[Primum Non Nocere] PNN 24 - Le geste le plus difficile de la chirurgie youtube.com/watch?v=A0oqG…
👍︎ 2
👤︎ u/PoufPoal
📅︎ Dec 22 2021
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CVM: Primum Non Nocere finance.yahoo.com/news/cv…
👍︎ 2
📅︎ Aug 26 2021
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"Gyermekvédelem": Primum non nocere

Csobbanás nem hallik. Már csak a hullámok látszanak.
Nem bírta a súlyt tovább. Későn indult a felvétel: mire előkerült a telefon a zsebből, talán a karok fáradtak el, talán a halva született megfontoláson győzött a tehetnékség. Mindenesetre a srácok hangos nevetéssel koronázták a méretes kőtől – roppant félszigettől! – megszabadított tópartot, ahol a megnyúló árnyékok egyre messzebb húzódtak a Nap elől. Az elcsattanó pacsikról már csak a kép széle, e sokszorta kéretlen hírnök számol be nekünk, ahogy a kamera a lépések érezhető döccenéseitől kísérve elfordul, s folytatja eltökélt küldetését, hogy megörökítse, mi jót csinál épp kirándulásán ez összeverődött társaság, az osztály.

Emitt egy széles pokrócon elhelyezkedve egy kártyapaklit ülnek-fekszenek néhányan körül, ki-ki kényelme szerint. Még elég világos van a lapokat láthatni, de már több a beszéd, mint a játék. Az egyik lány a barátja ölében ül, aki a válla fölött nézi a lapjait – ők együtt játszanak, s noha így rövidebb a kör, az elrendezés valahogy végső soron mégis nyújtja a játszmákat; hisz bizony véges az emberi érdeklődés. Oldalról belép valaki a képbe. Mond valami frappánsat a kamerába, nagy taglejtéssel érvényesítvén előjogát az őt megillető figyelemre. Az arcsimító "szépségfilter" a heves mozgás közepette is szakadatlanul küzd a tükörgyárak bedöntéséért.

Továbblépked a mesterséges tekintet, és folytatja fordulatát, míg újra fel nem tűnik a tó, s a nyugati égbolt. A most hirtelen képbe kerülő Nap összezavarja az automatát, s mintha maga Aton nyúlt volna le számos keze egyikével sokat sejtően eltakarni valamit, egy tétovázó pillanatig a tájból semmi más nem kivehető – csak világos és sötét látszik. Majd szinte érezni, ahogy a gép koncentrálva összevonja a szemöldökét, s az árnyalatokat visszanyerve kirajzolódik a zárókép. Az ereszkedő Nap díszítette égen egy-egy tarka mentés felhő vendégszerető inasként bírja az átutazóban lévő fénysugarakat maradásra, hogy a végtelenbe tartó útjuk előtt megpihenvén az odalent vigadó társaság perceit futólag színesíthessék. A parton lengedező nád látványa szinte felidézi a vele járó lágy neszt, amit az enyhe szellőben is hussogó hangfelvétel vissza nem adhat. A parton récék tollászkodnak olyan találékony módon használva a nyakukat, hogy a szemlélő szinte pazarlásnak érzi, hogy ő még kezet is növesztett. Néhány csillapíthatatlan éhségű példány fáradhatatlanul csipegeti a fű közül a feléjük szórt morzsákat, miközben békák szerenádja szolgál nekik jó nótával a jó

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👍︎ 24
👤︎ u/Syfogidas
📅︎ Jun 23 2021
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Doctor Fate #5 - Primum Non Nocere

DC Next presents:

##Doctor Fate

Issue #5:Primum Non Nocere

Written by: dwright5252

Edited by: ClaraEclair

Previous Issue Next Issue>

“When you make your first incision, don’t be afraid to go too deep. Chances are, you haven’t even broken through muscle yet.”

Khalid took copious notes as the attending physician walked him and the rest of the residents through the process of performing routine surgery. As he peered at the body lying prone in the operating table through his mask and medical cap, he couldn’t help but wonder how magic would be better to treat someone. At least it would be less invasive.

