A German guy went on a vacation to Miami to escape the German bitterly cold atmosphere. On his first day of the trip, he headed to the beach and had some mai tais.

Unfortunately, he has a low alcohol tolerance, so it did not take him long to be drunk.

He felt a strong urge to pee, and in his drunken state, decided to answer nature's call right on the sand.

Then, out of nowhere comes a lady, also a tourist. She was frightened and shrieked: "Gross!"


๐Ÿ‘︎ 284
๐Ÿ‘ค︎ u/Ok-Savior-Brian
๐Ÿ“…︎ Jun 14 2022
๐Ÿšจ︎ report
The Massachusetts Department of Transportation received multiple calls of dead birds on the Boston Turnpike.

A preliminary investigation confirmed a very large amount of dead birds on the roadway. According to the investigation, an overwhelming majority of these deaths were the result of an impact with an 18-wherler.

The state reached out to Boston College, Harvard, UMass, and MIT and created a team of experts in the fields of transportation, physics, ornithology, and animal psychology. These experts conducted a six-month-long study of the events around the Turnpike. Their goal was to determine why such a large number of birds were being killed by 18-wheelers.

The results of this study revealed that one specific species of crow (the Bostonian black) has a natural defense mechanism that allows it to audibly warn other birds of oncoming vehicles. Over time, the other birds come to depend on this audible warning. Unfortunately, there appears to be a defect in this defense when it comes to warning about the 18-wheelers.

Apparently the crow can say "caw, caw" to warn the other birds but it can't say "twuck, twuck."

๐Ÿ‘︎ 31
๐Ÿ‘ค︎ u/Sad_Refrigerator_1
๐Ÿ“…︎ Aug 25 2022
๐Ÿšจ︎ report
The Sinking of the Titanic: A Global Tragedy

Around 1910, a French chef did a series of reckless experiments with boiled egg whites and other items, thus accidentally creating a new condiment. He named it after his hometown, and so the new confection became known as mayonnaise.

One of the first fans of the new confection was Mexicoโ€™s ambassador to France, who wrote home about this marvelous new product, and so an enormous demand for mayonnaise developed across Mexico. But the demand could not be met; the chef refused to share the recipe with anyone, and the logistics of keeping the product cold while in transit from France to any part of Mexico proved very difficult.

An especially ambitious entrepreneur named Julio Gomez offered a solution: instead of sailing from France directly to Mexico, through the warm waters where the unrefrigerated mayonnaise would likely spoil, it could be shipped from France to the northern United States, a voyage that would be much colder and therefore preserve the mayonnaise much better. Once unloaded in New York, it would only need a few days to reach Mexico by train, and so Gomez arranged for special refrigerated rail cars to transport it.

The financial and logistical difficulties of this shipping method were daunting, but Gomez was more than equal to the task. He had hoped to begin the shipping in late 1911 to take advantage of the cold weather, but what with one thing and another he was forced to delay until the following spring.

But April in the North Atlantic is still cold enough, and so Gomez went ahead with his plan. He secured his supply of mayonnaise in Paris, and got it to Liverpool in record time. From there he managed to get it into the cargo of a passenger liner that was leaving for New York that very day, and arranged for the rail cars to meet the shipment in New York. Word of this development reached Mexico, where it was received with great joy and anticipation.

Much to Gomezโ€™s misfortune, the ship in question was none other than the Titanic. The importation scheme was a total loss, and no further attempt to import mayonnaise to Mexico was made for decades after.

Due to the rushed and chaotic nature of Gomezโ€™s operation, it took some weeks to confirm that his cargo of mayonnaise had been on the Titanic. Once the news was confirmed, Mexicoโ€™s hopes were crushed and there was a period of low-key national mourning.

The tragic loss of the Titanic shocked and saddened people all over the world. Mass funerals for the dead passengers were held in New York, L

... keep reading on reddit โžก

๐Ÿ‘︎ 7
๐Ÿ“…︎ Jun 22 2022
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