a contradiction in terms
👍︎ 1k
📅︎ Apr 03 2020
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Contradiction in terms

From Steven E. Snow (Church Historian):

“I think in the past there was a tendency to keep a lot of the records [of the Church] closed or at least not give access to information.... Some members of the church, many really, are surprised by some of the things they learn in our history.

From M Russell Ballard (current Apostle related to Joseph Smith):

“…there has been no attempt on the part, in any way, of the Church leaders trying to hide anything from anybody.”

👍︎ 112
👤︎ u/NOWmormon
📅︎ Dec 23 2018
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u/MakeThePieBigger defends ancap in r/CvS: "Anarcho-Capitalism is a Contradiction in Terms" reddit.com/r/CapitalismVS…
👍︎ 15
👤︎ u/Anen-o-me
📅︎ Jan 15 2019
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"No human being is ‘illegal’. That is a contradiction in terms. Human beings can be beautiful or more beautiful, they can be fat or skinny, they can be right or wrong, but illegal? How can a human being be illegal?" - Elie Wiesel (Holocaust Survivor, Nobel Peace Prize Winner)
👍︎ 11
📅︎ Jun 22 2019
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Scorpio sun and Libra Mercury? Doesn’t this seem like a contradiction? How would someone with this combination be like in terms pf communication?

On one hand you have Scorpio who knows what it wants and has his mind set on a certain goal and won’t waver from that but on the other hand you have Libra who can’t make up its mind and is indecisive.

👍︎ 2
👤︎ u/LastEmu6
📅︎ May 30 2019
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Billie Joe Armstrong of Green Day: "I've always hated the phrase 'pop-punk.' I think it's a contradiction in terms." fuse.tv/2016/10/green-day…
👍︎ 17
📅︎ Oct 06 2016
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Guy gets a bit cross at having someone film him - then the puppet has a chat with him about the fact he's walking to the camera and the contradiction in terms streamable.com/59t0
👍︎ 24
👤︎ u/air28uk
📅︎ Nov 05 2017
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With the rise of the alt-right, Latino white supremacy may not be a contradiction in terms mic.com/articles/187062/w…
👍︎ 16
👤︎ u/JengaKhan
📅︎ Dec 28 2017
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Is "LEFT-POPULISM" A Contradiction in Terms? youtube.com/watch?v=dqe9n…
👍︎ 3
📅︎ Feb 15 2019
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Press Release: Aadhaar's "Compelled free consent" is a contradiction in terms rethinkaadhaar.in/blog/20…
👍︎ 62
👤︎ u/in3xorabl3
📅︎ Apr 28 2017
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Ai Wei Wei: Never Sorry. Chinese political artist, a contradiction in terms, after designing the Bird's Nest Stadium, he shunned the games, calling China a totalitarian government and the games a 'pretend harmony and happiness'. A perspective into a nation whose government censors everything. imdb.com/title/tt1845773/
👍︎ 15
👤︎ u/antsam9
📅︎ Jan 16 2013
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"The characteristic feature of the loser is to bemoan, in general terms, mankind’s flaws, biases, contradictions, and irrationality - without exploiting them for fun and profit" - Nassim Taleb
👍︎ 19
📅︎ Apr 19 2015
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Are "self-publishing" and "serious fiction" contradictions in terms?

That seems to be the common view. And, to be sure, there is a ton of junk from SPAs (as there is from PAs). Of course, this raises the question of "what is serious fiction?" But trying to overlook that for a moment, what are your opinions on the central question?

👍︎ 2
👤︎ u/rongeigle
📅︎ Dec 30 2013
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At Long Last, I Can Finally Apply the Term "Professional" to Myself Without Contradiction
👍︎ 92
👤︎ u/slcrook
📅︎ Nov 01 2014
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Don't the events of "Q Who" contradict "The Neutral Zone" in terms of where the Borg were?

