A list of puns related to "Arabica"
Durante la settimana, a casa la mattina, non sempre bevo il caffè , solo quando ho tempo, durante il weekend invece lo faccio la mattina e dopo pranzo: pochi rispetto alle abitudini di tanti ma vorrei fossero il più decenti possibili visto che cerco di gustarmeli.
Ho una moka Bialetti da 2 tazze, la preferisco rispetto alle capsule principalmente per impatto ambientale oltre che per costi, e, standardizzato il "metodo" e la manutenzione (anche grazie ad alcuni post di Reddit dove veniva citato Bressanini), mi sto soffermando maggiormente sulla materia prima.
Ho abbandonato quasi subito lo zucchero nel caffè per provare ad apprezzare maggiormente il sapore di quest'ultimo, sono passato all'arabica, per ora già macinata, e non penso di tornare alla robusta.
Provo a cambiare caffè.
Acquistando di solito alla Coop ho provato, sfruttando le offerte, due 100% arabica: Fior Fiore Brasile e Solidal Biologico Nicaragua; ho percepito la differenza, in meglio, rispetto ai classici Lavazza, Kimbo & co. ma non so se si possono definire propriamente dei monorigine (sicuramente si utilizza questa denominazione per uno specifico produttore, non so se puΓ² valere anche per un'area piΓΉ allargata).
Il primo dubbio Γ¨ legato al fatto che per un 100% arabica, non monorigine, qualitativamente ci sia tanta differenza tra acquistare da un marchio GDO rispetto che da una torrefazione locale.
L'altro dubbio Γ¨, in particolare puntando alla monorigine ma non necessariamente, se puΓ² valer la pena, anche per scarse quantitΓ , di prendere un macinino, manuale o elettronico, per i grani, per i quali c'Γ¨ piΓΉ disponibilitΓ /varietΓ rispetto a macinati per moka "di pregio".
La faccio troppo complicata per un semplice caffè fatto con la moka o per qualcuno di voi ha senso?
Quali sono le vostre esperienze a riguardo?
Grazie a tutti
GMK Ursa bundle - $300
GMK Zhuyin BoW - $100
KAT Milkshake bundle - $300
EPBT Cool Kids r1 bundle - $180
IFK Cafe Arabica alphas - $25
ShogΕki tactile switches x90 - $40 (below retail)
Lilac tactile switches x90 - $40 (below retail)
Switch Couture Mysterium bifrost radiant case - $80
Price includes CONUS USPS first class shipping, priority mail will be extra, and international shipping could be a whole lot more depending on your location. Let me know if you want more photos of anything.
I am currently ONLY looking to sell the Mode80 with all the extras
Item | Condition | USD Price + Shipping/Fees | Status |
1x Mode80 Celestial (White and Gold) w/ Hotswap PCB and Extras (1x Solder PCB, 1x Bottom, Middle Gaskets, 1x Black Pom, Red PC, and FR4 Plates) | Brand New, Unbuilt | $950 | Available |
BNIB | $175 each | Available, 1x Sold for Asking | |
BNIB | $80 each | Available, 1x Sold for asking | |
BNIB | $80 each | Lavender Available, Rainbow SOLD for asking | |
1x IFK Pastel Core add-on kit (Mint Green) Priced lower because of coloring issue | BNIB | $60 each | Available |
BNIB | $30 | Available | |
1x KAT Alpha Full Base Kit | BNIB | $80 | Available 1 SOLD for asking |
2x KBD8xMKII Solder PCB | Brand New, Unbuilt | $60 each | Available |
1x Keyforge Purple Punch Shi Shi | Brand New, Unmounted | $110 | Available |
1x Kevcaps Copper "Compass" Artisan | Brand New, Unmounted | $100 | Available |
Please PM no chats!
CONUS only
Local to San Jose, CA 95121 (Local sales prioritized)
The Iron165 is not for sale, only there to show the Bingsu base kit
Let me know if you have any questions, I can take additional pictures of any item, thank you and have a nice day!
expired listing
Everything is brand new and sealed.
GMK Honey base - $225
GMK Ashes base - $225
GMK Godspeed base (Armstrong) - $160
GMK Hennessey base - $160
IFK Amalfi base + Novelties + Extension + fix kits - $200
IFK Cafe Arabica Alphas - $25 expired listing
KAT Lucky Jade Biyu alphas + Text 60s/TKL mods + Icon 60s/TKL mods + Novelties + Jade accents - $250
I'll give preference to bundles, but may sell separately if I get buyers for every item. Price includes CONUS USPS priority mail shipping, and international shipping could be a lot more depending on your location. Let me know if you want more photos of anything. How much one's tastes change in a year...
7v plates. None include the foam unfortunately.
