The Real Housewives of New Jersey S11 - E12 - Teresa's Mystery Man - Live Episode Discussion

Teresa's mystery man is revealed and Jackie's apple picking birthday adventure turns into a chance to bash Dolores' relationship. On the contrary, Joe Gorga gets some shocking health news.

👍︎ 56
👤︎ u/harmagedon
📅︎ May 06 2021
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Joe is a bad dad and Teresa is bad for enabling it

So I'm in Season 2 during fashion week. The scene where Joe calls Gia ugly and shes like crying and he's calling her a cry baby. And Teresa's just like you should be used to it. There's just so much to unpack here.

Edit: thank you kind stranger for the gold! My first reward and its on a post calling Joe a bad dad. (He is tho.)

👍︎ 349
👤︎ u/Solid_Wish
📅︎ May 17 2021
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Lazy stitch edit by me, incredible ink by Teresa Sharpe at Unkindness Art in Richmond, VA
👍︎ 6k
📅︎ Apr 21 2021
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The Real Housewives of New Jersey S11 - E11 - Teresa in Love - Live Episode Discussion

Jennifer throws a Turkish Tea Party to try to help her mother while the guys go on an outrageous golf outing. On the other hand, Dolores struggles with her biopsy, and Joe Gorga reveals too much about Teresa's boyfriend.

👍︎ 42
👤︎ u/harmagedon
📅︎ Apr 29 2021
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Can we please take a moment to appreciate Teresa for posting an Unedited REAL photo?!? I feel silly for pointing it out but this is so rare with the photoshop happy housewives (looking at you, Erika).
👍︎ 1k
📅︎ Apr 28 2021
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The Real Housewives of New Jersey S11 - E10 - Teresa in Love - Live Episode Discussion

A yacht party leads to a big blow out between Margaret and Jennifer. Meanwhile, Marge Senior is devastated by the contents of Margaret's book and Teresa struggles with the loss of her parents.

👍︎ 76
👤︎ u/harmagedon
📅︎ Apr 22 2021
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Saw this on Tik Tok and started dying 😂😂 watch Teresa and Happy Mother’s Day to all❤️
👍︎ 410
👤︎ u/typespace
📅︎ May 10 2021
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Heather McDonal on her Juicy Scoop podcast revealed that Teresa Guidice’s new boyfriend Louis ex-fiancé was in People magazine. She is running in a wedding dress for over 200 days to raise awareness for narcissistic abuse that she received from Louis.

When People released the article they did not include the details of the Ex-finance but Juicy Scoopers figured it out. I just ran out of the shower because I had to share this with you. Checkout Heather’s podcast that was released today!

👍︎ 266
📅︎ May 06 2021
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Luann and Teresa talking about how the both loved Kenya the most from the trip makes me soo happy!
👍︎ 363
👤︎ u/Nashetania
📅︎ May 14 2021
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Chris Laurtia laughing at Teresa helping Jacqueline with her speech will always make me laugh
👍︎ 376
👤︎ u/Megs8786
📅︎ May 08 2021
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Banned by Beijing, Teresa Teng’s music was loved across China…
👍︎ 54
📅︎ May 18 2021
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Steven's brother Chuck may not fit the description of the older, taller bearded male helping Bobby push the RAV, but it's clear he should have been considered a suspect for Teresa's murder and never was. Here is a fully sourced examination of Chuck's motive and opportunity to commit the crime.

Steven's brother Chuck may not fit the description of the older, taller bearded male helping Bobby push the RAV, but it's clear he should have been considered a suspect for Teresa's murder and never was. Here is a fully sourced examination of Chuck's motive and opportunity to commit the crime.


I hope everyone is prepared for a long read. In this post:

  • I've included a summary of recent case developments not only as a review but also in an attempt to explain why I have personally decided to widen my suspect pool and no longer limit my speculative framing theories. Essentially my thinking is this: assuming Zellner's new witness is legitimate I believe any accurate framing theory demands the inclusion of a wide spread conspiracy with multiple guilty parties.

  • Next I start the ball rolling by offering a detailed examination of an alternative suspect who has been on my mind for the past few months - Steven’s older brother Chuck. I firmly believe Chuck should have been considered a suspect who warranted a thorough investigation, as it appears he had a motive and the opportunity to commit the crime.

  • For the record: I will NOT be arguing Chuck is the unidentified male spotted with Bobby Dassey on Nov 5 pushing the RAV. I only argue the observation of Zellner's new witness opens the door for the consideration of even more alternative suspects. Let's begin...

  • TL;DR at bottom of post.