It had taken him longer than he’d wished to get a transfer to a Boston school in order to be close enough to Inza so as to not trigger the tether that kept them together. It would’ve been horrible if he was in the middle of treating a patient when he got pulled through the hospital to his uncooperative partner. Getting into the program, however, was easier than becoming friendly with the fellow residents.

The cliques had already formed, reminding Khalid painfully of elementary school where the kids picked on him because they thought the Kushari he was having for lunch smelled funny. Joke was on them, his dad made a mean dish.

He thought this kind of thing went out with the times along with sneakers with hidden wheels in them, but turns out that exclusion was a universal thing. As usual, he couldn’t see any rhyme or reason to them leaving him out. Of course, this is how it had always been. Silly to think anything should change now that everyone was an adult.

Some wounds would never heal.

“Nassour, would you like to demonstrate to the class the technique I just described?” the physician said, causing all eyes to fall on Khalid. Attempting a confident nod, he walked up to the patient and gripped the scalpel in his hand. He’d done this routine dozens of times practicing on a fetal pig, but this was different. This was a live human being, trusting him and his fellow doctors with their life.

Khalid willed the sweat on hi

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👍︎ 12
📅︎ Oct 07 2021
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'Primum Non Nocere' OR First Do No Harm covidmedicalnetwork.com/o…
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👤︎ u/PIagueRat
📅︎ Aug 11 2021
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[LIVE vidéo] La Consult' S02E03 : Infectiologie ou l'art de soigner les gens qui contiennent des virus, avec Leo Grasset @DirtyBiology, @Primum Non Nocere et Asclépios youtube.com/watch?v=y_8Ds…
👍︎ 5
📅︎ Nov 14 2020
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Is reduction of suffering secondary to abstaining from causing suffering (primum non nocere)?

Hi everyone! Longtime lurker here, can i hang out?

I like the negative utilitarian argument for antinatilism, but I see it can be attacked:

Negative utilitatarianism alone can lead to the logical conclusion that you should produce a minor amount of suffering in order to avoid a greater one.

This is the kind of utilitarian calculus that makes you pull the lever in the trolley problem, but it is also the kind that could justify, say, forced sterilization.

We could very well make use of negative utilitarianism by itself to argue that forced sterilization would cause more suffering than it prevents, or could we?

On the other hand, abstaining from causing suffering would let the more people die in the trolley problem: is that ok?

👍︎ 13
📅︎ Jan 07 2021
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[2745] Primum Non Nocere Part 1 Rewrite

Hey RDR! So after some valuable feedback last time around, I've completely rewritten the first part of my fantasy story. Hopefully the worldbuilding is adequate? This time around, I'd also really like to know if my characters are coming across the way I want them to.

So, how would you describe the characters and how do they seem to be related?
Also, for the scene in the potions rooms, I'm worried that Yiska comes off as irresponsible/careless.

As always, any and all feedback is appreciated!


Critiques: [2832], [3049]

👍︎ 7
📅︎ Nov 22 2020
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[1185] Primum Non Nocere Part 1

Hey y'all! I've finally gotten started on this high fantasy? mini-series. This is my first try at a multipart story; feel free to tear this piece apart. The main things I'm concerned about here are if I do enough exposition for the characters and the world.

As always, any and all feedback is greatly appreciated!



👍︎ 8
📅︎ Nov 10 2020
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"Primum non nocere - First, do no harm..." For those of you unsure about the upcoming English junior doctor strikes

Primum non nocere. The opening line of A seperate principle often mistakenly attributed to the Hippocratic oath. The vow we all take when we start practicing. First, do no harm.

In the coverage of the English junior doctor strikes, particularly the full walkout scheduled for next week (where emergency care is withdrawn for the first time ever) I have seen this sentiment passed around by the political right and unconvinced public. They claim that as doctors we cannot walk out of our posts as we will be breaking our own first and foremost rule.

Many colleagues and supporters are arguing that there will be no patients at risk during this strike. That our consultants will fully pick up the slack, morbidity and mortality will not get worse during our walkout and that we are not harming any patients.

But this is wrong. Patients will be at risk and patients will be harmed. They always are. Maybe no more than a regular day, but it will happen none the less. You see, our Hippocratic oath the principle is wrong. As doctors we harm patients every single day. Iatrogenesis, surgical scars, side effects, allergic reactions, primary complications, secondary complications, hospital acquired infections. Almost all of what we do comes with a caveat of "this is what could go wrong" even when done perfectly within the most skilled hands. Inevitably we do sometimes cause harm, or even death.

