Philippines Pepsi bottle contest fiasco…
👍︎ 3
📅︎ Aug 05 2020
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Fiasco -- means [a glass bottle] in Italian ------- In one theory, the “Failure” sense comes from the notion that (instead of a great work of art) what was made was [just a glass bottle].

#Fiasco -- means [a glass bottle] in Italian

According to one theory, the “Failure” sense comes from the notion that (instead of a great work of art) what was made was [just a glass bottle].

  • “Fiasco” comes from the Italian word [fiasco], which actually refers to a “glass bottle” or “to make a bottle.”

  • According to one theory, when Venetian glassmakers realized that a piece they were making had flaws, they’d set aside the imperfect glass and turn it into an ordinary bottle called a “fiasco” — which explains why this word has come to mean “a complete failure.”

> “Failure” sense comes through French [faire fiasco] from Italian theatrical slang [far fiasco] (literally “to make a bottle”), of unknown origin.

👍︎ 2
👤︎ u/HenHanna
📅︎ May 12 2020
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The great football bottle fiasco
👍︎ 44
📅︎ Dec 27 2019
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In Inglourious Basterds(2009) when Hans Landa captures Aldo Raine and Utivich, Landa serves them wine from a type of bottle called "Fiasco", hinting that not only he has outsmarted Aldo Raine, but also that Aldo Raine is not even smart enough to understand it.
👍︎ 103
👤︎ u/jonnoway
📅︎ Jul 20 2019
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TIL of the fiasco that ensued when Coca Cola launched its 'Dasani' brand of 'pure' bottled water in the UK in 2004. A trade magazine revealed that the source was ordinary tap water. The resulting press outcry led to an investigation and a contaminated batch was found. The brand was withdrawn in UK.…
👍︎ 3k
📅︎ Jun 21 2020
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I bet a bottle of scotch on this game with a Browns fan and lost. How should I decorate the box to commemorate this fiasco?
👍︎ 5
📅︎ Nov 15 2019
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I am suddenly OBSESSED with finding another bottle of wine....
👍︎ 850
📅︎ Jun 21 2021
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BREAKING: The NSAC is granting a request made by Conor McGregor to potentially re-hear his disciplinary case for the bottle throwing fiasco.…
👍︎ 383
👤︎ u/HaruSoul
📅︎ Feb 14 2017
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If you were the head of Coca-Cola PR team. What would your strategy be or how would you react to the recent Fiasco?


👍︎ 8
📅︎ Jun 21 2021
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D&D interview: they were "concentrating" on Jon and Dany so they didn't see the coffee cup. (Let's be clear I am a defender of the coffee cup fiasco- continuity mistakes can happen...but they defo should have caught the water bottles in the finale).
👍︎ 11
👤︎ u/Abishangay
📅︎ Aug 30 2019
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FA confirm England bid for 2030 World Cup - and ESL fiasco may help…
👍︎ 210
👤︎ u/Lolastic_
📅︎ Jun 26 2021
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DreamWorld, the MMO that promised an 'infinite open world' has become a giant fiasco…
👍︎ 2k
📅︎ May 29 2021
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The yoghurt wastage fiasco might be blown out of proportion - how yoghurt voting works in China and how Chinese fans are scapegoats of corporate greed…
👍︎ 34
📅︎ May 08 2021
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Five Pawns Fiasco - We'll sell you a sample of a $37.50 a bottle liquid IF you buy two or more other bottles for $27.50

Five Pawns was among the very first vendors I tried when I quit analogs and took up vaping. At the time, and with few points of comparison, I was pretty impressed by their boutique packaging, their florid product descriptions, and selection of what, although not ADVs, seemed to be stand-out liquids. After that initial experience, I continued to order from competitors, found some truly special recipes and had forgotten about Five Pawns, but continued to cite them among my favorites. Anyhow, I thought I'd order a 30ml bottle of Gambit - my favorite of the bunch - and emailed them to ask if I could also buy a sample of their new Castle Long liquid as well. $27.50 for the 30ml isn't exactly a competitive price, but I was willing to pay it as well as another $8 or so for the sample.