Brief Review of Recent Case Developments re: Bobby and the 6 foot tall older bearded male


A New Witness
  • On April 12, 2021 Zellner filed a Motion to Stay Appeal and Remand to file a Supplemental Post Conviction Motion regarding a Brady violation relating to a Denny third party suspect, Bobby Dassey. In the Motion Zellner presents an affidavit from a new witness - "the paper boy" (affidavit included as an exhibit to the above linked motion). The paper boy claims to have seen a shirtless Bobby Dassey and an unknown older male “pushing a dark blue RAV-4 down Avery Road on the right side towards the junkyard” in the early morning hours of November 5, 2005.

  • The paper boy says he was nervous as he drove past Bobby to the Avery’s collection of mailboxes where he deposited a Herald Times publication. As he turned around to leave via Avery road the witness says he was *“v

... keep reading on reddit ➡

show more
👍︎ 93
📅︎ May 12 2021
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Mother Teresa moved into Ballymurphy shortly after the Ballymurphy Massacre and lived there for 18 months
👍︎ 203
📅︎ May 18 2021
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Teresa Halbach did not have keyless entry

CASO 2017 page 66

John Dedering had a conversation with Tom Fallon after a private citizen came forward with information they had researched about "the subject of keyless entry and learned that 1999 RAV 4's did not offer keyless entry as an option." But Dedering had to do further investigating due to the fact that in a previous interview with a representative (AK - CASO 2017 page 21) from a Toyota dealership in Appleton, WI "the vehicle in question was equipped with keyless entry."

So Dedering "made contact with TOYOTA NORTH AMERICA, located in Plano, Texas. The representative in which I had spoken with had researched the VIN from HALBACH's vehicle and determined that this vehicle was not equipped from the factory with keyless entry. The representative further stated that keyless entry was not a factory option for the 1999 model year."

Dedering admitted he is an idiot and that he "associated the term "power door locks" (a feature that HALBACH's vehicle did have) with the keyless entry. HALBACH's 1999 Toyota RAV 4 did not come from the factory with keyless entry*."*

This means that there was no fob for Teresa to open the doors to her vehicle.

Kratz was again wrong when he stood up and fooled the jury (and subsequently others who to this day foolishly still believe this) into believing that "Mr. Avery may have thought about those little devices that most of us have on our newer cars. Where we're able to press a button and our lights go on, or an alarm goes on, or something flashes, where you can find your car in a parking lot, if you are like me sometimes and I forget where I have parked my car.

Is that why Mr. Avery unhooked the battery, so that the citizen searchers that he knew were coming couldn't just press a button and of the 40,000 (sic) cars, could walk right to that. That's possible. All right."

👍︎ 17
📅︎ May 10 2021
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Prince Phillip, Teresa Giudice, The Queen and JFK
👍︎ 2k
📅︎ Apr 11 2021
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Louis waving at Teresa

Anyone else find the story of how they met kind of weird? Why was Louis waving at Teresa if he didn’t know her? I would personally get creep or player vibes if someone did that to me.

👍︎ 61
📅︎ May 14 2021
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scrolled down this picture of Jackie Kennedy and totally thought it was Teresa
👍︎ 107
📅︎ May 07 2021
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Joe Giudice States Joe Gorga Is the Reason Teresa’s Parents Lost Their Home 😳
👍︎ 350
📅︎ Apr 02 2021
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Hija de Teresa Marinovic gana premio a mejor alumna de Derecho Civil de la UC en cátedra que imparte su padrastro, el abogado Ricardo Enrique Alcalde…
👍︎ 79
👤︎ u/jorgicio
📅︎ Apr 21 2021
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Tyler says it's Brandon and Teresa's responsibility to make him and Catelynn feel comfortable and safe

“I feel like whatever happens, I have to kind of, like, filter through Brandon and Teresa first,” Baltierra, 29, explained during the Saturday, April 24, sneak peek of the Teen Mom OG season 9 reunion. “I don’t trust what I’m gonna say sometimes. It’s just very difficult to navigate and feel close in a relationship when you have to second guess your approach and delivery all the time. It’s anxiety.”

He called it the couple’s “responsibility” to make him and Lowell, also 29, “feel comfortable and feel safe.” He added, “Me and Catelynn have talked about it many times, we’re almost 30 now and we still feel, like, this inferior position.” --US WEEKLY

It's been said before on here but Tyler really thinks B&T are his and Catelynn's parents. It's starting to get creepy. I don't even think it's about Carly at this point because Tyler already knows talking crap about B&T pushes them further away and yet he still does it.

If I was desperate to see my biological child, I wouldn't be talking crap about them all the time. I'm annoyed by their Carly antics and I don't even know them so I can only imagine how much they irritate and disturb B&T.

