„The Roswell UFO Crash is on the Fast Track to Disclosure“ - article by Bryce Zabel medium.com/on-the-trail-o…
👍︎ 960
📅︎ Dec 19 2021
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Ep 101 & 102 - “Need To Know with Coulthart and Zabel” Podcast cms.megaphone.fm/channel/…
👍︎ 46
📅︎ Dec 16 2021
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A new podcast about UAP hosted by Ross Coulthart and Bryce Zabel called “Need to Know” comes out December 17th. needtoknow.today/?fbclid=…
👍︎ 201
📅︎ Dec 14 2021
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Bryce Zabel's Top Ten UFO/UAP Stories of 2021 | Trail of the Saucers medium.com/on-the-trail-o…
👍︎ 12
📅︎ Dec 30 2021
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NEED TO KNOW: Award-winning investigative reporters Ross Coulthart and Bryce Zabel take on the UAP mystery and expect to find answers needtoknow.today/?fbclid=…
👍︎ 46
📅︎ Dec 14 2021
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The Portable CONRAD - Edited, and with an Introduction and Notes, by Morton Dauwen Zabel. New York MCMXLVII, Published by the Viking Press in September 1947. Auszug aus dem Inhalt: POLAND AND THE PAST, ENGLAND AND THE WORLD, A TALE OF THE SEA, AFRICA AND THE CONGO, EUROPE - ASIA AND THE EAST, ON L ebay.de/itm/384213717433?…
👍︎ 2
👤︎ u/Sofortkauf
📅︎ Dec 18 2021
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Phasing in UFO Disclosure, Brybce Zabel @medium.com medium.com/on-the-trail-o…
👍︎ 32
📅︎ Aug 21 2021
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Zabel. (Spoiler alert)

WTF. That whole scene is such a cock up, like the minute they saw the cigarettes and the pipe going ape shit he should have drawn his gun. Also, bar guy just happens to be freaking quick draw mcgraw?!!!! Direct shot to the head!! I literally just finished the episode and am in a bit of a rage lol. I literally just thought "hmm I kind of like Zabel." Argh.

👍︎ 93
📅︎ May 19 2021
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'Dark Skies' producer Bryce Zabel debated UFOs with ... wait for it ... Carl Sagan

Voyager II’s Saturn flyby happened 40 years ago this week. Carl Sagan that night did a "live" TV program about it, and afterwards, then-TV-journalist turned 'Dark Skies' producer Bryce Zabel walked him out to his car and struck up a conversation ... about UFOs. I loved reading this one, a little snapshot of cultural history.


👍︎ 64
📅︎ Aug 24 2021
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Detective Colin Zabel aka Evan Peters
👍︎ 1k
👤︎ u/Cactus112
📅︎ Jun 15 2021
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George Knapp and Bryce Zabel youtu.be/fCNtt7nruNU
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📅︎ Nov 19 2021
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Zabel should have at least had a chance to survive

Are we supposed to believe that a police officer that has consistently shown to skirt the rules doesn’t bring a personal firearm, regardless of her service weapon being taken away, to search for a potential killer?

You’ve already been taken off the case and told to steer clear but you have the gall to look at Zabel and say “no gun”?

That’s the one thing I couldn’t understand.

👍︎ 26
👤︎ u/EsCaRg0t
📅︎ Jun 13 2021
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LIVESTREAM | Trail of the Saucers with Bryce Zabel youtube.com/watch?v=Av33q…
👍︎ 2
👤︎ u/Sprague51
📅︎ Sep 24 2021
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Evan Peters/Zabel

Round of applause to Evan Peters who did a phenomenal job portraying Colin Zabel. He had great chemistry with the cast and you could tell he had a lot of fun with the show. He'll be missed!

👍︎ 478
👤︎ u/LoretiTV
📅︎ May 17 2021
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Zabel solving the first case

His story sounded suspect, however he said he solved the case from going over files and continually interviewing suspects and witnesses and seeing who’s stories have changed. So far I’ve noticed, and there are probably more….

  1. Frank’s story has changed. First he barely knew Erin. Then he was giving her rides home and buying her stuff.

  2. Dylan’s story changed before and after the video of the fight.

  3. Deacon Mark said he didn’t see Erin but he had her bike so……

  4. Erin’s father said he was home all effing night the night of the murder but the montage shows him coming home early that morning so…..

