A list of puns related to "Haute Cuisine"
My 10 (US) cent impression is that Italy fits the first category: fancied up versions of what regular people eat. Whereas France fits the second: high cuisine that exists in its own rareified realm, aloof from what the masses eat.
What would you say?
Hi there,
Recently I sat down with a Russian friend of mine to talk about all things food. I asked her eventually what is considered expensive Russian food? Like, if you were to take a date out to an expensive restaurant, what sorts of food would you order? She wasn't able to answer the question, so I ask Reddit.
Generally speaking, Italy is known for simple food made with a handful of good quality ingredients. Although I love pizza and pasta carbonara as much as the next guy, it seems to me that Italy must have traditional dishes that are a little more elaborate - so now I'm wondering, what might these other dishes be?
New York has Tavern on the Green, Seattle has Canlis, New Orleans has Commander's Palace, Chicago has Alinea.
Just looking for a top three perhaps of incomparable, impeccable fine dining/haute cuisine.
We are coming back a second year in a row because we just couldn't eat enough while in town. And while we appreciate and look forward to the best BBQ in the world, I'm wondering where does Memphis go to dine out Classy AF, lol.
Thanks in Advance, folks!
I think what I’m looking for is something like the work of Bourdieu but applied to food culture rather than art. I’d actually be surprised if no French theorists wrote about food since it’s such a huge part of their cultural legacy. I mean, Barthes wrote about the fashion industry/haute couture why not haute cuisine?
I am aware there is a lot written in anthropology and sociology of things like indigenous food sovereignty, the politics of food scarcity and poverty, etc. I’m more interested in food culture across class boundaries and perhaps the semiotics of food. It seems like in the past 30 years or so French food has lost its dominance in the cultural capital market and (as with fashion and art) there has been a breakdown of tradition and obvious boundaries between high and low cuisine (think the trendiness of fusion restaurants and casual street food with the new rich in Silicon Valley).
I used to be friends with a man who was an Italian chef (he got in a lot of legal trouble so he is no longer around, for better or worst) and he would make some as far as I can tell more authentic fare. A lot of organ meats and bone marrow, emphasis on herbs and , seafood tended to be simply prepared fresh Sardines or squid, sauces were more oily infusions and no cream or melted cheese or anything,bus with saffron. I have yet to see something that seems to fit the bill. Everything around here seems to be either the typical Albanian owned red sauce joint (that admittedly has good pizza and lasagna) or kind of yuppie places that might have some seemingly nicer dishes with more exotic ingredients but seem to be orientated for the happy hour crowd with tiny tapas esque plates that look like something from iron chef.
I don’t mind fancy presentation or nice restaraunts you have to dress up for, there Just seems to be no legit Italian places around here. If y’all know any, from any price range or dress code, lemme know. Can be a greasy hole in the wall or a sports coat and tie place. Bonus point of people know of any legit French restaurants around here that aren’t of the Steak Frites/ Brasserie variety or Haute cuisine. Something more charming.
I just realized that in The Two Towers, when the Uruk Hai declares "meat is back in the menu, boys" it implies that Uruk Hais are familiar with the concept of menus. We can therefore assume that there are restaurants in Uruk Hai society. There are orc waiters, chefs, and bartenders. Perhaps even a Michelin grade eatery out there.
Do you think it is customary for Urukai to tip? Perhaps they only tip in their home town, or do they also tip abroad? Or do they tip wherever they go because they believe in good service?
Now, the Orc in the scene was eyeing up our heroes, Mary and Pip. The orc's assessment of the fare is both fresh and tasty. The Uruk Hai disagrees - they're not for eating. The Uruk Hai then eat the slain orc.
So, do Uruk Hai and Orcs have different cuisine preferences? They will eat orcs and bread but not hobbits.
We know they don't like maggotey bread. Perhaps an olive loaf or a nice brioche would do the trick.
Does an Uruk server graciously greet and serve you?
I would wager, yes, yes they do. These are cultured creatures, and they deserve our respect.
"Bon appetit"
Camarades cégétistes,
Je vous écris pour vous exprimer ma consternation et ma colère suite à votre opération du 8 Janvier, durant laquelle des militants CGT ont bloqué la cuisine centrale de Toulouse qui, vous le savez, fournit la majorité des cantines scolaires de la ville.
Certes, les petits Toulousains ont tout de même été nourris puisqu'un repas d'urgence est obligatoirement disponible pour faire face aux imprévus. Ma fille de 3 ans, scolarisée à l'école maternelle Merly -- que vous devez connaître puisqu'elle jouxte votre siège -- et tous ses petits camarades, ont mangé du chili, plutôt que le tajine qui aurait du, normalement, leur être servi.
Pourquoi est-ce que je viens me plaindre alors, me direz-vous ?
D'abord parce que j'aimerais que vous m'expliquiez l'intérêt, dans la lutte légitime pour un meilleur sort des travailleurs, de perturber le fonctionnement des cantines scolaires.
Ensuite, et surtout, parce qu'en conséquence de votre action, les 20,000 repas préparés par la cuisine centrale ont été détruits, perdus. J'ai lu, certes, que les Restos du Cœur ont pu en collecter 350 pour les distribuer aux affamés.
Les 19,650 autres repas sont perdus.
19,650 sans-abris, réfugiés, chômeurs au RSA, retraités, ou -- soyons fous -- écoliers, auraient pu manger chaud hier midi.
Et fatalement, la mairie doit désormais se procurer 20,000 autres repas d'urgence, des fois qu'un blocage du même genre survienne à nouveau ; aux frais des contribuables cela va sans dire.
J'aimerais vraiment savoir de quel esprit étroit et malade à jailli l'idée absurde de ce blocage. Et j'espère de tout cœur que des mesures disciplinaire seront prises à l'encontre des responsables syndicaux qui ont imaginé et cautionné une telle opération.
Vous avez mêlé nos enfants à une lutte qui les dépasse, sans leur laisser de choix. Vous avez bêtement entraîné la destruction de centaines de kilos de nourriture, et maladroitement tenté de vous rattraper en reversant moins de 2% de ces repas aux Restos du Cœur. Vous avez entraîne des dépenses significatives pour le budget municipal des cantines scolaires qui n'est pas, vous le savez, le poste le mieux loti. Dépenses qui seront bien sûr compensées par une ponction sur les autres budgets -- jeunesse, sport, arts, transports, etc -- ou par une augmentation des impôts locaux.
Vous avez tendu la perche à ceux qui veulent décrédibiliser votre lutte, ceux qui vous traitent de roquets ou d'extrémistes. Vous avez assurément ébranlé,
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