pun. Examples are: smells like green spirit, game of thorns, sofishticated or the great catsby.

These names were all used in the past and now she needs new names. Help me out, thanks in advance.

👍︎ 6
👤︎ u/Foxlair
📅︎ Mar 05 2020
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3 4 5


  • I currently live and study in the Philippines

  • One Philippine Peso (₱) is approximately 1/40 a dollar. Go check the conversion ratio if you doubt.

  • A single stick of this choco wafer stick right here (called Stick-O) usually costs at about ₱1

  • I study in a college where student organizations are prevalent and their means of collecting funds is by Fund Raising Activity, i.e., selling consumables to students (usually food at exorbitant retail prices)

Every single time when I see an organization member doing his/her FRA selling Stick-O's, I ask...

Me: How much is that?

FRA: Three for five.

Me: ₱3 for 5 pieces?

They chuckle in shame. They then correct me:

FRA: No, 3 pieces for ₱5 pesos

👍︎ 2
📅︎ Nov 16 2014
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