👍︎ 76
👤︎ u/pekowitz
📅︎ May 03 2021
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Mare and Colin Zabel v.redd.it/qvlqqv78n7y61
👍︎ 104
👤︎ u/Sofiaplace
📅︎ May 10 2021
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Zabel was in The Office... youtu.be/XX_WErDgCag
👍︎ 116
👤︎ u/JAYCEE--
📅︎ May 29 2021
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One part of Zabel’s plot I wish had happened (SPOILERS)

Like most of ya probably, I felt pretty bad for Zabel, and esp. his mom.

So it was a little disappointing to me that they ended that thread with his mom slapping Mare and still being unforgiving. It made sense of course, but I wish they could have come back to give her character a little closure.

I really expected there would be at least one more brief scene with one of the kidnapping victims, maybe at Zabel’s funeral, maybe with Kate Bailey, her mom or her daughter or the other victim, at least thanking Zabel’s mom and letting her know her son didn’t die for nothing but helped to save their lives.

Just my 2 cents.

👍︎ 117
👤︎ u/nh4rxthon
📅︎ Jun 11 2021
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1898 Queen Anne - Zabel House - Berkeley, CA
👍︎ 106
📅︎ Sep 04 2021
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Mare and Zabel if he (SPOILER)

Spoilers spoilers spoilers.

I've been thinking about Mare and Zabel and what might have happened between them if he had lived. I do think their story concluded in a really devastating but beautifully written way, but I also like to think about the what-ifs.

I have seen quite a few people refer to them as "perfect for each other," insist he was in love with her, etc., and as much as I enjoyed their dynamic and thought they ultimately made each other better people, I don't think I quite agree with that assessment.

As sweet as Zabel was and as much as most of us were rooting for him, I don't think that was love. It was more of an infatuation brought on by a big breakup and a major professional fumble. I think Mare, who in every way was a representation of the detective he wanted to be, would've brought some short-term comfort through a very casual relationship that someone like Zabel might have mistaken for love, but ultimately he would have to realize their lives don't quite fit together.

And for Mare, after he confided in her about not solving his case, something obviously shifted for her. But I think it was more about Zabel no longer trying to put on a show for her, and getting to see some of his flaws surface was what ultimately made her at least start to open herself up to the possibility. (Part of me almost thinks she knew he was lying about his case and was just waiting to see if he'd ever tell her – with his clear inexperience and evasiveness whenever she brought it up, I wouldn't be surprised if she'd come to that conclusion, or at least thought something was off.)

Anyway, I think the choice of including the VO of Kevin's tapes during the last minute or so of episode 5 was a pretty clear indication that, for Mare, her failures as the more experienced partner mirrored her failures (or what she considered failures) as a mother. I could see her giving Zabel a shot, but I think to her he'd always be, as I believe Vanity Fair put it, "a kid who needed to be protected."

If we saw more of their relationship, I think in the end they'd have mutual respect and affection for each other but ultimately leave it at that after some unsuccessful attempts at testing out their compatibility. I am pretty anti-season 2 because I do think everything ended perfectly, but in this what-could-have-been scenario, it would have been fun to see them navigate that and watch how their professional relationship developed as a result.

Anyway, thanks for coming to my TE

... keep reading on reddit ➡

👍︎ 58
📅︎ Jul 11 2021
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Mare and Zabel. They are both to blame? Or Mare has more responsibility for being more experienced? Do you still think she's a good detective? reddit.com/gallery/nhltx9
👍︎ 47
📅︎ May 21 2021
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Will Zabel be killed off?! (Possible Spoiler)

According to the preview at the end of episode 4, we see Zabel and Mare enter a house together where there are many Winston cigarette butts (supposedly the kind the kidnapper smokes according to the girl in the same preview), and Zabel has his gun in his holster. We know Mare turned hers in to the Chief when she was put on leave, so she would supposedly be unarmed in that situation. The scene cuts to Mare (presumably in the same house) with a bloody left hand and a gun in her right hand. Where is Zabel and why does she have a gun? Wild speculation on my part, but if they kill him off I will be soooooo upset.

👍︎ 28
👤︎ u/mandyama
📅︎ May 12 2021
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Introducing the Unstoppable Zabel to Armenian youth armenianweekly.com/2021/0…
👍︎ 17
📅︎ Aug 09 2021
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Is Mare using Zabel’s mug?
👍︎ 78
📅︎ May 24 2021
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>!spoiler!< Zabel’s Monologue is Key

Something hit me with Zabel’s bit about the drunk PI finding a suspect with a bad alibi. I think this is going to be the exact way Mare solves Erin’s murder - re-examining those alibis.

