"Koncom septembra slovenské médiá zaplavili informácie o údajom útoku medveďa na pastiera oviec" Spoiler - k žiadnemu útoku v realite nedošlo.
Italian Pastiera cooked in Cast Iron Skillet
Thank you for inviting. Do you like Pastiera Napoletana?
Easter is coming but Pastiera (italian ricotta cheesecake) is ready
Lezione di oggi: avere sempre un MARTELLO D'ORO di riserva. Mi dissocio dalla battuta su Napoli. Give me Pastiera pls
Easter classic: Pastiera Napoletana
More typical food: pastiera is the talk of the week especially in South Italian families. Each family has its own family. And some family like to make more then one for friends (pic from the house kitchen of mr. Marino Starace, our partner UCMed's accountant)! Recipe in the comments.
My Pastiera Napoletana - Salvatore Esposito shared a similar image on Instagram earlier. A lovely Easter cake.
The typical (homemade) Neapolitan Easter Pastiera
PASTIERA NAPOLETANA (traditional Easter pie in Italy)
Pastiera napoletana made by my girlfriend
[Homemade] Pastiera Napoletana
Pastiera Napoletana (Homemade)
[Homemade] Happy Easter everyone! From left to right, top: casatiello napoletano, tortano; bottom: pastiera napoletana, frittata di maccheroni (fried pasta) and a nice little salame, just in case.
[I ate] Pastiera di maccheroni. This is an Easter dish in Campania, southern Italy, goes with cured meat. It's made with a mixture pasta, eggs, powdered pecorino cheese, pepper, olive oil, salt, baked in a wood-burning oven.
Pastiera di Riso for Easter (basically Italian rice pudding pie 😍)
My first try at pie art! Pastiera, Neapolitan Easter pie
Pastiera Napoletana. The best pie I’ve ever eaten.
The largest "Pastiera" in the world, 2 meters in diameter, in Napoli.
[Homemade] Pastiera Napoletana
[Homemade] Pastiera Napoletana
I made this Pastiera Napoletana following Laura Vitale’s recipe. Such an amazing recipe.
Pastiera: an Italian classic Easter cake from Naples :)
I made a Pastiera pie 🥧 The recipe is from Laura Vitale on Youtube. The smell and taste are out of this world.
Pastiera Napoletana, buona Pasqua!
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