They responded to tell me that if I purchased two 30ml bottles at $27.50 a piece, they'd sell me a small sample of Long Castle. "If you would like I can send you an invoice through Paypal for a bottle of Castle Long with a purchase of two bottles or more of our signature line. Let me know how you would like to proceed." Silly me, I sort of considered it. But first I knew I needed to vape what remained of my initial sample set to confirm that they were as nice as my memory suggested. So I vaped what was left...and then I laughed. Since that initial order I had tried over 100 liquids from other vendors. When I returned to Five Pawns I realized that despite their descriptions, the liquid was neither as one-of-a-kind nor as tasty as I figured at first. In fact, I could find a direct comparison to every one of the lot from competing vendors that were not only cheaper but also superior. And that's when I woke up. Seriously, make me buy two overpriced big bottles in order to earn the privilege to buy a small sample? These guys are clowns. No offense to those who still love them, but I've sworn them off forever and am damned well certain to spread the word to friends who don't visit Reddit but who I've helped take up vaping and put down the analogs.

👍︎ 80
👤︎ u/S_Elliott
📅︎ Aug 04 2013
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The Wesley Willis Fiasco - The Bar Is Closed [black punk/ weird punk] (1996)…
👍︎ 2k
📅︎ Jun 03 2021
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Photo fiasco

So Mastema and FIL are celebrating their 50th anniversary. She decided that they want a full family photo shoot. After everything is arranged she let us know that she wants us to wear polo shirts and khaki skirts with no jewelry. She sent a picture of what she ordered for her and my SILs. Then she let me know she didn’t know my size so I was on my own to purchase it. My Issue is that I’m a big girl with serious curves and the particular shirt and skirt don’t come in my size. Therefore, trying to find a shirt and skirt that don’t look like trash bags but are similar is proving very difficult. Still doable but I know I’m going to look terrible not matching and wearing something that doesn’t fit my body type at all.

She then sent me a separate text message telling me I have to cover my tattoos by wearing a floor length khaki skirt and I need to dye my hair to a “normal color”. I have gorgeous unicorn colored hair that costs hundreds of dollars to maintain. I look awful as a blonde so I would have to dye it a darker color which would cost quite a bit to fix and months to lighten back without frying my hair. Of course she considers this a small price to pay for the perfect family pictures that I’m already going to look horrible in. She also commented that I shouldn’t wear jewelry and asked if I could maybe purchase a simple silver wedding band to wear because my wedding ring is “too blingy”.

Lady you are lucky I’m even considering being there. My husband said it was ridiculous and we are not buying a new wedding band just so Mastema and my SILs don’t feel self conscious about their rings. Mastema then suggested that I just not wear my ring. Finally she told me I needed to restrain myself with my makeup because no one else will be wearing any because both my SILs don’t wear makeup.

Tl;dr; Mastema decided to get family pictures and wants me to dress like Michelle Dugger with baby hamster face, dye my hair and not wear my wedding ring.

👍︎ 381
📅︎ Jun 23 2021
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Popular Coding App Notepad++ Drops Bing After "tank man" Censorship Fiasco…
👍︎ 2k
📅︎ Jun 07 2021
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Compensation for Zidane's STMR fiasco

From in game news:

"We would like to issue an update regarding the issues surrounding Lightning-Fast Zidane's super trust master reward, I Wanted to Go with You.

With consideration to how this issue has affected players' participation in Dark Visions, compensation has been determined as follows.

Players who have summoned Lightning-Fast Zidane from the time of his release to the time of this posting will be compensated with the following:

  • Dark Matter x800
  • NV EX Ticket (5★/NV) x5
  • 30% Summon Ticket (5★/NV) x3
  • NV EX Ticket (3★/4★/5★/NV) x10
  • Super Trust Moogle Exchange Ticket x100
  • 5★ Trust Moogle (ALL 100%) x1
  • King Metal Minituar (Max Lvl) x10
  • Lapis x5000

Players who have received Lightning-Fast Zidane's super trust master reward, I Wanted to Go with You, at the time of this posting will also receive 5★ Super Trust Moogle (ALL 100%) x1 as compensation.

*Only players who summoned Lightning-Fast Zidane or received his super trust master reward before the posting of this Issue Report will be eligible for compensation. Compensation will be sent at a later date."