Whose is weak? Who but John Ross, who if I remember correctly simply showed Mare a (non-time stamped from the look of it) photo of Frank passed out claiming they were drunk at the time. I think Ryan is holding onto a secret about something more than his dad’s infidelity (also the weird scenes with Ryan staring too long at the news story about Erin, and looking anxious when John/Lori talk about adopting DJ).

Mare’s gonna get her drunk washed up PI on and hear something from Lori, Frank or Ryan that makes her remember Zabel’s words and re-examine those alibis.

👍︎ 170
📅︎ May 18 2021
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LIVESTREAM | Trail of the Saucers with Bryce Zabel youtube.com/watch?v=Av33q…
👍︎ 3
👤︎ u/Sprague51
📅︎ Sep 24 2021
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LIVESTREAM | Trail of the Saucers with Bryce Zabel youtube.com/watch?v=Av33q…
👍︎ 5
👤︎ u/Sprague51
📅︎ Sep 24 2021
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Spoiler: Zabel’s status?

So, from the ending of episode 5, we are made to assume that Zabel is dead. But IMBd lists him for 6 episodes… and he wasn’t even in episode 1. So that would mean we see more of him in the future, whether he is (somehow???) alive, or overpass in the form of flashbacks… right???

👍︎ 17
📅︎ May 18 2021
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If anyone trashes Zabel…
👍︎ 135
📅︎ May 19 2021
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The incident with Zabel

it really was his fault ! Hear me out -

>!When they are in the guys house, he's extremely suspicious to begin with, and then start hearing the pipes clanking, and it keeps on increasing, its pretty obvious its because of some other person - you can see it in Mare's face. At this point any cop would draw their gun. Esp after Mare points out she's unarmed. I think its Zabel's fault - he's just not a good cop and his has been shown many times. All he had to do was get his gun out on the guy as soon as he came back into the room.!<

👍︎ 43
👤︎ u/ECrispy
📅︎ May 18 2021
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Does Zabel seem too good to be true?

I feel like we will learn something about him down the road. Or who knows. He could just be a lost young man.

The writer dude definitely seems sketch, tho. He keeps asking Mare about her daughter in law.

👍︎ 9
📅︎ May 11 2021
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The God of Metal, Zabel Zarock! With his cohort and bro, Le Malta! My take on the two for my Cryas Darkstalkers universe stuff.
👍︎ 52
👤︎ u/AuraNova26
📅︎ May 14 2021
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Am I supposed to empathize with mare ? Im glad she got slapped by zabels mother. Anyone else?

Despite the fact that she saved two kids, has to deal with a suicide and separation... I never really rooted for mare. Her obsession with the case, reluctance to share it with county, arrogance to continue working even when she was technically on leave, the way she went on a non sensical “date” with zabel to talk about work... I can't really like her..

I was relieved when she got slapped by labels mother.

Why was she going door to door for a case she was supposed to be on leave for

Why didn't she cover him? Why didn't they call for backup before entering? It would of made more sense for a house that large (dual sides). You are looking for a kidnapper and except it to be peaceful entry?

Even her relationship with Richard was so flaky/noncomittal at first.

Does this chick have feelings? She has no soul sometimes

I was pissed when she convicted Ryan cause sometimes family is all you have. They already had a false confession from the other Ross.

Why couldn't she let the last Ross slide under the radar and keep things a secret. It pisses me off .

👍︎ 5
👤︎ u/Kambox2021
📅︎ Jun 25 2021
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What Zabel represents

Bear with me. I've been thinking of Mare of Easttown as a fundamentally femanist narrative (I think Mare is like French "mere", Mother of Easttown - not my idea, see a previous post of mine).

I think Zabel represents men taking credit for women's work, given that the sister of the PI handed Zabel the solution to the previous case.

Reasonable? Thoughts?

👍︎ 3
📅︎ May 22 2021
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Cultural History: 'Dark Skies' producer Bryce Zabel debated Carl Sagan ( ! ) about UFOs

Voyager II’s Saturn flyby happened 40 years ago this week. Carl Sagan that night did a "live" TV program about it, and afterwards, then-TV-journalist turned 'Dark Skies' producer Bryce Zabel walked him out to his car and struck up a conversation ... about UFOs. I loved reading this one, a little snapshot of cultural history.


👍︎ 8
📅︎ Aug 24 2021
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