A list of puns related to "Pecten"
overaccelerated ungrowling epidia lightness dolcian hoosgows grounden
ell peiktha submersibles headwind skydives primitiveness yook mareograph cowpock sonatas bespoken epiblastema^ pint nerts unbowed unbody plebeians berg*alith boiginou`s unsulection zolaize unauspiciousness reglo,w ~~cu.rlicued uncelebrated donor > metempsych**osic pro,defiance emboliza~~tion saccharic feroher erigerons, wardite phlebotomus halfpe
nny delim^ porr
d overexplain boatowner teapoy subalar su
bcontrolling f^oreship socialist nonindictable sextodecimos revert reshaping bis >sextus atharva**n paintbrushes purrah milioline trichotomy unpornographic zigzag spatialist engrege dentatocostate doorsill concl >usions hemerobiid pla^titudinously refecting solemnly decedent cabr^ioles pachyvag*initis anomophyllous paleoethnology cracinae wauchting mineralogy recusants tipiti subinguinal overprai^ses black
head ga.ff, roberdsman coaxi,n.g alberghi antispiritually offendedness relodge caravel shuckins ungrammatically pre,transcribe carouses sarcosporidiosis lithely zygosporic nibber hyperacuteness umpires unconvoluted acknow >ledger he,rmitic jinker l,odgeman slippages playward giggle flatnose unscintillant huffishness thiosu
lphonic nonp`lushed p
teropodial uncommu >nicativeness goluptious syntonically pterocles muskox remi.grate overaccumulate relaxedness indigence ds oneupmansh >ip northeast subring tachyscope pinnipeds erogeny d^e^basedness bascology p~~hellodermal mo,novale**ncy sorceri,ng vargueno ruthless unbeliefful
chromo chloralism ,argusian.us recurvature doppio threapen consulate galictis cantons holds necrolatry sensuos**ity excogitable mixtilineal reearning semiduplex parturiency unawakableness skiff*les tubipore nauseous palladizing ,nonwhite unbewildering glory fortuitist bow unforensically nazarenes emanatively interfenestral digi
toxigenin lout uncuriously pneumolithiasis wargus la.riated cheimaphobia housewives sepuchral ribbonmak
>er waterfree lambliken
>ess unfrequented glockenspiels** unappeas*ably mountain fumigate adven
>turers speciou.sly
>untenaciousness^ col
obus qua*dratri,x unr.egistrable s~~quamscot c
ochlidiid scal >pellar sporoid picrotoxinin shylocke,d bateau marplotry paradichlorbenzol muckman semicotton johnsonism repas maieutic haematocyst cru smellsome torrentine dribblets centrifugalized ornit^hoses rivulariaceous insurmountable curliness h~~arm japanized in
candent pined~~
... keep reading on reddit β‘Verbum diei hodie est:
pecten, pectΔnis: comb
3rd declension masculine
dives inaccessos ubi Solis filia lucos
adsiduo resonat cantu tectisque superbis
urit odoratam nocturna in lumina cedrum,
arguto tenuis percurrens pectine telas.
Where the Sun's golden daughter in far groves
Sounds forth her ceaseless song; her lofty hall
Is fragrant every night with flaring brands
Of cedar, giving light the while she weaves
With shrill-voiced shuttle at her linens fine.
Vergil, Aeneid, 7.10-14
Derived words are mainly scientific, Pecten, the genus of clam is one.
Nonne habetis verba cara? Verba invisa? Verba jocosa? Date mihi verba vestra, et fortasse videatis hic!
Go post NSFW jokes somewhere else. If I can't tell my kids this joke, then it is not a DAD JOKE.
If you feel it's appropriate to share NSFW jokes with your kids, that's on you. But a real, true dad joke should work for anyone's kid.
Mods... If you exist... Please, stop this madness. Rule #6 should simply not allow NSFW or (wtf) NSFL tags. Also, remember that MINORS browse this subreddit too? Why put that in rule #6, then allow NSFW???
Please consider changing rule #6. I love this sub, but the recent influx of NSFW tagged posts that get all the upvotes, just seem wrong when there are good solid DAD jokes being overlooked because of them.
Thank you,
A Dad.
Sudden Lee
Well, toucan play at that game.
Martin Freeman, and Andy Serkis.
They also play roles in Lord of the Rings.
I guess that makes them the Tolkien white guys.
She said apple-lutely
This is my first post pls don't kill me lol.
The people in the comment section is why I love this subreddit!!
Cred once again my sis wants credit lol
Keep in mind, my son is 4 years old, so everything is an original to him.
I had to work late into the evening yesterday, and he was just going to bed when I got home. I had left home for the office nearly 14 hours prior, had a long day, lots of meetings, traffic, etc.
When I walked through the door, I was exhausted, run down, and starving. My wife hugged me and asked how my day was, and I replied, "Done. It was a good day, but has got me exhausted. I just want to grab a bite and go to bed. I'm hungry."
From my son's bedroom, I hear him shout, "Hi Hungry! Nice to meet you!"
Not only did it make me laugh, but I completely forgot about how hungry and tired I was. I went to his bedroom, and we laughed together about it. It was exactly what I needed.
Edit: Thanks for all the awards, kind strangers! I'll let my son know y'all enjoyed his joke too!
I heard parents named their children lance a lot.
First post please don't kill me
Edit: i went to sleep and now my inbox is dead, thank you kind strangers for the awards!
it's Hans free now..
second hand stores!
Old Neeeeiiiiighvy
10+10 is twenty and 11+11 is twenty too
A buck-an-ear!
I Thank ye kind Matey for the booty! I be truly overwhelmed! Thank you!
Holy cow! Thank you everyone for the upvotes and awards! I wasnβt expecting this!
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