A list of puns related to "Britt"
Last night Britt Baker cut an in ring promo were she talked about how she's the most accomplished woman in the division and also made fun of the Browns as well. While the promo wasn't horrible and Britt did show a lot of confidence with it, Im just confused about what purpose it served. It didn't introduce a new challenger for Baker, and it didn't show us a new side of her character or anything new that the fans wouldn't know about. With that being said what do you think the next arc in Bakers story is because I don't know after last night.
Talk about a snorefest, am I right boys. Damn I almost fell asleep. All she kept talking about was her awards and other stuff don't remember. Just remembered it sucked.
Does anyone else HATE the way Ashley says "and here Britt, I'm going to have you read this" and that's kinda the only involvement we get from Britt besides the scripted "wait... what?!"
I wish they gave Britt more to do honestly because although I understand she is supposed to be the 'voice and thoughts of the listeners', however Britts questions VERY rarely propel the story forward, most of the time Ashley responds to Britts question with "I'm not sure" / "My research didn't quite expand on that"... okay so why write the question for Britt to ask in the first place????
The only wrestler to win at every 2020 AEW PPV was Jon Moxley.
The only wrestler to win at every 2021 WWE Big Four PPV was Roman Reigns. No-one achieved this for 2020 WWE Big Four.
More and more I see people talking down on Britt in a effort to boost others. It doesn’t make any sense to me. Earlier today people were claiming that Emi Sakura (a 45 year old with no Promo ability) deserves a push over her because she is “better at running the ropes”. People were also trying to push some jobbers over Britt a couple weeks ago.
Britt Baker is the best female talker in the company. There really isn’t any clear competition to that statement. Only woman who could even be argued in good faith is Brandi Rhodes who people also dislike. I would argue she is also a clear number 1 in Charisma. Only woman who comes close to that is Jade Cargill who people also hate on. It is hard to create consistent storylines for wrestlers who can’t talk or don’t have charisma. It is easy to create consistent storylines with wrestlers who can talk and do have charisma. Britt might get carried some in the ring, but nobody talks about how much she has had to carry women into the feuds through the mic and charisma. The hypocrisy doesn’t make any sense to me. People want Britt to put over others when that is not her job. Her job is to be the star because she has the most star power in the division. Her wrestling is not even that bad. She is an average in ring woman in the company. The only women I would truly accept are a better overall performer than Britt right now are Thunder Rosa and MAYBE Ruby Soho.
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21-godišnja Australka Britt Lapthorne 2008. je planinarila kroz Europu i jedno od stajališta joj je bio Dubrovnik. U noći od 17. na 18.9.2008. zadnji je put viđena u noćnom klubu Fuegu gdje se zabavljala s ostalim prijateljima-planinarima. Sudeći po svim informacijama, bila je izrazito pijana tu noć. U izvještaju australske mrtvozorničke službe tvrdi se da je u 3:30 ujutro Britt zadnji put viđena u klubu gdje je plesala s Britancem.
18 dana nakon nestanka, pronalaze joj tijelo u moru. Drukčiji izvori tvrde da su određeni dijelovi tijela, poput nogu, bili odvojeni od nje, ali to se ne čini toliko sumnjivim s obzirom na tako dug period tijela u vodi. Hrvatska i australska obdukcija potvrdile su da nema nikakvih dokaza o ubojstvu ili sumnjivoj smrti, ali je uzrok smrti teško sa sigurnošću ustanoviti s obzirom na vrlo dug period tijela u moru. Australci su zatražili i stručan savjet DHMZ-a. Zbog manjka dokaza, nisu uspjeli ustanoviti gdje je točno Britt ušla/pala/bačena u more. Međutim, DHMZ tvrdi da Britt vjerojatno nije svojevoljno ušla u more.
Sad, po svemu sudeći, ne čini mi se ništa pretjerano sumnjivo. Unatoč njenim roditeljima koji su apsolutno uvjereni da njena smrt nije nezgoda, mislim da su najveće šanse da se pijana spotaknula i pala u more.
Međutim, neke su stvari bizarne, a zadnja točka pogotovo.
This is really really poor from McDaniels this year and not what was expected. Whilst we do still expect improvement out of him in the offseason, how would you handle him for the rest of the year?
Riho & Ruby Soho win via pinfall with Riho's roll-up on Jamie
Any ideas why Andy would ask about everyone’s relationship with Jax and Brittany? It seemed so random and weird. He didn’t ask about other fired cast members and Lisa said that he was let go. Do we really think they may be bringing them back? I hope not!!!!
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