Therefore a more appropriate opening line principle should be - Take the path of least harm.

As doctors we are experts in risk-benefit analysis. For everything we do we weigh up the pro's and the con's, deciding finally if the potential harm is worth the potential benefit. We weigh up the potential harm of doing nothing against the potential harm of doing something, and that has reflected over into our decision to strike. The new contract being imposed risks our healthcare system being destroyed. Not enough doctors to run a full service, and those we do have spread so thin they cannot deliver care to every patient. Extreme rationing of the services available, and half the funding going from the taxpayer into poorly run private firms. Longer and longer waiting lists. Patients dying before they get treatment. Exhausted medics that make mistakes. A demoralised and depressed workforce that has long given up. More doctors leaving for greener pastures and less and less top level students applying to medical school every year, continuously reducing the

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👍︎ 110
📅︎ Apr 19 2016
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Primum non nocere I guess withkoji.com/~aliteralcac…
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📅︎ Jun 27 2020
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[FANFICTION] Primum Non Nocere (and Other Lies)

So uh, I've done a thing.

Primum Non Nocere (and Other Lies) is my attempt at fleshing parts of the story out, telling campaign side-stories, and adding a bit more flavour (read: suffering) to the Doctor's life/backstory.


Hit a bit of a block recently (med school does that) so there's a set of side-stories (The Other Lies) already.


A bit more fun, and it's where the really experimental and baseless conjecture will go.

Hope you enjoy!

👍︎ 9
👤︎ u/EbolaBooze
📅︎ Jul 30 2020
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Primum non nocere : La loi Avia et cette "urgence" d'agir. blogs.mediapart.fr/lauren…
👍︎ 41
📅︎ May 15 2020
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Questions/réponses de Asclépios et Primum Non Nocere

Ce sont 2 médecins occasionnellement youtubeurs. Ils ont fait un live question/réponse hier : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGh4uExLnzg (avec de longs problèmes techniques au début).

Quelques réponses que j'ai notées (parfois brutes mais souvent reformulées, et sélection totalement arbitraire) :

> La propagation du virus par les porteurs sains a été sous estimée. Ça a probablement retardé les décisions. > > Il ne faut pas toucher ses yeux car le virus se fait évacuer dans les larmes qui tombent dans le nez et les voies respiratoires. > > Les CHU vont délester tout ce qui ne concerne pas COVID-19 sur d'autres professionnels, dont Primum qui se prépare actuellement à recevoir tout ça. > > Le pic est attendu pour le 11 avril. Pas la fin hein, le milieu. > > On n'est pas dans une situation de pénurie. On est dans une situation de risque de mort. On n'est pas à l'aube d'un effondrement massif du système. Tout ce qu'on vous demande c'est de rester chez vous. > > Le virus n'a pas de saisonnalité. > > Le virus agit en abîmant les 2 poumons ce qui empêche la circulation d'oxygène et tout ça. > > Ça risque de ressembler à ce qu'il se passe en Italie. Mais les zones d'Italie les plus touchées ont une proportion de personnes âgées plus grande. > > Une majorité des gens seront probablement atteints. > > Les équipes commencent à être crevées. Et après la crise vont arriver tous les patients qu'on n'a pas traités pendant. > > On apprend tous les jours un peu plus sur le fonctionnement du virus. > > Pour l'instant on considère que 14 jours sans symptôme c'est bien. > > Pour prévenir les futurs crises il faut juste mettre du pognon et écouter les scientifiques. > > L’intérêt des gens vis à vis de la santé va se rehausser. > > Il faut de la grosse thune, du matériel. > > Un système de santé basé sur un système assurantiel pur (sans sécurité sociale) c'est quelque chose qui mettra à mal notre système de santé si une épidémie comme celle là se renouvelait. > > Ça va profondément changer le monde. Il y a peut être des pays qui vont s'effondrer. Il y a probablement un ordre mondial différent qui va entrer en jeu. > > On a oublié ce que c'était une maladie infectieuse. > > On ne sait pas quand le pic se profile dans le Grand Est. On ne sait pas à quoi il va ressembler. On est sur la montée. > > Le virus entraîne une sur-activation du systèm

... keep reading on reddit ➡

👍︎ 41
👤︎ u/exatorc
📅︎ Mar 20 2020
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"Primum non nocere" - "first, do no harm"
👍︎ 41
👤︎ u/42words
📅︎ Apr 05 2020
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[FANFICTION] Primum non Nocere Ch.10

Back on the writing train, wooooo

Chapter 10: Nihil Sine Sanguinus is up!


