Happy Holidays, r/halo! Comment with your Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary colors for a special gift!
π︎ 5k
︎ Dec 23 2021
Hey DE, can we please have an option to change the tertiary color of Mesa's regulators on the new skin? This permanent red looks sort of weird with some of my skin color schemes
π︎ 445
︎ Dec 17 2021
I like the elite armors that were added in season 7, but I think the color patterns needed an update. Here is my take. (White primary, yellow secondary, red tertiary)
π︎ 122
︎ Nov 08 2021
Nidus Deluxe Now Looks Flaky and Has A Forced White Texture on the Secondary and Tertiary Colors (Third Image Is How It Should Look Like)
π︎ 74
︎ Nov 18 2021
π︎ 43
︎ Sep 17 2021
Secondary/tertiary team colors?
Thoughts on implementing additional team colors? More of a visual upgrade than a functional one but I think it would be a good way to game some individualism to the teams, also adds to realism factor I suppose
Keep up the good work as always!
π︎ 6
︎ Nov 14 2021
Anyone else not like that you canβt pick your primary, secondary, and tertiary colors anymore?
π︎ 8
︎ Aug 02 2021
What if Magic's color pie were instead centered on each color's tertiary effects?
Using the (moderately out-of-date) 2017 color pie summary, we'd get:
- 'White' is now the color of prowess, hexproof, reach, counterspells, card draw, 'drain life', effects that scale with how many Plains you have, land destruction, fog effects, extra attack phases, and -N/+N effects on creatures.
- 'Blue' is now the color of creature reanimation, cheating enchantments into play from your hand, untapping lands, dealing damage when blocked, and auras that give +N/-N.
- 'Black' is now the color of first strike, ramp, flickering permanents, and stealing permanents.
- 'Red' is now the color of taking extra turns, and ending turns.
- 'Green' is now the color of flying and haste.
This is a way, wayyy weirder mix than just giving each color the abilities of its enemies. How would you flavor a 'Bizarro Magic' like this? What other effects would make sense (for mechanical balance and synergy, and for flavor), if those were each color's core?
π︎ 71
︎ Jun 08 2021
Hi, I'm Looking for tertiary Color Potions So that I can Hopefully get The Color Wasp that's why I named it Bumblebee because its colors reminded me of a Bumblebee but that snake green throws the whole look off, let me know if you have Tertiary Color pots I can have. Have a Nice an Humble Day :)
π︎ 3
︎ Sep 24 2021
With the two-helmet rule, we should take advantage of our tertiary color and get a colts version of these threads
π︎ 25
︎ Jun 24 2021
Working on a chart of Matoran Universe elemental colors. 2001 had a nice primary/secondary/tertiary thing going, then the Secondary Elements just scalped half the tertiary tones and half of the primary colors and called it a day
π︎ 48
︎ Jul 03 2021
Secondary / Tertiary Color Pair Cube
My Goal: I'm building a cube with each of the 10 color pairs using an odd archetype. Think Orzhov enchantments matter. It has actual support (thanks to Theros sets) but it's rarely used or seen.
Your Goal: help me brainstorm ideas for each color pair. Feel free to suggest cards in the archetype such as [[Doomwake Giant]] in Orzhov enchantments.
Cube Info: 360 cards, 30ish guildgate tap lands, no snow/wastes, [[Eviscerate]] is considered excellent removal, combat tricks are viable, morphs are playable (a 3 mana 2/2 is a decent rate.)
Inb4: GW +1/+1 counters, WU Fliers, WU control, BR sacrifice, UR spells, UG +1/+1 counters, WB aristocrats
π︎ 8
︎ Jun 21 2021
"The Yellowjacket" my hunter look for a while now, making use of those frustrating ornaments that are predominantly the tertiary color on the shader. See you on the runway!
π︎ 75
︎ Jun 06 2021
Secondary/Tertiary colors for Ideologies
What if, rather than being restricted to a single primary color upon the creation of an ideology, additional colors could be assigned to add variety to favored clothing and the overall look of a faction?