In "Q Who," Q gets revenge on the Enterprise for not letting him join the crew by flinging them 7000 light years away into Borg dominated space, alerting the Borg to their presence and essentially painting a target on the Federation for the Borg to come after them. But previously in "The Neutral Zone," we learned that several Romulan and Federation outposts had been destroyed by the Borg already, and the Romulan-Federation neutral zone is deep in charted territory.

So what happened to the Borg that were at the Romulan-Federation neutral zone? And if the Borg had already encountered the Federation and Romulans close to both of their territories, why did they only make an invasion after encountering the Enterprise 7000 light years away in System J-25?

👍︎ 9
📅︎ Oct 20 2019
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Shadow Priest and Balance Druid changes in Legion contradict one another in terms of game design

So in short, what do I mean by the title? I mean that Blizzard has changed the way Balance Druids play to give more control to the player while they seems to have done the reverse to Shadow Priests. Balance Druids have been moved out of the concept of rotating between eclipses that were outside of your control, and instead build lunar power which the player chooses to expend whenever he or she wishes. I kind of like this change as beforehand it felt players had much less control over their choices and were more or less along for the ride and couldn't fully choose how to play their character moment to moment.

The change Blizzard has made to Balance Druids shows that they think players should have more say in how and when they expend their resources, which I completely agree with.

Now onto Shadow Priests. It seems like the changes made to Shadow Priests contradict the gameplay changes made to improve Balance Druid's quality of choices. Right now for Shadow Priests, when you hit 100 insanity, you go in to void form at no control by the player. Whether or not you just killed a mob or are at the end of a trash pull is irrelevant, when you hit 100 insanity, you are forced to play in the void form playstyle regardless of what is going on around you. Compare this to the previous play style with shadow orbs in which the player chooses exactly when and how they want to expend his or her resources, and it can be argued that the current change to the class is nearly a complete 180 in terms of letting players choose how to use their class resources. My biggest problem with the current state of shadow priests is that there is no control over the activation of Void Form (which I hope to God gets a visual update to something less underwhelming than just being the old shadow form...) which gives players that "along for the ride" feeling they had and removed for Balance Druids.

Essentially my problem is this - Blizzard showed that they want to give players more control over how and they expend their resources with the changes to Balance Druid (and I love that), yet simultaneously have made changes to Shadow Priests that are nearly opposite of this - once you hit 100 insanity, too bad, you're in Void Form now.

My compromise is this: give Shadow Priests an activator for Void Form. This gives the player more choice as to when they want to utilize their higher damage potential but comes at the cost of always having to press your activator which is one more butto

