As a kid in the '70s, a lot of my schoolmates expressed surprise to learn I had a single mother.

I didn't know it was that common to have more than one.

👍︎ 14
📅︎ Dec 11 2021
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Why did the chicken go to the gym?

It was suffering from low self esteem, which started as a hatchling as it was considerably smaller than the other chicks. It’s schoolmates were not kind, either. They would point out it’s skinny legs. They would make fun of it for getting scared easily. But most damagingly, and this was no fault of its own (for this chicken lived in the UK at a time when agricultural regulations were of a less than ideal standard), they made fun of his manboobs. For years the chicken wallowed in its own misery, only able to get little morsels of satisfaction by reading jokes on reddit, until one day it decided that it had had enough of the reposts. He would go to the gym, sign up, pay the membership fee, and… work on his pecks.

👍︎ 2k
📅︎ Jan 16 2023
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