Could this realistically be modded in somehow?
π︎ 3
︎ Jul 27 2021
So I like the new Elite armors, but I am not a fan of how the secondary color is "painted on" rather than working with the armor. So I went through the Seneschal and General armors and photoshoped them. Tell me what you think! (White is primary, yellow is secondary, red is tertiary)
π︎ 54
︎ May 22 2021
Legatus Gauntlets have very interesting interactions with shaders. The large shoulder plate seems to use the tertiary color in most cases. This example is Tangled Rust, which gives the shoulder plate the look of worn out tank armor. Lots of potential for fun combos!
π︎ 106
︎ Feb 26 2021
PSA: Tertiary Colors on New Armor acts as Secondary Colors on Arms and Legs, so they Show Up in Team Games
π︎ 125
︎ Jan 31 2021
Does anyone know a reason SwiftUiβs color doesnβt have e.g. .systemBackground, .separator, .tertiary, ...?
π︎ 11
︎ Jan 31 2021
Hey 343, why not just do both a standard primary/secondary/tertiary color picker AND your fancy 7 layer skins/shaders?
That would potentially appease the community AND allow you to make money from these "premium" skins/shaders.
π︎ 82
︎ Oct 26 2020
Rare Color Names Day 7 | Citrine | certain coloured varieties of quartz which are a medium deep shade of golden yellow. Citrine has been summarized at various times as yellow, greenish-yellow, brownish yellow or orange. It is commonly used as the name for the tertiary color between green and orange
π︎ 67
︎ Mar 30 2021
The Long Road Home - ramp in white as a secondary/ tertiary ability within the color pie. Thoughts?
π︎ 15
︎ Jan 21 2021
Look at the color of this! Peach and Honeydew in tertiary, 18.3% ABV
π︎ 143
︎ Jun 11 2020
Wip, looking for tertiary color suggestions for underside of tentacles. Thinking a flesh tone with teal sucker. Thoughts? C+C greatly appreciated
π︎ 16
︎ Jan 10 2021
What should the tertiary color be? I was trying to choose between brown or green but that feels guard-esque. Red feels cliche and I already have black. Anyone have ideas?
π︎ 20
︎ Aug 03 2020
I like the surgedfire so I decided to paint it up in my colors. Still stock. I plan on running it as a tertiary (third blaster) on a sling. Tell me what you think of it.
π︎ 53
︎ Jun 11 2020
The orbiter's tertiary color customization is metallic everywhere but the this pedestal. Please either make this metallic or map it to a different color category.
π︎ 41
︎ Sep 17 2020
Tertiary colors or no? Might have to zoom in. Figured Iβd practice on the bottom and compare to the top.
π︎ 18
︎ Aug 29 2020
My anti sabot attack vehicle with a new tertiary color
π︎ 27
︎ May 23 2020
Fuck tertiary color names.
Why in the hell do the names of tertiary colors printed on crayons have to be so damn lazy?? Red-violet? Blue-violet? Red-orange? Blue-green? They have other names you know! Why does crayola and every other crayon/colored pencil company do this? What happened to names like Teal, Vermilion, and Magenta? Why must these color companies pretend these names don't exist? They're very memorable and much better than the laziness we've been stuck with for who knows how long.
Full list of tertiary colors with improved names:
Red-Orange: Vermilion
Orange-Yellow: Saffron
Blue-Green: Teal
Yellow-Green: Chartreuse
Purple-Red: Magenta
Blue-Purple: Violet
π︎ 5
︎ Jul 27 2020
Looking for CnC on Secondary/Tertiary Intruder Colors
π︎ 16
︎ Jul 13 2020
Hawks rebrand -- use gold (instead of yellow or volt) as the tertiary color?
