An ancient king once fled in exile.

His people were dissatisfied with his greed and revolted. He was forced to leave his vast wealth and gorgeous material possessions behind and escape to a deserted island for refuge. The only treasure he was able to smuggle away with him was his throne- a beautiful throne of solid gold chased with jewels, his most prized possession. But in his escape, he lived in fear that he would be tracked down and his last piece of luxury stolen. Therefore, he built himself a hut of grass and straw on his new island, but created a secret attic in the hut to conceal it, beneath which he slept. And for a time, he was safe. However, the rains came, and the damp grasses could no longer support the weight of the heavy golden throne, and the attic floor collapsed while the king slept, taking his life. The moral of this story, of course, is that people who live in grass houses shouldn't stow thrones.

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πŸ‘€︎ u/bitofagrump
πŸ“…︎ Jan 18 2023
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