👍︎ 127
📅︎ Jun 09 2021
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Anyone else worried that collectively as a society we won't learn from this fiasco?

As vaccines roll out and economies open up, I'm getting worried that most people won't ever wake up. As society returns to some semblance of normalcy, medical experts are still worshipped based on their credentials, governments still have the power to arbitrarily take away people's freedoms, scientific truth is still being suppressed, propaganda is still running high, vaccines have been touted as a miracle cure, COVID is still viewed as an exceptional and dangerous disease, and lockdowns and the whole charade of the last year have still been seen as necessary.

The pandemic has ended, lockdowns are lifting but I feel the world isn't learning from this. Governments need to admit they made huge mistakes, public health officials and those that peddled lockdowns need to be kicked out of power, the WHO needs to be disbanded, academic institutions need to restore the scientific method and open themselves to opposing viewpoints, the media needs to report that mistakes were made and stop fear mongering, and the public in general needs to realize that the lockdowns that were imposed on them were completely unnecessary.

A massive reckoning needs to occur even as the crisis fades, so this can never happen again. Hopefully this will occur soon and with a bang. The hysteria has ran so deep that nothing short of a rude awakening needs to occur. Maybe it won't happen for many years and only bits of truth here and there will be accepted. But I don't see signs that we're approaching any sort of societal reckoning. Anyone else worried?

👍︎ 714
📅︎ May 29 2021
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Which recent NBA fiasco did you find most entertaining?

For me, it has to be the story of Dion Waiters.

Coming off his third suspension in Miami for insubordination, the Don decided to double down and caught more heat when he got pinched taking edibles that caused him to have a panic attack on the team plane.

He then somehow managed to find his way to the Lakers and was rewarded for all his highs and lows with a championship ring

👍︎ 477
👤︎ u/-LeBronto-
📅︎ Jun 12 2021
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PLOT THICKENS: Bernie Sanders jumps into HLS fiasco. Wants to get rid of Bezos Bailout (second lander).
👍︎ 1k
👤︎ u/big663
📅︎ May 24 2021
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This critical race theory fiasco is exposing many people as racist
👍︎ 276
📅︎ Jun 26 2021
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TIL that the word "fiasco" comes from Italian wine bottles- they're the ones that have baskets on the bottom.…
👍︎ 164
📅︎ Oct 16 2015
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[Mark Ogden] Confirmed. Ed Woodward has stepped down as Man Utd exec vice chairman. Was planning to quit in summer, but tghe ESL fiasco has brought it to a head now…
👍︎ 10k
📅︎ Apr 20 2021
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She is getting desperate After the Rell fiasco
👍︎ 364
📅︎ Jul 01 2021
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My Thoughts on 2K/Nurkic Fiasco

Warning: This is probably going to be a fairly long post, as this recent copy/paste of the new DM Nurkic card has basically crystalized for me a lot of thoughts about this game. If you don't feel compelled to read this, great here's the TL:DR:

2K Cares Nothing About the Player Experience, Only Profit, and Has Monetized One of the Greatest Games/Sports on Earth for that Purpose Only

And here's the thing - I'm one of those people. I bought the game, and invested a lot of valuable time (months) and a little bit of money (maybe $100 over the game price) and tinkered endlessly with my lineup and matchups. I worked the Auction House like it was frickin Wall Street, despite the fact that the amount I spent was relatively low. I upgraded, downgraded, and slogged through 12 Unlimited and then 12 Limited games to get what were relatively decent free cards, like Millsap and Beal. I grinded it out for a favorite player (Rashard Lewis) even on weekends when I stayed up until 2am trying to get a stupid ring. I can't believe I'm saying this, but it literally pained me when the ball drops didn't fall in the right way.

Why? Because I legitimately love basketball. And more than that, I really love basketball video games. Basketball is just one of those sports that translates SO WELL into a video game. It's fast paced, centered around stars, has great animations, stats, and has so many household stars over its relatively limited history. All the way back to "HE'S ON FIRE!" NBA Jam arcade-style games, I've loved it. I played the EA NBA Live versions to death. I was excited when 2K entered the market, as my honest opinion is the presentation and gameplay are fine. Are there things that could be better? Sure, but it's OK enough for me (PS5).

