All puns aside...
πŸ‘︎ 17
πŸ‘€︎ u/Ithinkhisnameis
πŸ“…︎ Jan 20 2021
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Alright guys, which is the best name for a llama? (All pun based)
πŸ‘︎ 17
πŸ‘€︎ u/bed_dweller
πŸ“…︎ May 10 2020
🚨︎ report
I tolerate all puns
πŸ‘︎ 99
πŸ‘€︎ u/Kevin_From711
πŸ“…︎ Sep 05 2020
🚨︎ report
Calling all pun masters: Voting closes in a few days!
πŸ‘︎ 29
πŸ‘€︎ u/albusbumblecore
πŸ“…︎ Jan 09 2019
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Call all pun creators

My sister is in the emergency room with second degree burns on her foot from cooking oil, I need puns to make fun of her at thanksgiving.

Be merciless.

Edit: it was great, you're puns were big hits. After each pun I said your username without context, but at the end of dinner someone asked me if I was going insane and I said "no, those are the pun credits" so, in some of your cases it was pretty funny to say out of context.

Thank you all for your entries, they were great!

πŸ‘︎ 12
πŸ‘€︎ u/CrimsonCultist
πŸ“…︎ Nov 20 2016
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all puns in r/puns don’t have parents

only intellectuals will understand

πŸ‘︎ 3
πŸ‘€︎ u/Mitama_The_Oracle
πŸ“…︎ Jan 03 2019
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Sometimes I get tyred of normal jokes and make puns instead. They are quick, easy, and don't put you under pressure. Sometimes, they can be very flat. They can be as light as air, or as heavy as steel. All in all, puns really punp me up!
πŸ‘︎ 5
πŸ“…︎ May 14 2019
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Punny Gifts: funny gifts for all pun lovers!produ…
πŸ‘︎ 7
πŸ‘€︎ u/PunnyGifts
πŸ“…︎ Feb 18 2016
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A comic series that's all puns
πŸ‘︎ 5
πŸ‘€︎ u/accursedCursive
πŸ“…︎ Nov 09 2017
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You can't handle the spoof 90's commercial - the king of all pun posts.…
πŸ‘︎ 30
πŸ‘€︎ u/iFriendsAndMy
πŸ“…︎ Sep 04 2013
🚨︎ report
It's all pun and games

Untl someone loses an i.

πŸ‘︎ 4
πŸ‘€︎ u/dollartree_thief
πŸ“…︎ Jun 25 2017
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5 Cringey Puns

(Sorry For Not Posting, I Was Busy)

  1. Did you hear about the guy whose whole left side was cut off? He's all right now.

  2. I wasn't originally going to get a brain transplant, but then I changed my mind.

  3. Why don't some couples go to the gym? Because some relationships don't work out.

  4. I didn't use to care much for most puns but over time some of them have groan on me.

  5. A friend of mine tried to annoy me with bird puns, but I soon realized that toucan play at that game.

(Source For All Puns:

πŸ‘︎ 8
πŸ‘€︎ u/punsdaily
πŸ“…︎ Apr 02 2020
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10 Stupid Puns
  1. My friend once told me she watched Regular Show all the time. I said, "I guess you could say you watch it regularly." We are not friends anymore. (True Story)

  2. I'm reading a book about anti-gravity. It's impossible to put down!

  3. I wanted to take pictures of the fog this morning… But IΒ mistΒ my chance. I guess I couldΒ dewΒ itΒ tomorrow!

  4. Looks tasty. Gimme a pizza that.

  5. Why do eggs hate jokes? The answers always crack them up!

  6. What did the mayonnaise say when somebody opened the refrigerator? "Hey, close the door! I'm dressing!"

  7. Somebody stole all my lamps…. And I couldn't be more de-lighted!

  8. I once met a pig that did karate… We called him Pork Chop!

  9. Coffee has a rough time in our house. It gets mugged every single morning!

  10. My ex-wife still misses me. But her aim is starting to improve!

(Source For All Puns Except The First)

πŸ‘︎ 9
πŸ‘€︎ u/punsdaily
πŸ“…︎ Mar 30 2020
🚨︎ report
Watch out! r/puns is in danger





These are the names of our oppressors! There may be more, but they are our greatest threat. They are currently amassing an army to try to end puns as we know it.

