A corpus linguistics study supporting what this sub observes in writing. 'Baker, P. (2013). Will Ms ever be as frequent as Mr? A corpus-based comparison of gendered terms across four diachronic corpora of British English. Gender and Language, 1(1).'
Do you also use a weird mix of British English words and American English words? Because at school you learned British English but most of the media has American influence
A cool side by side comparison of a British Class 08 and an American SD40. This was taken in Liberia during the mid 80's
(as a British person) When you go to the language screen of a video game and it shows the American flag next to English.
I noticed that during desert treasure, the ice troll family was speaking in American English instead of British English. I tweeted him and got this as a reply. Does anyone else know of any other inconsistencies in the game?
ELI5:Why is Afrikaans significantly distinct from Dutch, but American and British English are so similar considering the similar timelines of the establishment of colonies in the two regions?
TIL that the historical definition of a billion is 'one million million' and is still used by most of the world. In British and American english, a billion means 'one thousand million'.
People of Reddit, who are not from English speaking countries, do you use mix American and British English?
I do that a lot.
For example:
"My favourite color is green."
Measure weather in Celcius but body temperature in Fahrenheit.
Using both inches and centimeters.
TIL in the early 20th century, American aristocrats and actors spoke the Mid-Atlantic Accent, a cultivated accent of English blending together prestigious American and British English ways of speaking. Example: The "a" in father is unrounded and lengthened, the vowel /i/ in happy is not tensed,
What would be the Latin American accents equivalent of the British, Australian, Scottish, Jamaican/Caribbean, Canadian and other English language accents?
I am writing my Thesis about the perception and depiction of Vikings in the Scandinavian Culture and in British culture ( and maybe American)? Could you suggest me literature and authors or scholar-grade articles about the matter both on British/American side and on Scandinavian (in English) side?
I am quite tired that England and America ( Hollywoo(d) for example depicts Vikings as brutal savages who just wanted to rape and pillage, as it is not true at all.
Every help would be appreciated!
Thank you all for your contribution!
The Box Respirator Type CE (Corrected English) was the AEF’s first successful design. After the failure of the American Small Box Respirator due to the facepiece’s vulnerability to some war gases and the soda lime clumping, the AEF relies on British and French masks until an American design came out
Does anyone know the word for 'информатика' (a school subject) in American English and British English?
Hello everyone!
Not sure if this is the right place to ask this question, but I figured it's Russian related :)
What's the word for 'информатика' (a school subject) in American English and British English?
Computing? computer science? IT? computer classes? computers? computer skills? programming?
Americans of Reddit. Have you ever got confused about British English (like thinking you are playing footall, but instead soccer) ? and what happened?
Ive been reading up on dna and 88% english is pretty rare lol. The average british is only around 40% english. I must have got all of moms and all of dads english. Im moving to england and drinking tea now - byyyye also funny my family always claimed we are native american (like so many usa familys)
Are there words in Spain Spanish that Mexican Spanish speakers just don't know? Do they function like words like "jumper" in British English where Americans might know what it means but still clock it as not an American word?
On American and British English: "So...discount the biggest group of English speakers in the world. Good plan! Keep spelling it like the French if you like, but eventually it will die out."
In English, British accents sound classy, German accents sound angry, and Russian accents sound calm, yet dire. Non-Americans of Reddit, how does an American accent sound to you?
Publishing in non-American and non-British dialects of English
I am currently preparing my PhD thesis for final submission and I find myself becoming frustrating with the notes I've been receiving from proofreaders. I am a native English speaker from Canada, meaning my written English is a blend of American and British spellings. I spell "colour" with a U but "analyze" with a Z (which, incidentally, I usually pronounce as "zed", but not always). Proofreaders and reviewers tend to pick up on this and chide me that I should be more consistent in choosing American or British spellings.
While I generally just publish in British English, for some reason I feel strongly about publishing my thesis in my native dialect. While I'm sure I'd have no problem publishing in Canadian English at a Canadian university, my university is in Hong Kong (where both British and American spellings are common, although I believe British English is the official standard).
Am I just being stubborn? Has anyone else published their thesis in a non-American and non-British dialect of English? Has anyone published their thesis in a dialect of English other than their own? Do Australians get as frustrated by this as I do?
P.S. The real kicker is that my research is related to linguistics, so being forced to follow prescriptivist rules is especially frustrating.