Original aluminium plate: briefly mounted some switches to get a feel. Otherwise unused. Asking 55 GBP
Custom Polypropylene plate. ANSI layout. Unused. Might post a sound test. I'd say it's a superior sound signature in my experience. Asking 50 GBP
Primus 75% Keyboard Grey top, white bottom, stainless steel bottom. Looks.. quite nice. More photos in the album. Has 2 PCBs. Poly and ALU plates. Asking 850 GBP
JTK Suited Assassin. Unused. Base kit. Tripleshot alphas. Novelties. Asking 240 GBP. Sold
GMK Ashes + Ghost both sealed. 325 GBP
GMK Burgundy R3 sealed. 325 GBP. Sold
GMK Bleached + Spacebars sealed. 225 GBP
GMK Olivia++ Dark Base mounted briefly. Minimal use. 250 GBP Sold Extensions kit 70 GBP. Sold Have an ISO kit that's missing dark keys I can include if needed.
GMK Botanical. Dark deskmat unused - asking 70 GBP
GMK Copper spacebars and "aged" deskmat Asking 70 GBP
GMK Masterpiece: Waves deskmat: Asking 45 GBP
ISO kit - again missing dark colored keys. Shipped in bags. Asking 25 GBP
Infinikey Cafe Arabica - in stock at key company but asking 30 GBP if you're looking for it on these shores.
All prices are OBO. Discounts for bundles or if you'd like to do bank transfer instead. Can trade for boards/gmk sets.
Is there something in caffeine powder, or more specifically in coffea arabica extract that makes it hit different than the caffeine pills?
I was taking Alani Nu pre-workout 1 scoop, twice a day, and felt great. It contains:
I tried subing 200mg l-theanine + caffeine pills instead:
Are these just not as good, or is the formulation of the powder / extract affecting it?
Looking to get closer to the Alani Nu without spending 40 dollars. Any advice?
as title said, what's the difference between those two builds?
so when I first tried BS5, I was offered nxt from this page, today I noticed there's an update so I manually downloaded again from the same page hoping to get the latest version which should be (?), but instead I got arabica, why is that? and what's the difference between those two build? thx in advance.
All other items in picture have already been sold.
Prices include shipping and Paypal fees. CONUS shipping only.
Please feel free to reach out with any questions (more pictures, bundles or lower prices). Please comment before PM.
Miya Pro Panda, MX Clears (hardly used). ~1mm scratch that is hardly noticeable on the right side of the keyboard. PM for more pictures. $100 shipped. SOLD.
IFK Team Liquid (sealed). $100 shipped.
Bundle keyboard and IFK Team Liquid for $180 shipped.
IFK Cafe Base (sealed) + Arabica (opened, only mounted). $220 shipped. SOLD.
RAMA x NK_ Waves (Stainless Steel), never opened. $110 shipped.
Bundle the two for $320 shipped.
Pertama dari parkiran, 2/5.
Layout dan signage parkiran Ashta super membingungkan. Dari pintu masuk senopati aja udah aneh. Kalau masuk dari senopati dan mau ke parkiran, antrian/lanenya bareng sama lane keluar mall. Alhasil mobil yang baru mau parkir dan mau keluar jadi kecampur. Lalu setelah masuk basement, enggak ada signage yang menandakan gk boleh parkir di LG, semua parkiran dikasih cone, tapi gk ada arahan untuk parkir di B1 dan B2. Layout parkirannya sendiri juga bingungin, entrance ke mall cuma 1, tapi signagenya bisa nunjukin entrancenya ada di depan, kiri dan kanan. Gak ada tanda2 zona parkir, ataupun informasi berapa slot kosong per lantai. Balik ke entrance mall, dari B1 dan B2 cuma ada 1 entrance lewat 2 lift, kalau disaat wiken spertinya akan jd bottleneck. Untuk exit parkiran pun bisa terjadi bottleneck seperti yang umum kejadian di parkiran basement sency/CP karena exit dari basement so far yang gw temuin cuma ada satu.
First impression, 4/5.
Desain mallnya memang unik, terutama kalau diliat dari lt 1, 2 dan lantai cinema flix. Ambiancenya kerasa luas dan spacious, tapi menurut gw foodcourt di lantai 2 itu out of place, enggak cocok sama lingkungan sekitarnya. Meanwhile, groundfloor terasa sumpek karena rame dan spacenya keambil untuk antrian baker man + arabica. Overall mallnya enak buat dipandang sekilas, tapi kalau diperhatiin lebih detail, sama aja kayak senci/GI.
Tenants, 3/5.
Dengan tenants yang ada sekarang, gw rada bingung sama target segment utama dari ashta. Tenantsnya enggak se exclusive dan high class kayak plasa senayan, tapi tetiba ada dealer maserati sendiri. Buat restorannya pun sekarang opsinya belum terlalu banyak. Hampir semua restoran menggunakan space dan ambiance ashta sebagai unique value proposition mereka. Meanwhile buat tempat ngopi ada 3 tempat yamg berbeda, bukanagara ngebawa ambiance dan vibe garden+balcony. Common grounds yang terkesan exclusive, desainnya beda dengan desain CG di tempat lain, dan terakhir % arabica, akan gw review indepth di bagian terpisah.