If we are to save this beautiful form of our language, than we must unite! We must not divide ourselves by titles, but unite ourselves as punners!

They plan on eradicating all puns by going to the source, the pun user. Are we to let ourselves be undermined by those who think they are better than us? Are we to let ourselves and all future generations be banned from puns? If you say no, then join in the revolt


πŸ‘︎ 6
πŸ‘€︎ u/SkyThunderStorm22
πŸ“…︎ Feb 13 2019
🚨︎ report
I named each of my kids Pun.

Just so that I can be the Father of all Puns.

πŸ‘︎ 29
πŸ‘€︎ u/PeterPenishood
πŸ“…︎ Jul 19 2019
🚨︎ report

I have uncovered a plot by r/punpatrol . They plan to eradicate all puns and dad jokes by going to the source, users. Be warned, they will stop at nothing to get rid of us. They have even taken measures to eliminate moles. We must stop this.

πŸ‘︎ 5
πŸ‘€︎ u/SkyThunderStorm22
πŸ“…︎ Feb 13 2019
🚨︎ report
My wife and I had to stop going camping together.

It got two in tents.

(This is my first post in this sub, and the rules say all puns must be explained, so: β€œIt got too intense.”)

πŸ‘︎ 3
πŸ‘€︎ u/MisterBigDude
πŸ“…︎ Mar 25 2019
🚨︎ report
To all ya'll in Texas without tap water

Get well soon.

πŸ‘︎ 5k
πŸ‘€︎ u/Kimenon001
πŸ“…︎ Feb 21 2021
🚨︎ report
To all the members of this subreddit, an open letter:


πŸ‘︎ 11k
πŸ‘€︎ u/baltinerdist
πŸ“…︎ Jan 14 2021
🚨︎ report
Why is six afraid of seven?

7 was a well known 6 offender

πŸ‘︎ 10k
πŸ‘€︎ u/HisokaLaMagician
πŸ“…︎ Feb 11 2021
🚨︎ report
Ah yes medical pun (putting the actual joke in the title would kinda ruin it all ngl)
πŸ‘︎ 3k
πŸ‘€︎ u/PrevAccountBanned
πŸ“…︎ Jan 11 2021
🚨︎ report
Someone removed the 5th month from all my calenders

I am really dismayed

πŸ‘︎ 256
πŸ‘€︎ u/basseldarwich_
πŸ“…︎ Mar 01 2021
🚨︎ report
I came home really drunk last night and my wife wasn’t happy at all. β€œHow much have you had to drink?” she asked sternly, staring at me. β€œNothing” I slurred. β€œLook at me!” she shouted. β€œIt’s either me or the pub, which one is it?”

I paused for a second while I thought and mumbled, β€œIt’s you. I can tell by the voice.”

πŸ‘︎ 16k
πŸ‘€︎ u/honolulu_oahu_mod
πŸ“…︎ Dec 27 2020
🚨︎ report
Let's see what y'all do to continue this
πŸ‘︎ 62
πŸ‘€︎ u/Gold-Might-948
πŸ“…︎ Feb 26 2021
🚨︎ report
Im left all a loan
πŸ‘︎ 9k
πŸ‘€︎ u/DefNotInTheOven
πŸ“…︎ Dec 03 2020
🚨︎ report
We all know that Albert Einstein was a genius...

But very few people know his brother Frank was a monster.

πŸ‘︎ 14k
πŸ“…︎ Nov 28 2020
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I wrote down the names of all the people I hate on a piece of paper, but my roommate used it roll up a joint.

Now he’s high on the list of people I never want to talk to again.

πŸ‘︎ 20k
πŸ‘€︎ u/porichoygupto
πŸ“…︎ Dec 03 2020
🚨︎ report
All these puns are

Much much me me me me handle handle

πŸ‘︎ 105
πŸ‘€︎ u/Uckioh
πŸ“…︎ Feb 22 2021
🚨︎ report
All they do is whine
πŸ‘︎ 118
πŸ‘€︎ u/BlackBleedingGray
πŸ“…︎ Mar 02 2021
🚨︎ report
After all this home schooling, my kid finally lost control
πŸ‘︎ 59
πŸ‘€︎ u/PrettyPeeved
πŸ“…︎ Jan 28 2021
🚨︎ report
Here’s my favourite politically incorrect joke of all time.