I dipped my toe into MyTeam and it's immediately overwhelming. It literally looks like a casino board you would see in Atlantic City or Vegas. The more you play it, the more it is apparent this game mode is like a slot machine. It's RNG layered upon RNG.... and yet!! And yet! I still played it, because the card collecting mode is ridiculously addictive and fun. My kids love to collect real physical cards and I love watching them do it, organizing them by various categories. I guess I love it too.

But here's the flip-side: as a Dad, I limit my boys' screen-time (I've got 4 of them). I let them play FIFA, Madden, NHL.... the ONE game I do not let them play unsupervised is NBA2K21 MyTeam. It's just waaaaaaay to eas

... keep reading on reddit ➡

👍︎ 439
👤︎ u/cylee6
📅︎ Jun 15 2021
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Reminds me of the confetti fiasco a few seasons ago. Lol
👍︎ 821
📅︎ Jun 17 2021
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I’ve lost everything because of the Suez Canal fiasco on the Egyptian/ European Easter bunny future run up

I spent $50,000 on surefire Egyptian bunny rabbit futures. This was money that was supposed to be saved for buying a new house and was mainly accrued from dumping pay checks into SPY over the years.

On the 27th of February , I got tipped off from a buddy that works in the bunny breeding industry. He said that due to the pandemic, Europeans were buying pets like crazy, and one animal in particular... bunny rabbits.

Now this made me look into Egyptian bunny futures as they produce the most bunnies in the world. The premiums were amazing, this was like buying fucking apple at IPO. On top of all of this, Easter was just a couple months around the corner and a massive shipment of bunnies was meant to leave Egypt and make its way to a port in France. I’m talking a fucking boat load of carrot munching, sex hungry, “what’s up doc” mother fuckers, not just a container.

So I placed my bet, expiring the week of Easter, for when the shipment would come. Since there were barely any bunnies in France/ all of Europe, there was no supply to meet demand. However, I had it on good authority that prices would barely drop since so many Europeans wanted the little fluffy fucks.

All was going well, my money was going up and it was the most euphoric feeling ever...

Until on Wednesday at 10am, I wake up to check how many unrealized tendies I have. To my horror I was down 48%. I frantically called my aforementioned buddy in the industry and he tells me to look up the Suez canal.

It turns out the shipment was delayed by a day out of Egypt and right after they left port, some big fucking ship decided to block the whole canal. Since Egypt shipped out essentially every last bunny in the damn country, they didn’t need any more bunny food. So every single one of them is going to run out of food over the next week and die on that ship (no point in bringing them back to port cause there’s no food to feed them). Once they arrive in France they will dump the dead bunnies, pick up the next shipment and move on.

Idk how I’m going to tell my wife this, probably gonna need some protection from her boyfriend for a while too.

Wish me luck

👍︎ 19k
📅︎ Mar 26 2021
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The worst part about the recent Mavericks fiasco is its potential to derail bigger free agent signings to join Luka, especially when they aren't a destination to begin with.

The Mavs already have trouble drawing free agents (see Deandre Jordan, Danny Green, etc.), but their calling card recently has been presumably good basketball management and now Luka.

They also have a max slot in cap space this off-season.

Obviously, all the articles and the resignations of Nelson and Carlisle make things worse and could make it much more difficult to attract quality pieces next to Luka in the off-season given the uncertainty and drama that is present.

👍︎ 68
📅︎ Jun 18 2021
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I was wondering about Kramers ventures after the bottle deposit fiasco, but then..
👍︎ 7
👤︎ u/ruuhkis
📅︎ Jan 15 2019
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Ted Cruz's Approval Rating Among Republicans Drops More Than 20 Percent After Cancun Fiasco…
👍︎ 84k
📅︎ Feb 24 2021
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Finally a post without them saying "I still recommend the vaccine 10/10". Pfizer fiasco
👍︎ 240
👤︎ u/rafael546
📅︎ Jun 27 2021
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Artosis' BurgerKing Fiasco w/ Scan. Can we get an explanation?