Overall, Ashta itu mall yang unik, tapi untuk saat ini sama aja dengan mall-mall lainnya di Jakarta, 1-1nya keunikan mall ini adalah arsitekturnya yang lebih luas dan lega. Namun secara tenant, menurut gw pilihannya rada berantakan atau bahkan lackluster.
Review lanjutan untuk % Arabica branch Ashta.
TL;DR, espressonya oke, milk-basednya k
... keep reading on reddit β‘I always find it quite surprising that there are hundreds, or thousands, of varieties of grapes in wine making, and yet just two main ones of coffee. I read there exist other less famous ones though, like Liberica, but I never came across them. Iβm curious what other varieties people here have tried and what they thought of them.
Hello, pricing does not include shipping.
IFK Cafe Base Kit- $170 USD in bags + shipping
IFK Arabica Kit - $30 USD in bags + shipping
Base + Arabica kit - $180 USD + shipping
Would prefer to sell both the base and Arabica kit together. Thanks!
7v plates.
Original aluminium plate: briefly mounted some switches to get a feel. Otherwise unused. Has original plate foam Asking 45 GBP
Custom Polypropylene plate. ANSI layout. Unused. Might post a sound test. I'd say it's a superior sound signature in my experience. Asking 50 GBP
Primus 75% Keyboard Grey top, white bottom, stainless steel bottom. Looks.. quite nice. More photos in the album. Has 2 PCBs. Poly and ALU plates. Asking 675 GBP
Artkey Sirius fulfillment artisans 110 GBP each. Or all four for 400 GBP Lime/Apricot/Laser/Samurai
Opblack switches x90. Stock. 90 GBP
GMK Ashes + Ghost both sealed. 300 GBP.
Ghost deskmat 45 GBP. Bundle for 325 GBP.
GMK Bleached + Spacebars sealed. 215 GBP. Sold
GMK Copper spacebars and "aged" deskmat Asking 60 GBP
GMK Masterpiece: Waves deskmat: Asking 45 GBP
Infinikey Cafe Arabica - in stock at key company but asking 30 GBP if you're looking for it on these shores.
All prices are OBO. Discounts for bundles or if you'd like to do bank transfer instead. Can trade for boards/gmk sets.
7v plates. None include the foam unfortunately.
Original aluminium plate: briefly mounted some switches to get a feel. Otherwise unused. Asking 50 GBP
Custom Polypropylene plate. ANSI layout. Unused. Might post a sound test. I'd say it's a superior sound signature in my experience. Asking 50 GBP
Primus 75% Keyboard Grey top, white bottom, stainless steel bottom. Looks.. quite nice. More photos in the album. Has 2 PCBs. Poly and ALU plates. Asking 750. Sold 650
Opblack switches x90. Stock. 100 GBP
GMK Ashes + Ghost both sealed. 300 GBP.
Ghost deskmat 50 GBP. Bundle for 330 GBP.
GMK Bleached + Spacebars sealed. 225 GBP
GMK Copper spacebars and "aged" deskmat Asking 65 GBP
GMK Masterpiece: Waves deskmat: Asking 45 GBP
Infinikey Cafe Arabica - in stock at key company but asking 30 GBP if you're looking for it on these shores.
All prices are OBO. Discounts for bundles or if you'd like to do bank transfer instead. Can trade for boards/gmk sets.
Timestamp (Had wrong timestamp earlier lol. This should be the right one)
7v plates. None include the foam unfortunately.
Original aluminium plate: briefly mounted some switches to get a feel. Otherwise unused. Asking 60 GBP
Original polycarbonate plate: briefly mounted some switches to get a feel. Otherwise unused. Asking 60 GBP Sold
Custom Polypropylene plate. ANSI layout. Unused. Asking 50 GBP
GMK Botanical. Was originally saving these two for a personal build which didn't pan out. Light deskmat unused - asking 70 GBP Sold
Dark deskmat unused - asking 70 GBP
GMK Copper spacebars and "aged" deskmat Asking 70 GBP
GMK Merlin. Base mounted for a day. Novelties (sealed) Asking 280 GBP
GMK Masterpiece: Masterpiece RAMA: Asking 100 GBP Waves deskmat: Asking 50 GBP
KAT Milkshake. Minimal use.
Add-ons asking 50 GBP. Sold
UK ISO: I think the enter keys don't fit perfectly asking 50 GBP. Sold
Infinikey Cafe Arabica - in stock at key company but asking 30 GBP if you're looking for it on these shores.
All prices are OBO. Discounts for bundles or if you'd like to do bank transfer instead.
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