A list of puns related to "Verba"
Quero deixar anotado pra ano que vem nem chegar perto de seus candidatos.
If today teaches us anything, I think it encompasses the thought: "the line between good and evil runs through the heart of every man."
That quote may be a bit overly theatrical, but it drives the point home. I think it is easy to become a tyrant when in power, namely because admitting when one is wrong is leagues ahead in arduousness. Or so it seems.
Imagine if that mod came heart in hand and admitted their shortcomings, and asked the communities feedback of how to improve rather than act out as they did? I'm not saying that we still wouldn't be here today, but it would be a step in the right direction.
Truth be told, you mods do hold a lot of power whether we want to admit it or not. Yes, the movement still perseveres, but how much damage did that one person just do?
My point is this: there will be days that you will probably feel attacked, and perhaps unnecessarily at that. I urge you to take a step back during those moments and return to the core of what you stand for and realize the way you act and what you post represents a whole lot more people than just yourself.
u/RIOP3L, u/JoeyRacanelli, u/ShawnMilo, be better than our predecessors. That is all I ask.
I think you guys are familiar with "verba volant, scripta manent", i.e., (roughly translation) spoken fly away, written remain. I would like to ask that is this proverb tries to underline the prominence of writing sth. important down in order not to be forgotten or is the spoken access beyond the written can ever do (knowledge beyond borders)? Thanks in advance.
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