... keep reading on reddit ➡

👍︎ 155
👤︎ u/Cortexion
📅︎ Dec 28 2015
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Trump claims Armenia massacres were not 'genocide', in direct contradiction to Congress decision alaraby.co.uk/english/new…
👍︎ 5k
👤︎ u/TheNewArab
📅︎ Dec 18 2019
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Contradictions in each quadrant
👍︎ 751
👤︎ u/bugarski14
📅︎ Mar 16 2020
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Johnson falsely claims there is 'no evidence' of Russian interference in UK politics: The PM’s claim was in direct contradiction of the assessment of his predecessor May, who used a speech in 2017 – while Mr Johnson was foreign secretary – to accuse Russia of attempting to influence British politics independent.co.uk/news/uk…
👍︎ 3k
📅︎ Nov 15 2019
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A Veblen good is a type of luxury good for which demand increases as the price increases, in apparent contradiction of the law of demand. A higher price may make a product desirable as a status symbol in the practices of conspicuous consumption and conspicuous leisure. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Veb…
👍︎ 899
📅︎ Apr 21 2020
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How would Kant respond to the following objection? The noumena’s causation of the phenomena implies causality’s noumenal existence, in contradiction to Kant’s claim that causality is phenomenal.
👍︎ 2
📅︎ Feb 18 2021
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Contradictions in each quadrant
👍︎ 79
👤︎ u/MC_Cookies
📅︎ Dec 31 2019
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Sony World Photography Awards Removes Hong Kong Protest Images (The World Photography Organization said the images could potentially “contradict the competition’s terms and conditions.”) hyperallergic.com/544634/…
👍︎ 220
👤︎ u/Sporeboss
📅︎ Feb 26 2020
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I spent the evening making a booklet about the contradictions and extreme punishments in the Bible. Here are a few pages from it. What do you think?
👍︎ 445
📅︎ Apr 20 2019
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If You Want a Marriage of Equals, Then Date as Equals | Researcher surprised to find that while women want "equal" relationships with men, they also want men to ask them out, organise dates, pay for everything, initiate sex & propose marriage. And they don't see any contradiction in that. theatlantic.com/ideas/arc…
👍︎ 89
📅︎ Feb 17 2020
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Pete rebukes Trump's decision making (“Why wasn’t Congress consulted? It seems like more people at Mar-a-Lago heard about this than people in the United States Congress") while refusing to take any bait or attack Biden's big self-contradiction on Osama bin Laden v.redd.it/ml1pe1drfz841
👍︎ 108
📅︎ Jan 05 2020
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How do christian conservatives so easily overlook that enjoying the gluttony of wealth is in direct contradiction to the teachings of Jesus?

I would generally consider myself agnostic so this isn't exactly a christian rant. But is it just me that gets really confused how many conservatives and capitalists claim to be pious christians, even though enjoying the gluttony of wealth is in direct contradiction to the teachings of Jesus? Its like, any reference to Jesus or the Bible being anti-homosexuality or anti-abortion seems very ambiguous and open to interpretation, but Jesus straight up said that rich folks don't go to heaven... I swear conservatives have hijacked religion for their own gains in broad daylight and nobody seems to notice or care. I don't know much about other religions' teaching, but I bets its the same.

👍︎ 710
📅︎ Aug 13 2018
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Why Are So Many Christians So Un-Christian? - Many right-wing Christians vilify the poor, in direct contradiction to the teachings of Jesus. Why the hypocrisy? alternet.org/belief/why-a…
👍︎ 2k
📅︎ Sep 27 2013
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CMV: The overall direction of our (Western) society runs largely in contradiction to what biologically makes us happy

This is a sentiment I've been thinking about for quite a while but it's come more to the fore recently after reading (and listening to) the work of people like Sebastion Junger, Gabor Mate and Yuval Noah Harari.

To me it seems like a pretty basic idea. For hundreds of thousands of years we evolved as a species in a certain way. This largely amounted to living in small tribes (or even villages later on) where every individual had a role, we held a real sense of community and we all had a very simple and convincing 'meaning/purpose of life' - i.e. survival. At the core of pretty much every person since the beginning of time is the desire for happiness. Our inherent biology, developed over hundreds of thousands of years of evolution, positions us as humans to value certain things over others in pursuit of this happiness. These 'certain things' are those we've spent hundreds of thousands of years doing, not those things we've only just started (in the last couple of hundred years of human history). Right now we're actively working to create a society that completely contradicts everything we as humans (at least subconsciously) actually want. We actually often try to recreate some of what we've lost (because we desire it so badly) but this is almost always just a weak imitation of what we've had before.

I'll give a few talking points.

Meaning to Life: Here we've literally gone from the strongest purpose one could have (i.e. survival of one's self/one's community) to a significantly weaker mis-match of self-improvement, helping others or furthering one's line (feel free to name any others but I think the point still stands). The reality that finding a meaning to life is such a struggle in today's time obviously suggests we've 'lost out' here.

Tribalism/Individualism: We've gone from a society built around a real sense of community (e.g. 40-50 people in close proximity working together towards a common goal every moment of their lives) to one based around the individual. Our 'tribes' have shrunk to such a degree that it might only contain 5-10 family members/close friends if that (and in most cases we don't exactly live in close proximity 24/7 with them). The loneliness/individualism of today's society actually causes significant mental problems with the main solution to be to find community (e.g. AA groups to name just one example).