Swearing helps us battle pain – no matter what language we curse in (Comparison between native British English and Japanese speakers)
Why are there 2 kinds of English(British and American) ? Did they evolve from a common language or one of them eveolved from the other one? If so then why are there 2? Can't we just select one and discard the other ?
How similar are the "pure" versions of languages (like French from France, Spanish from Spain, etc) to their dialects (Canadian French, Louisiana Creole, Mexican Spanish, etc)? Is it comparable to, say, British, Australian, and American English in terms of similarity?
Could someone from, for example, Portugal communicate with and understand someone from Brazil with no relative difficulty?
Edit: *standard instead of pure
Got an extra 128 calories to spare? Instead of eating baby spinach, you can just have some baby poo! (Feces is spelled Faeces in British English for all the American folks). 12.3gm Fat, 4.3gm of carbs and 2gm of protein for those of you counting your macros.
After almost 240 years, is it an oddity of the modern era that British and American English are still mutually intelligible?
Prior to advances in transportation, communication, education, the rise of the nation state, etc., would 240 years have historically split one spoken language into two separate ones? Are there examples of another modern language that has definitively split into two separate languages in about the same number of years?
"-ough" is by far the sequence of letters with the most unpredictable pronunciation, having at least six pronunciations in North American English and over ten in British English.
Difference in pronunciation of /æ/ in American and British English
So something that I've noticed is that the pronunciation of the vowel sound /æ/ is different in most dialects of American English than in Received Pronunciation and some other dialects of English.
In the word cat, for instance, the /æ/ sound in the middle is identical in both AE and RP. But in the word can, it is not the same at all. In AE, the /æ/ sound seems to change whenever it's placed before an nasal, such as /n/, /m/, or /ŋ/.
I have been trying like hell to find any kind of literature or explanation on this phenomenon, to no avail. I can't even find a way to write it in IPA. Can anyone help me out with this?
Charles is one of us. I assume that in very high class British "Hmmmm.... I don't know" roughly translates into "They fucking blew donkey dick" in American English.
So there are two subreddits for the game, one using the British English and one the American English spelling of Traveler
Can/will something be done with this? /r/octopathtraveller (here) /r/octopathtraveler (there) both exist and there doesn't seem to be any direct connection between the two. (There's also /r/octopath which seems to link here, sometimes).
I think having both of these subreddits exist might cause issues in the future when the game comes out and subscriber numbers go much higher up. If the two subreddits do combine it could also be good to combine elements from both so it doesn't just feel like a direct abandonment, maybe the header from /r/octopathtraveller and the page CSS from /r/octopathtraveler (since the default reddit style is ok at best).
TIL the largest battle during the American War of Independence happened at Gibraltar. Despite having less than a third of the soldiers Spain had, it was a decisive British victory. They had 333 people killed in comparison to Spain's 6000+
can non-english speakers tell the difference between british and american accents?
To table an argument means the exact opposite in British and American English. What are other examples of this?
American English, in spelling and speaking, doesn't properly represent the linguistics of the language... I actually prefer the phonetics of British English better; I recently started to spell my words (e.g. apologize to apologise).
Emily Swallow/The Armorer when I watched her in the two episodes she has lines, I thought “I didn’t know Emily Swallow was British” she’s not. She has finally broken through “Americans are terrible at English accents” stereotype because she does the most convincing and natural accent I’ve heard lol
Mixing British English and American English
Native English speakers, I was wondering if you can tell when someone's not a native speaker if they mix British and American English in their fics, if you even notice when it's being mixed, and if it's distracting or even annoying in any way.
Like, I learnt English in school, where British English was taught. Practice came from watching American movies, reading fanfictions etc. Now, I'll type colour and gas station in the same sentence*.* In one fic I'll write canceled, in another I'll go for cancelled. I mix these expressions wildly because I just picked up some words along the way and now I'll use them all because sometimes I don't even know if something is British or American English. I know they're both correct, but I remember one time in English class in school I used film and movie as synonyms because I thought it'd be nice not to have to write the same word every time and just used them as synonyms, but the teacher told me not to mix them because one is British and the other American English, haha.
This is not something I'm worried or self-conscious, not at all. I'm just curious if you, as readers, even notice when someone does that, if other non-native speakers do the same, and what the general opinion on it is.
Non-native speakers of English, do you prefer American English or British English and why?
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