Hope you enjoy, updates should be faster for the next few chapters.

👍︎ 3
👤︎ u/EbolaBooze
📅︎ Oct 04 2020
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🚀CET ENDROIT REND TOUT LE MONDE MALADE - Feat. Primum Non Nocere youtube.com/watch?v=rW3xj…
👍︎ 6
👤︎ u/56Bot
📅︎ Mar 04 2020
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Bdía, El principio clínico, "primum non nocere" dice que cuando una medicina hace daño, hay que dejar de aplicarla. También vale en política. twitter.com/Julio_Rodr_/s…
👍︎ 49
📅︎ Apr 29 2016
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[2219] Primum Non Nocere

Hi, here's a short story as a break from Vortex. It's horror, but in the category of "what scares you" as opposed to ghosts and werewolves. I can't make it any longer, but I can cut! Any feedback is appreciated but I mainly want to know, is it scary?


More on Vortex by the weekend!

NADL score: 37,321- 2219 = 35,102

			Minus  Vortex CH 2         -      3118		           14,661

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DD1vwUBPwTqqBstAvTYxwYZYLQI74BT9gO0jJrmercY/edit?usp=sharing 750 15,411

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DD1vwUBPwTqqBstAvTYxwYZYLQI74BT9gO0jJrmercY/edit?usp=sharing 630 16,041

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1w1vpOd1D2ZP2SyfqyAHipst0iFZfgXctY8eWKKrOsJ0/edit?usp=sharing 1942 17983

Word Mess 491 18,983

The Final Mission 373 19,356

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tsbS8V0j430h5zEEcsroMHogllJjTpzuSHmVsxtYuzc/edit?usp=sharing 2133 21,489

Tiger Country. 3822 25,311 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wHeFLeLXVNB448yWmR0CMRhtIw7EqRsvmTTJUVCV-3Q/edit?usp=sharing 5008 30,319

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nhu6FMFfFcetZ0q88s3ig5mtaMJHxu7Uzrhi6E71izs/edit?usp=sharing 1602 30,921

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1w1vpOd1D2ZP2SyfqyAHipst0iFZfgXctY8eWKKrOsJ0/edit?usp=sharing 1423 32,341

The doc 4980 37,321

👍︎ 9
📅︎ Oct 17 2017
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How do you pronounce "Primum non nocere" in english?

Hi there, I'm involved in medicine and am curious to know how to properly pronounce "primum non nocere" in english. I can't find any consistent guide to pronunciation online.

Any help would be really appreciated!

👍︎ 5
👤︎ u/Vyktal21
📅︎ Jul 09 2016
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glyf: Ethics for Programmers: Primum non Nocere glyf.livejournal.com/4658…
👍︎ 11
👤︎ u/dfdeshom
📅︎ Apr 04 2006
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The Primum non nocere principle in psychotherapy: A science based approach sciencebasedmedicine.org/…
👍︎ 7
📅︎ Jul 26 2018
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Primum Non Nocere

You come from all different walks of life. Men, women, old, young, different religions and ethnicities... it doesn't matter. What matters is you need our help.

That's why we're here, after all. Right? To fix up your scrapes and boo-boos, to patch up the wounds you were dealt by misfortune or stupidity. Or sometimes fate.

See... that's the one I want to talk about. Fate. The people who were destined to end up here. Like you.

What's wrong with you? We don't know just yet. We're going to perform what is known as "exploratory surgery." Do you know what that means? It means we're going to make a tiny, little cut in your skin and look around inside of you to find out what's wrong. I doubt we'll find anything though. You seem very healthy.

Unlike my son. You remind me of him. My precious little boy has been so sick for so long now. I've been so worried... but today I feel better.

Why? Well... because sometimes doctors make mistakes. Sometimes those mistakes are fatal.