Relationships/raising children: We've gone from the idea of a 'village raising a kid' to (maybe) 2 individuals. Ev

... keep reading on reddit ➡

👍︎ 153
📅︎ Nov 19 2018
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God is literally the biggest example of contradiction in the bible.

If god is omnipotent that means he is all powerful. ALL POWERFUL. That means he can do anything and knows everything. If there is a single instance of this not occurring at any time than he is not omnipotent. So how then did he not know Lucifer was going to betray him? Why does he claim he cast him down to hell because he cannot be near sin when he literally created sin. Like he is responsible for everything so you cant say he can succumb to something he literally created. Also why would he send people to hell? He knows everything so wouldn't he just know if they're going to go to hell before he created them? Plus he sends people to hell for doing something he responsible for?? And you cant say "oh free will" free will doesnt exist with an omnipotent being that's a dead argument. Hes either omnipotent or not he cant be both.

Also just a side note god is like a serious asshole. Like all Lucifer did was a made ya look, and he sent him to be tortured for ETERNITY. Like chill the fuck out jesus

👍︎ 3
👤︎ u/jarreledd
📅︎ Aug 22 2020
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There's a glaring contradiction in the final episode.

It's in the "quantum purgatory" scene with Picard and Data. Data contradicts the method of his own (current) existence in two lines of dialogue where he explains the quantum simulation and how he functions within it. First he says:

>My consciousness exists within a massively complex quantum reconstruction made from a copy of the memories I downloaded into B-4 just before I died.

A little later on he re-iterates and expands slightly:

>My memory engrams were extracted from a single neuron salvaged by Bruce Maddox. And then my consciousness was reconstructed by my Brother, Dr. Altan Soong.

Sooooo... did Maddox salvage a neuron from B-4? Because if that's the case, then that's not a copy of the memories Data downloaded into him, but the actual raw (ugh..pun) data itself. If his "fractal neuronic cloning" method could recreate an entire prositronic matrix from a single neuron, then wouldn't he be recreating B-4's much more primitive matrix? Or are we actually supposed to believe that he "salvaged" one of Data's neurons from, what, the ionized space dust left behind from the Scimitar explosion? There's no way any piece of Data survived that.

Also, I should mention how hilarious it is that the scene has Data explain to Picard that they're in a simulation, explain his presence there, and then two minutes later have to re-explain the same thing because Picard says "Data, did you say we're in a simulation?" It's like the scene was written and filmed two different ways and they just said "Fuck it, leave 'em both in."

Edit: Also, Data says his consciousness was reconstructed by Dr. NuSoong who only an episode before told Jurati that "I do bodies. Bruce was the substrates man." So I guess he just really undersold his abilities there.

👍︎ 25
👤︎ u/gfh110
📅︎ Mar 26 2020
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The Contradiction in This Sub: Jays & Gordon

We go on a win streak and this sub reddit goes on about how great the Jays are doing. How Gordon’s playmaking skills are starting to rub off on the Jays and that Gordon is one of our best players.

We lose 3 in a row for the first time in the season (on back to backs and no two day breaks) and we all of a sudden want to trade Gordon. Mind you we haven’t even been able to play our starting five for a full game until today. Yesterday we lost Kemba mid game while we were on a run. Let us build our chemistry before we bring the toxic trade talk in.

Why are you even mentioning trading our core players? If we wanted a traditional Big we have Kanter,Theis, Williams, multiple younger players and multiple picks to put on that block.

There’s a reason we have a top record in the league. And it’s because they don’t let you guys decide who stays and goes.

Stop being toxic.

👍︎ 14
👤︎ u/luhvrrboy
📅︎ Jan 10 2020
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