A lot of people say we should go back to the red-white-yellow color scheme, but that usually just ends up looking too McDonald's-y -- or at best, like we're just copying the Houston Rockets. So what about if, instead of yellow, we used the gold from our 2018-19 city jerseys instead? Something like this:
It wouldn't have to be that exact design, of course, but what do y'all think of just the color scheme? It could give us some nice brand synergy with Atlanta United too.
π︎ 28
︎ Sep 15 2019
343, please add a tertiary option so that we can choose the color of our undersuit
π︎ 2k
︎ May 17 2016
Could the text color be other than the tertiary on the ship?
π︎ 56
︎ Dec 13 2019
This has been suggested many times before, but just bringing up the topic again - Let us pick primary/secondary/tertiary colors instead of set color combos!
How it was suggested:
- Players manually pick out three different colors instead of a fixed 3-color combo
How to progress?
- Low levels start with basic colors
- More reps, more color unlocks
- Different teams, different swatches available (if they insist on keeping team colors. AFAIK they're working on a client-side toggle feature.)
Why is it better?
- Minimizes UI clutter in customizations
- Removes color combos that are basically duplicates of other colors (congrats! you unlocked yet another yellow/black/white scheme!
- Muh customizations
How to make it even better
- RGB customization for all three colors and replace all rep color unlocks with moar patterns or embossings
π︎ 301
︎ Oct 30 2018
New dyes- the 5 other tertiary colors
The game currently has 16 different dyes, one of which is cyan. Cyan is a mix of the colors blue and green, which is 1 of the 6 tertiary colors on the color wheel. But where are the other 5? I think they would fit well with the dyeable blocks like terracotta and concrete. Adding more colors would increase the potential for a build to really be great.
For reference, I changed the hue of cyan dye to match the other 5 tertiary colors- https://imgur.com/a/zAqQlx2
π︎ 13
︎ Dec 28 2019
Looking for this model in a dark main color, red tertiary, and red pulses.
π︎ 3
︎ Jul 25 2020
Tertiary Colors by Beeple
π︎ 112
︎ Aug 27 2019
My biggest gripe in the game when it comes to Fashion Slayer is buying these armour sets with incorrect color schemes. The pants are supposed to be black by default but are brown and you can't even change the color of the pants. Tertiary colors, when? :<
π︎ 34
︎ Jun 07 2019
Gotta love tertiary abilities in the color pie.
π︎ 12
︎ Jun 12 2019
If Warframes were Planeswalkers, what colors would they be based on what they do? (Primary/Secondary/Tertiary)
Inspired by this comment here. Then I remembered this article, MTG Color Pie. I ended up with this:
- Banshee - Blue/Red (Crowd control / Damage magnifiers)
- Ember - Red (Damage dealing / Panic effects)
- Mag - Blue/White (Crowd control / Shield boost & Damage redirection)
- Mesa - Red/White (Damage dealing, damage buffs / Prevent enemy attacks)
- Nekros - Black/Blue (Reanimation, Sacrifice health for loot / Prevent enemy attacks)
- Rhino - Green (Tanky / Damage, health, and armor buffs)
- Saryn - Green/Black (Tanky/ Spores = Tokens?)(Infect counters?)
- Trinity - White/Green (Heal effects / Energy regen, damage resistance buff)
- Valkyr - Red/Green (Damage dealing, Speed buffs / Avatar mode, Invulnerable, Lifegain)
- Volt - Red (Damage dealing, Speed buffs)
More or less a rough translation of passives, abilities and augments translating to color mechanics. Just a fun thought on the side.
π︎ 18
︎ Jun 01 2018
The fact that indigo is included when teaching the different colors of the rainbow to children. They include all the primary and secondary colors, but then pick just one tertiary color to be added.
π︎ 16
︎ Sep 08 2019
Tried painting a Salamander Primaris Hellblaster - C&C appreciated. I wanted to experiment with this more detailed style, using the secondary and tertiary color on other pieces of the armour like the knee pieces.
π︎ 3
︎ Feb 13 2020
Shrek and Barney are opposing tertiary colors to each other.
π︎ 7
︎ Aug 14 2019
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