My son has waited a long time for a new heart.

👍︎ 7
📅︎ Sep 26 2016
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[Lore] Primum Non Nocere

11th moon of 339 AC

“The pains are more severe now,” said Lady Bolton, eyes clenched shut against the light in the window.

“Ah, your headaches again, my lady?”

The maester came around the corner then, chains clinking softly, black robes trailing silently on the floor. He had a drawling voice, and it reminded everyone he spoke to that they were not quite as smart or well-read or eloquent as him. Paired with sharp features, he was an intimidating man. Today he carried a handful of herbs as he entered his chamber instead of the usual leatherbound tomes. He busied himself with hanging them out to dry on a line strung between two windows of his tower, his back to Ella as he worked.

She didn’t notice, because her face was in her hands.

“My stores of sweetsleep have dwindled, my lady,” said Maester Chad chidingly, as if she were a child asking for sweets.

“Then find more,” came her petulant answer. She sighed heavily as she pressed her head down into her hands. It felt as heavy as a block of lead, hanging off the thread that was her neck. It throbbed with every beat of her heart.

“You say it is worse than usual?”

“Much,” was her strained answer.

Maester Chad made a tut tut noise with his tongue, then pulled a stool out from underneath a table and perched upon it in front of her like a strange black bird. He furrowed his brow at her for a moment, before tut tutting again.

“Your humors seem to be perpetually out of balance, my lady,” he said grimly. “I’ve tried my best to correct them, but your hysterias have only grown more frequent, and more damaging. Sweetsleep only temporarily soothes, it does not cure. I, and my colleagues at the Citadel, no doubt, would suggest more aggressive treatment.”

His silence lingered for an agonizing moment as he analyzed her.

Ella glanced up at him, eyes swimming from the effort of focusing them. No doubt he thought little of her and her hysterics, but she didn’t truly care about his opinions. If she did not seek him out, then who in the seven kingdoms could help her? Not her husband, surely, the lord who was perpetually fretting over petty vassals’ squabbles and farmers’ troubles and how to feed the peasants in the coming winter. Not her daughters, whom she would never dream of burdening. Even if his methods were untoward, even if he prickled the hairs on the back of her neck, she had no choice; the man who controlled the sweetsleep controlled her.

Maester Chad cleared his throat. “I could bleed you

... keep reading on reddit ➡

👍︎ 10
📅︎ Jul 30 2017
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Read More About Primum Non Nocere - First Do No Harm likealeader.net/2017/01/1…
👍︎ 2
📅︎ Oct 11 2017
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Primum Non Nocere - Peut-on tomber enceinte en avalant ? (spoiler : oui, et autres "joyeusetés" sur la grossesse) youtube.com/watch?v=HH25R…
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📅︎ Jan 12 2019
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Primum non nocere

Every year, 40 million Americans go under the knife. The vast majority of these surgeries go smoothly, but some people experience something called anesthesia awareness. This occurs when a patient hasn't received a sufficient dosage of anesthetic.

The precise rate of these occurrences is difficult to determine, but a generally accepted estimate is about one to two cases per thousand. Of these, only a minuscule percentage (less than 1%) have any recollection of the events. They remember a handful of fleeting moments - a joke cracked by an orderly, the gurney trip to the recovery room.

Most rare of all are the patients who remember everything. This year, less than 20 people will experience true helplessness. An appendectomy, a cataract removal, a triple bypass will lead to decades of therapy. These people will live their lives haunted by the memories of paralysis, of suffocation, of the unspeakable agony of every single slice.

The surgeon washed his hands and donned his latex gloves. The patient's self esteem was very low - it was no wonder she had chosen to get a nose job. But her parents were right; she really was one in a million. And today he would make sure that she'd never forget it.

👍︎ 39
👤︎ u/whiteddit
📅︎ Aug 23 2013
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Primum Non Nocere: A story I wrote about Pinkie Pie. Hope if you decide to check it out, you stick around. fimfiction.net/story/2190…
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📅︎ Oct 31 2014
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Linguists recently discovered that “primum non nocere” was mistranslated throwing the medical community into chaos. It actually means "first, do no ________."
👍︎ 3
📅︎ Jan 05 2020
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