Why wasn't the scuba diver invited to the company's executive beach party?
Because he was below C-level.
ποΈ 17
οΈ Feb 18 2021
Why wasn't RBG a business executive?
ποΈ 8
οΈ Jan 01 2021
Sbarro pizza company charged with violating state COVID executive order
They are expected to make an appearance in Food Court next week.
Good evening. I'll see my self out...
ποΈ 7
οΈ Dec 05 2020
If Pete Buttigieg wins the election, he'll be the first person to move from the judicial branch to the executive.
ποΈ 2
οΈ Feb 07 2020
My executive assistant has long hair.
ποΈ 11
οΈ Aug 06 2019
I was in a meeting with five executives from Tencent.
It felt like I was speaking to 50 Cent.
ποΈ 8
οΈ Oct 08 2019
Dadjoked the executive board room today
Got quite a few groans I was pretty proud of today!
We were talking about hiring a new manager for a field team, and it turned out the guy we liked the most had several felony convictions for gun possession.
COO: I'm not sure we can take the risk, despite his valuable experience.
Me: Well guys, at least we know he'll stick to his guns.
I'll make a very good dad one day.
ποΈ 2k
οΈ Apr 16 2014
I got in trouble at work for damaging an executive's Microsoft tablet.
I defended myself saying "I've barely scratched the Surface"
ποΈ 43
οΈ Sep 01 2018
What do you call a chemistry executive who loves coffee?
ποΈ 8
οΈ Jul 06 2019
Our company VP just hit the executive suite with this one...
You know how you can tell the difference between an alligator and a crocodile? ...One will see you later, the other will see you in a while.
Me being the only other dad in the room silently chuckled while the other 3 non-dad executives let out an audible groan.
ποΈ 4
οΈ Jul 22 2019
What do you call it when a group of business executives start a band?
ποΈ 11
οΈ Aug 25 2018
How did Microsoft executives advertise back then?
ποΈ 2
οΈ Mar 27 2019
The executive sat on his katana after his proposed new corporate structure was rejected
Apparently, the board didn't approve of the bottom-up harakiri
ποΈ 4
οΈ Dec 07 2018
What do Apple executives eat?
ποΈ 6
οΈ Jun 04 2018
Hope I get that sweet executive job at Hanes...
I hear the benefits package includes sock-options...
ποΈ 8
οΈ Aug 29 2017
Met a guy who told us he was an executive coach.
"Oh, is that one of the ones with TV screens and a toilet?"
ποΈ 3
οΈ Sep 20 2013
French revolution puns?
I only have one.
The Americans supported the cause of the French Revolution, but not the execution.
Puns off the names Robespierre, Saint Just, etc especially requested.
ποΈ 3
οΈ Dec 31 2014
A man is being taken to the gallows for his execution. The executioner asked if he had any last requests, and he asked for a high five.
The executioner left him hanging.
ποΈ 346
οΈ Oct 15 2020
In Ancient Greece, people who had beliefs contrary to the worship of Poseidon were executed for Heresea
ποΈ 6
οΈ Nov 16 2020
I tried to tell a joke about a guillotine
I didn't execute it properly
ποΈ 32
οΈ Apr 21 2021
Jokes about murders aren't funny
Unless they're properly executed, that it.
ποΈ 297
οΈ Mar 10 2021
The Harry Potter films were really good, but I think nearly headless Nick was poorly executed
ποΈ 111
οΈ May 29 2020
I have a joke about sentences...
But I fear I may get executed. People are too judgy nowadays.
ποΈ 2
οΈ Apr 20 2021
It's just a pun, honest
ποΈ 4k
οΈ May 22 2020
Awful taste but great Exeggutor (Execution)
ποΈ 1k
οΈ Jan 07 2019
I was going to make a joke about capital punishment
But I wasn't sure how to execute it
ποΈ 10
οΈ Mar 13 2021
My 3 year old's first joke
What's wobbly in the sky
A jellycopter
Not the best execution, but I'm happy he's joining the tradition of bad jokes
ποΈ 11k
οΈ Jun 02 2020
I'm sad I didn't get to see how my execution ended...
ποΈ 125
οΈ Jan 11 2019
My four year old: Daddy, what is Alexa scared of?
Me: She's just a robot, I don't think she ever feels fear.
My son: She's scared of getting Alexa-cuted.
ποΈ 269
οΈ Jul 29 2020
Nearly Headless Nick had such potential to be a great character
But he was so badly executed.
ποΈ 46
οΈ Dec 15 2020
Wanna hear an ISIS joke?
ποΈ 8
οΈ Jan 07 2021
I knew everyone on my cruise
guess it was a pretty good relation-ship
please don't execute me
ποΈ 7
οΈ Nov 26 2020
I'm creating a drinking game where every important event equals to drinking, but I am nowhere close to NAMING my drinking game. A friend of mine recommended this subreddit, saying that people drop some really punny puns here. Give your ideas for a title, I think up to 6 words would be okay.
Let's see what you can do!
What you need to know about the game:
- You can create your timeline based on packages (ages, countries, continents, etc).
- Every important event has a normal action and drinking action.
- You never know in which year you are located but get an estimate year. You can either guess the year (or date) and get a free pass or you have to execute the action or drinking action. When you guess wrong, you'll have to double it.
That's basically it.
ποΈ 4
οΈ Oct 16 2020
Awful taste but great execution
ποΈ 5
οΈ Dec 23 2018
Whatβs the 9 letters of the pirate alphabet? (CORNY ALERT)
R, I, and the seven cβs
ποΈ 12k
οΈ May 04 2019
How are bottles executed?
ποΈ 81
οΈ Feb 16 2018
I knew a guy who got executed via guillotine
ποΈ 2
οΈ May 18 2019
Special Report: Execution Botched Today Due to Hangman's Absence During Knot Tying Seminar in his Youth
ποΈ 7
οΈ Mar 18 2019
The guilloutine is apparently a relatively painless method of execution.
Heads will roll if word of this gets around.
ποΈ 8
οΈ Sep 08 2018
Did you hear the one about the secret agent that was captured behind enemy lines with a sheepdog as part of his disguise?
When he was put to death, his captors ground him up and baked him in the oven covered in gravy and mashed potatoes.
When questioned as to why such a cruel and unusual punishment was administered, they stated that this was the only way to correctly execute a shepherd spy.
ποΈ 84
οΈ Jun 17 2020
Did you hear about the guy who tried to fistbump a man who had been executed on the gallows
Yeah he just left him hanging
ποΈ 10
οΈ Dec 23 2017
What do you call a disease affecting crows?
ποΈ 2
οΈ Apr 29 2020
Are you a CEO in Silicon Valley?
Yeah, I surf on executive boards.
ποΈ 3
οΈ Aug 06 2020
What do you call a death sentence gone wrong?
Good concept, bad execution.
ποΈ 17
οΈ Jun 20 2020
A couple is divorcing in court, and they are fighting for custody of their only child:
The woman tries to pity the judge:
-Judge, I carried this child 9 months in my belly, it is the flesh of my flesh and it comes directly to me!
The judge is moved and says:
-Right mam, but now, lets listen to your husband's arguments.
The man prefers to use his pragmatic side, and says:
-Judge, when I put my coin in the vending machine,Is the can mine or is it to the machine?
ποΈ 327
οΈ Jun 21 2019
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