Benjamin Franklin was the greatest American President.

πŸ‘︎ 50
πŸ‘€︎ u/porichoygupto
πŸ“…︎ Mar 02 2021
🚨︎ report
Why are all archeologists depressed?

Because their lives are in ruins

πŸ‘︎ 2k
πŸ“…︎ Dec 30 2020
🚨︎ report
If Queen Elizabeth farts during dinner, all the other guests are supposed to pretend as if nothing happened.

Noble gases have no reaction.

πŸ‘︎ 656
πŸ‘€︎ u/porichoygupto
πŸ“…︎ Jan 10 2021
🚨︎ report
My 5yo blew us away with this original that he came up with all on his own. What do you call two ice dragons?

Twice dragons.

Update: honestly thank you everyone, you guys are totally making this kids day! Distance learning in kindergarten has been rough and he misses seeing his friends pretty hard, so when I told him about this (I was able to use β€œWreck-It Ralph : Ralph breaks the Internet” and buzz tube with likes/hearts as a reference) he’s been smiling from ear to ear nonstop since! A million thankyouβ€˜s for the kind words and awards.

πŸ‘︎ 304
πŸ‘€︎ u/jruff84
πŸ“…︎ Feb 01 2021
🚨︎ report
I stayed up all night wondering where the sun was

And then it dawned on me.

πŸ‘︎ 32
πŸ‘€︎ u/rockefoe
πŸ“…︎ Feb 25 2021
🚨︎ report
What's the funniest of all the known elements?

He He He.

πŸ‘︎ 7
πŸ‘€︎ u/kdlaz
πŸ“…︎ Feb 21 2021
🚨︎ report
We've all heard about elf on a shelf, but have you ever heard of troll on a poll?
πŸ‘︎ 7
πŸ‘€︎ u/skidzle
πŸ“…︎ Feb 25 2021
🚨︎ report
Gonna milk this one for all its worth
πŸ‘︎ 62
πŸ‘€︎ u/Mister_Cranch
πŸ“…︎ Jan 18 2021
🚨︎ report
i cant believe i got fired from the calendar factory, all i did was take a day off.
πŸ‘︎ 15
πŸ“…︎ Feb 27 2021
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All my hispanic friends love it when I say β€œmucho.”

It means a lot to them.

πŸ‘︎ 310
πŸ‘€︎ u/Steve_McGuilicuty
πŸ“…︎ Jan 24 2021
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When I was a kid I thought we’d all grow up to work with horses

All people ever talked about was getting a stable job...

πŸ‘︎ 349
πŸ‘€︎ u/the_bradley
πŸ“…︎ Jan 14 2021
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Wife says I won’t get 5 upvotes for this, but... Did you hear the one about the dog and the tree?

They had a long conversation about bark.

Edit: Y'all are nuts! We're somewhere north of 10k upvotes now, so I'll direct any remaining attention to Boot Camp for New Dads.

πŸ‘︎ 24k
πŸ‘€︎ u/amalgamxtc
πŸ“…︎ Feb 18 2021
🚨︎ report
Coronavirus is now all over the world

But China got it right off the bat.

πŸ‘︎ 325
πŸ‘€︎ u/Said_It_in_Reddit
πŸ“…︎ Jan 04 2021
🚨︎ report
Submit all puns that are about puns here....
πŸ‘︎ 8
πŸ‘€︎ u/rulerofthehell
πŸ“…︎ Jul 06 2014
🚨︎ report
I wrote down the names of all the people I hate, but my roommate used the paper to roll up his joint

Now he’s high on the list of people I never want to see again.

πŸ‘︎ 70
πŸ‘€︎ u/OwenJthomas89
πŸ“…︎ Feb 27 2021
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We all know Albert Einstein is a genius

But his brother Frank is a true monster

πŸ‘︎ 38
πŸ‘€︎ u/SilverElegant2302
πŸ“…︎ Feb 23 2021
🚨︎ report

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