Artosis, can you please explain the BurgerKing Fiasco regarding Scan? Apparently you invited him over for coaching promising BK, gave him an uncomfortable chair, ate the only whopper in the bag, then when Scan went to eat it was a gross BBQ sandwich?

Guys in the chat, how pissed would you be if your good buddy, Arty invited you over for a good day of Broodwar and BurgerKing consisting of double whoppers, minimum. You get there and the first thing Artosis does it give you the most uncomfortable chair in the house. Next, he demands you to play on his account to boost his MMR. Alas, you are hungry, but also a nice guy so you oblige. You win and are so hungry so you reach into the BK bag to only find a gross BBQ sandwich while Artosis destroys a whopper.

👍︎ 147
📅︎ Jul 02 2021
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Seeing stuff like this today, it's hard to believe it's the same company responsible for the 2013 E3 fiasco. Congrats Xbox, you did, you magnificent bastards, you won E3.
👍︎ 158
👤︎ u/JC_D3NTON
📅︎ Jun 13 2021
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Ed Bott of ZDNet wrote a terrific piece summarizing the whole Windows 11 minimum requirement fiasco…
👍︎ 140
📅︎ Jun 26 2021
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Matt Gaetz's Fox News Fiasco Was an Exhibition for the Grotesque Mediocrity of the Conservative Movement…
👍︎ 13k
👤︎ u/NewserUser
📅︎ Mar 31 2021
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My reaction when I saw the Wizards Support tweet about the Qualifier Weekend fiasco
👍︎ 2k
📅︎ May 16 2021
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In light of the Francis fiasco, it's always interesting to see how much UFC fighters get paid.…
👍︎ 61
👤︎ u/CiP3R_Z3R0
📅︎ Jul 01 2021
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Microsoft admits to signing rootkit malware in supply-chain fiasco…
👍︎ 302
📅︎ Jun 26 2021
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This MMO that promised an 'infinite open world' has become a giant fiasco…
👍︎ 316
👤︎ u/lurker_bee
📅︎ May 28 2021
🚨︎ report
Fiasco (n.): 1855. Theater slang for "a failure in performance" [debated origins]…
👍︎ 219
👤︎ u/Kosmozoan
📅︎ Mar 27 2021
🚨︎ report
'Cry Me a River': Sanders Hits Back as Billionaire Investor Whines About Potential Tax Hikes Amid GameStop Fiasco | "Oh look, another billionaire is mad that he might have to pay more taxes while children in America go hungry and veterans sleep on the street."…
👍︎ 124k
📅︎ Jan 29 2021
🚨︎ report
Microsoft admits to signing rootkit malware in supply-chain fiasco…
👍︎ 334
👤︎ u/tech4me
📅︎ Jun 26 2021
🚨︎ report
Lupe Fiasco Speaks On The Greatness of Fellow Rap Artist Aesop Rock…
👍︎ 127
📅︎ Jun 29 2021
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Feds seizes Vlad’s phone in $GME fiasco
👍︎ 300
📅︎ Jul 01 2021
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After seeing the Crowder fiasco, I'm starting to believe Trisha might be a Right-Wing (allegedly)

Every defends Crowder (and his goons) made regarding the 'debate' (that he was in fact did NOT lost to*) was similar to what Trisha also did.^(*sarcasm mode 'ON')

Saying things like Ethan thinks he's so smart, or that he thinks he's such a big shot in YouTube.

All these defends is sooo funny to me, because Ethan always admitted to all the things these right wings were trying to dunk on him.

Like saying;

>"Oh my god you're so dumb!"
>"I know I am, and your point is?"

Also that Trisha likes to go around the actually issue, throwing low blows, and trying to jab on his other "weak" points. These are the same thing Crowder and his goons are trying to throw back to Ethan and Sam Seder. Which is sad.

Steven Crowder might as well invite Trisha in his show and share their thoughts on how 'sad'* Ethan is. They seem to have the same opinion about that (ALLEGEDLY)

edit- Also, lol, this just hits me, Remember Trisha complains how Ethan is such a party pooper for not wearing costumes when she did, well Crowder seems to enjoy 'cosplaying' too, maybe they can share tips about that.

👍︎ 126
📅︎ Jun 25 2021
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