👍︎ 62
📅︎ Apr 27 2021
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SOUND FAMILIAR, A Manitowoc County Detective hung up on this Mishicot bus driver after She reported seeing Teresa's RAV4 leaving Averys on 147 and the driver visibly upset, on OCT 31 05, the Detective also told Her they already had suspects before he hung up on Her. TD call KZ, you are a key witness

👍︎ 79
📅︎ Apr 16 2021
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Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen S18 - E87 - Teresa Giudice & Ziwe - Live Episode Discussion

Teresa Giudice & Ziwe

👍︎ 18
👤︎ u/harmagedon
📅︎ May 13 2021
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Quite possibly my favorite building in the world - Complejo Cultural Teresa Carreño, Caracas
👍︎ 2k
👤︎ u/Nachie
📅︎ Apr 20 2021
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Nice to meet you Ziwe! (Teresa being wholesome on WWHL aftershow)…
👍︎ 74
👤︎ u/tobago_88
📅︎ May 13 2021
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Teresa Giudice is a vile, stupid and viscerally bad person. Change my mind.

And as much as I like Dolores Catania, she tolerates horrendous behavior from that ape-haired ignoramus and doesn't hold her accountable for the cruel things that pour forth from her mouth. When the day comes that "Tree" turns that venom on Dolores or someone Dolores loves--and there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that she will do just that--Dolores will be shell-shocked and wonder why no one intervened.

I'd sooner allow a rattlesnake and a rabid bear into my home than the piece of human garbage named Teresa Gorga Giudice. She is low-class, trashy, lacking intelligence, with absolutely zero reservations about turning on anyone, including her own family members. Her daughters would be wise to tread carefully, because once they are grown and living their own lives, Mama Tre won't hesitate to lash out at them the same way she has at others who don't do as she directs them to do or who insist on being treated with respect by her.

👍︎ 474
👤︎ u/Filsza
📅︎ Mar 25 2021
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Jackie vs Teresa

How does Jackie not get how hypocritical / wrong she is being about the Evan/Gia thing? Or am I crazy?

The rumors about Evan were out there, via word of mouth in the area and apparently on blogs as well. So this mean Teresa didn’t just weirdly make it up. However, when Jackie said what she said about Gia she did completely make it up, the very thing she is mad at Teresa for. Now, I get she was trying to make a point with it, but, if Teresa didn’t just make it up then her fault was only talking about it at the party NOT making up the rumor so Jackie saying what she said about Gia as an analogy for what Teresa did doesn’t make sense because Teresa didn’t do that and now Jackie is the only one to make something up and put it out there. So basically what Jackie is mad at Teresa for is actually what she did to Teresa not what Teresa did to her.

I think Jackie knew of these rumors, as most of the girls probably did too, and she needed to change the narrative so she went the route of Teresa is making it all up on her own to try to cover up the fact it was a real rumor going around.

Teresa still did something wrong by talking about the rumor at his party but Jackie also fucked up by bringing Gia up. If she wasn’t so defensive about the rumors she could have really taken Teresa down more but because the rumors were there I think she panicked and thought she really did something when she brought up Gia but it just made her look desperate.

👍︎ 31
📅︎ May 12 2021
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Delores Catania from Teresa's Audition Tape
👍︎ 123
👤︎ u/overthemoo
📅︎ May 08 2021
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Teresa’s pie

Anyone else love the apple picking scene? Teresa wants to make a pie and she asks for McTosh apples. The farmer says “Macintosh? Actually those aren’t good for making pies because they’re too mushy”

Then my husband (who hardly watches) looks up From His phone and says “doesn’t she write cook books?”

👍︎ 115
📅︎ May 07 2021
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Teresa already forgot that the last time someone said this to her she went to jail
👍︎ 318
📅︎ May 01 2021
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I can never listen to Teresa speak again

Rewatching some NJ episodes with my mom and she pointed out how similar Teresa’s voice sounds to Elmo and now I can’t listen to her talk without laughing

