I work in a place that sells printers.

I watched one of my colleagues one day as he lifted a few rather large and obviously heavy laser printers. He started with a couple of HP printers of some variety and then went for the one I had been waiting for him to lift. He picked up the Brother printer and struggled to lift it onto the printers he already had on his trolley.

Quick as a flash I said to him that he "shouldn't strain so much. The printer's quite light."

He finally got the printer down and looked at me as though I was dumb before making the fateful error in his reply; "It's 35kg. If you think it's so light you move it."

I could only dead-pan him with my reply of "He's not heavy. He's my brother."

I laughed as he tried to punch me. It was well worth it though.

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πŸ‘€︎ u/LightPast1166
πŸ“…︎ Apr 06 2022
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