I did it! I told a dad joke that my wife AND preteen daughter laughed at!

Daughter: the dog has a piece of confetti stuck to his butt.

Me: that's because he's a party pooper!

Edit: I can't believe somebody gave me gold for this.

Edit 2: Seriously guys. Quit giving me gold. The joke really wasn't that good.

Edit 3: yes, I have a bunch of kids named Edit.

👍︎ 19k
📅︎ Jul 22 2019
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Got my daughter this morning

"Daddy I don't feel good"

I grabbed her arm and said "you're right you feel squishy"

Her preteen eye roll confirmed dadjoke status

👍︎ 115
👤︎ u/Rekdon
📅︎ Dec 07 2015
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