👍︎ 257
📅︎ May 02 2021
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Other: Teresa Palmer as Mera if need be
👍︎ 580
👤︎ u/BMWnoMoney
📅︎ Mar 29 2021
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[FO] Stretch! Oh, thank God, he's done. He's getting hung above the front door, like a proper guardian dragon. (Fabric is Picture This Plus, I think either Arctic or Aerial; pattern is a free one from Teresa Wentzler. Every single thing possible is back-stitched in glitter, and it is dazzling!)
👍︎ 138
👤︎ u/nomercles
📅︎ May 05 2021
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Taiwanese singer Teresa Teng in Taiwanese military attire - 1980s
👍︎ 548
👤︎ u/vaish7848
📅︎ Mar 26 2021
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Predictions for this Ep6 James & Teresa scene?
👍︎ 13
📅︎ May 08 2021
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NYT Best Selling Author Teresa Giudice
👍︎ 2k
📅︎ Mar 08 2021
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Page Six article on Teresa’s new boyfriend’s shady past with women.. including a possible Tinder profile picture taken in Teresa’s house. Reminds of Kim D. saying he had a girlfriend while he was dating Teresa!…
👍︎ 121
📅︎ Apr 14 2021
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I just realized that Teresa's RHONJ 2021 tagline is about her pineapple infused vagina! "They say it's never too late to start over. I say, starting over never tasted so good." - Teresa Giudice
👍︎ 43
📅︎ May 10 2021
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Santa Teresa Añejo Gran Reserva
👍︎ 167
📅︎ May 10 2021
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LVP vs. Teresa

Hear me out...LVP would be the perfect match to take down Teresa for her bullshit. She’s articulate, RUTHLESS, and isn’t going to back down to Teresa’s gaslighting because she’s a master gaslighter herself. I wish they would both be at the All-Star trip!

👍︎ 92
📅︎ Apr 25 2021
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“Teresa and Joe, aye, New Jersey. That’s so nice... *gasp* Hermès! OMG! What a rich bitch... “ I laughed so hard 🤣
👍︎ 412
👤︎ u/glowjo
📅︎ Apr 12 2021
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Ecstasy of St Teresa in the style I've been developing in the past year.
👍︎ 28
📅︎ May 15 2021
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The Real Housewives of New Jersey S11 - E11 - Teresa in Love - Next Day Episode Discussion

Jennifer throws a Turkish Tea Party to try to help her mother while the guys go on an outrageous golf outing. On the other hand, Dolores struggles with her biopsy, and Joe Gorga reveals too much about Teresa's boyfriend.

👍︎ 38
👤︎ u/harmagedon
📅︎ Apr 29 2021
🚨︎ report
The Real Housewives of New Jersey S11 - E12 - Teresa's Mystery Man - Next Day Episode Discussion

Teresa's mystery man is revealed and Jackie's apple picking birthday adventure turns into a chance to bash Dolores' relationship. On the contrary, Joe Gorga gets some shocking health news.

👍︎ 30
👤︎ u/harmagedon
📅︎ May 06 2021
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The Real Housewives of New Jersey S11 - E10 - Teresa in Love - Next Day Episode Discussion

A yacht party leads to a big blow out between Margaret and Jennifer. Meanwhile, Marge Senior is devastated by the contents of Margaret's book and Teresa struggles with the loss of her parents.

👍︎ 29
👤︎ u/harmagedon
📅︎ Apr 22 2021
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“I don’t want to live in someone else’s house. That’s gross.” - Teresa Guidice

As a first time homeowner scrubbing away all the dirt and dust the past owners left around, I gotta say, Teresa was right 😂

👍︎ 957
📅︎ Apr 04 2021
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In George Zipperer's very first belligerent, troubling interview with police, George stated his SON made the auto trader appointment and was currently on his way to Alaska. WHY was George's son, Jason's father never identified, questioned or ever a suspect in Teresa Halbach's murder ?

George Zipperer's SON could be the bearded person who the paper boy saw helping Bobby push the RAV4 quietly and unlighted down Avery road into the Salvage yard.

The main question of the OP is WHO IS George Zipperer's son,Jason's Father ?

👍︎ 6
📅︎ May 15 2021
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The Real Housewives of New Jersey S11 - E11 - Teresa in Love - Post Episode Discussion

Jennifer throws a Turkish Tea Party to try to help her mother while the guys go on an outrageous golf outing. On the other hand, Dolores struggles with her biopsy, and Joe Gorga reveals too much about Teresa's boyfriend.

👍︎ 18
👤︎ u/harmagedon
📅︎ Apr 29 2021
🚨︎ report
The Real Housewives of New Jersey S11 - E12 - Teresa's Mystery Man - Post Episode Discussion

Teresa's mystery man is revealed and Jackie's apple picking birthday adventure turns into a chance to bash Dolores' relationship. On the contrary, Joe Gorga gets some shocking health news.

👍︎ 22
👤︎ u/harmagedon
📅︎ May 06 2021
🚨︎ report
The Real Housewives of New Jersey S11 - E10 - Teresa in Love - Post Episode Discussion

A yacht party leads to a big blow out between Margaret and Jennifer. Meanwhile, Marge Senior is devastated by the contents of Margaret's book and Teresa struggles with the loss of her parents.

👍︎ 25
👤︎ u/harmagedon
📅︎ Apr 22 2021
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