A list of puns related to "Strait Of Gibraltar"
Her crew was not on board and the only lifeboat gone, but the ship had no damage and was perfectly serviceable much like the home that Ben and Barbera stumble upon in the movie. The shot can best be seen when Ben arrives at the home and when Ben, Tom, and Judy Rose make an attempt to retrieve gasoline from the gas pumps. The sign is by the front door on the porch and nailed with script font.
In reading about Pytheas of Massalia, I saw this purported blockade mentioned in the discussion of how Pytheas may have been able to reach to British Isles. Upon a cursory search, I found a number of works that mention this blockade as an established fact without citing any particular sources, while at least one credible-seeming work that does cite some ancient sources argues that it's doubtful to have existed. It seems the basic idea is that the blockade would have been in place to restrict access to the tin trade to the north and/or the gold trade to the south. I would be interested to know what evidence there is for or against the existence of such a blockade. If it did exist, what form would it have taken? What would have been the reasons for it?
I would also be interested to learn any details about the Carthaginian involvement in the tin trade, or other activities in Atlantic Europe.
> 🌍 Temblor! Earthquake! Terratrèmol! 4.6 M, 2019-10-25 09:35:49 UTC (daytime) Strait Of Gibraltar (36.96, -4.88) ± 26 km, ↓5 km likely felt 100 km away (in Málaga, Estepona…) by 1.6 million people — Webcams: https://is.gd/ac5tfx https://is.gd/lmZ5UY https://is.gd/rhgbkO (Twitter)
> 🌍 Temblor? Earthquake? Terratrèmol? Likely strong, possibly 2019-10-25 09:36:05 UTC (daytime) Strait Of Gibraltar (36.94, -4.31) ± 25 km likely felt 120 km away — Webcams: https://is.gd/Fu19BA https://is.gd/myQvlz https://is.gd/lmZ5UY (Twitter)
Possibly no. This location was only just given during the Renaissance based by the source of Strabo, previously the pillars were believed to be located somewhere the Phoenician empire and this mystic disappeared place was originally called names the Gates of Gades and sometimes Pillars of Melqart (Strabo and Herodotus) which would rather indicate a connection to the ancient city of Tyre. Plus in addition, according to Plato, the area of Atlantis, once sunken, was long shallow and so muddy that you couldn't go by boat to this area.
But about else... The Atlantis, or possible really Benben*, is an Egyptian creation myth regarding the goddess Neith from City of Sais. Unfortunately, the Neith temple is no longer upright, it was demolished and the stones recycled in other buildings. Only the foundations of the temple remain. So we will never know how the original myth was go before Plato.
So im not sure if this is more of a geography question or not, but why was the rock of Gibraltar considered paramount for naval control of the straights? What about Ceuta across the sea? Why is that location not considered needed to "control" the straights? Is this a natural harbor thing?
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