🔥 Symbiosis between Spider and Oryx.
👍︎ 12k
📅︎ Jan 09 2022
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Honey Badger picks a fight with an Oryx, and gets tossed around like a rag doll (Article link in comments)
👍︎ 8k
📅︎ Jan 05 2022
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If I directly approach a wild Arabian Oryx v.redd.it/sd3dznlrl5581
👍︎ 23k
📅︎ Dec 12 2021
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Spider finds a new home above an oryx's head
👍︎ 2k
📅︎ Jan 09 2022
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Hello all, I've completed all tasks I needed to do in Trials of Oryx. Now that the Ascendant triumph seal is complete, I can equip the Ascendant title on my characters. reddit.com/gallery/s3zpop
👍︎ 439
📅︎ Jan 14 2022
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I would buy the statue of Oryx fighting Akka

I'm a big fan of panoramic statues and big figures in general, I love to display them. Just sayin, I'd love to have the statue of Oryx and Akka that we see in the latest trailer.

👍︎ 513
📅︎ Jan 11 2022
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Can't have Oryx in Detroit v.redd.it/x9k904dwfh981
👍︎ 539
📅︎ Jan 03 2022
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Bungie pls give us a wallpaper of Oryx vs Akka.

I need it before witch queen comes out, you know just to keep the desktop fresh.

Edit: I mean a wallpaper of that beautiful statue of course.

👍︎ 223
📅︎ Jan 12 2022
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Hello, I spent all week in Trials of Oryx with my Sorcerer and was able to get the armor set. I even managed to get this exotic Cabal butcher knife as a random drop called Gladiator's Oath. reddit.com/gallery/qlovdn
👍︎ 6k
📅︎ Nov 03 2021
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Oryx had bat wings, Savathûn has insect wings. If Xivu Arath does not have bird wings I'll be disappointed

Imagine the goddess of war with angel-like wings...

👍︎ 4k
📅︎ Nov 09 2021
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Oryx mains 0.0001 of a second into the round.
👍︎ 1k
📅︎ Jan 02 2022
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A South Oryx helicopter and a member of 5 Special Forces Regiment in Mozambique - 2021 [974x667]
👍︎ 53
👤︎ u/Vektor2000
📅︎ Jan 12 2022
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Why is Oryx so mad, this man needs therapy frfr

hes just gotta chill... lmk ur thoughts tho

👍︎ 149
📅︎ Jan 03 2022
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Comparing throne World of Oryx, Savathun and Xivu arath, what will be the order of size ?

Or to put simply what are the accomplishment of Savathun as compared to Oryx. Oryx killed worm gods and annihilated planets. What has savathun done so far in terms of sword logic and her throne world.

👍︎ 50
📅︎ Jan 11 2022
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Sometimes I wonder how many "of Oryx" are out there...
👍︎ 332
📅︎ Jan 07 2022
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Between oryx, savathun, and xivu arath, which of them is actually the most powerful? And do they rule the hive together with their own separate broods? Or are they rulers of their broods but not united as a species?

Not sure if actually says which of them is the strongest, and if it does who it is and how it was proven. The way oryx used to be talked about and hyped up used to make me think that he was the top of the hive in power and as a ruler, but reading through some lore has me questioning that. And I know the way they've been talking about savathun makes her seem like she's even more of a threat than oryx ever was. And how oryxs thing was he could take, her thing is going to be she stole the light, which I feel like would be an even bigger threat than just being taken.

And I know savathun and her brood are being hunted by xivu arath because of their defiance and abandoning of the sword logic, but before that were they all united with their own broods and the three of them being the rulers of the hive? or were they separate and rulers of their own broods but not united? That im also unclear of

👍︎ 204
👤︎ u/d710905
📅︎ Dec 15 2021
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South African Oryx Pilot giving us a Merry Christmas from Mozambique. 🇿🇦🇿🇦
👍︎ 202
📅︎ Dec 25 2021
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Hello all, I feel ready to do another Trials of Oryx run this week in the Colosseum. I still need to get the armor set for my Goliath.
👍︎ 7k
📅︎ Oct 12 2021
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Oryx Awesome Desserts [Food Menu Contest Submission]
👍︎ 273
📅︎ Dec 20 2021
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The Oryx Kitchen (Discord Food Menu Design Contest)
👍︎ 219
👤︎ u/Asmatic0
📅︎ Jan 04 2022
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Oryx and Craig Oryxmas plushies
👍︎ 265
👤︎ u/Moneywench
📅︎ Dec 24 2021
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A wild Oryx ratting in a corner on cams. v.redd.it/l0i3n4qvh2581
👍︎ 139
📅︎ Dec 12 2021
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This is Oryx. 2 years ago I found her in the woods alone. Happy 3rd birthday!!
👍︎ 699
📅︎ Dec 02 2021
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Common elands (Taurotragus oryx) are the second largest antelope and can weigh over 1 ton! They have even been domesticated in parts of Africa, as their milk has a super high butterfat content and can last a very long time. (OC) reddit.com/gallery/r76e89
👍︎ 679
📅︎ Dec 02 2021
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Magic: the Gathering x D2 custom proxy ideas needed for Oryx and Xivu Arath decks

I’m working on some EDH decks in mtg helmed by the hive gods, with each theoretically being in GBx (Savathûn in abzan, Xivu Arath in jund, and Oryx probably in sultai although just golgari could work I guess), as golgari seems to be the best color combo for representing the death-focused natural order philosophy of the sword logic. I’ve finished the list for Savathûn and am working on the proxies already, but trying to make lists just as populated by allegories to D2 events, items, and characters for the other gods has proven tough.

For some context, the proxies I’m making are not custom cards. They’re simply proxies with custom art, flavor text, and alternate names created using MSE, so I’m not looking at Quria or Ir Airâm and thinking “what would they do in mtg” but rather “what card does what they would do in mtg?”

What characters and things from the other gods’ stories should I include? And to any other mtg players out there, are there any cards to match those? So far I’ve decided that Xivu Arath would likely be Kresh the bloodbraided, the high celebrant would be Thantis, and her court, High War, would be strixhaven stadium.

Bonus points for anyone who can name a card in Abzan to represent Quria or Dûl Incaru, as I’ve wanted to include those but couldn’t find effects to represent them adequately.

👍︎ 44
📅︎ Jan 03 2022
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Hello, Garry here. I found this gun at the end of some adventure on Io. It involves some of Oryx's old taken servants that remain. It has a catalyst, but I have to do some lightfalls to require it. Hopefully, "some" will just be some. reddit.com/gallery/qx7d61
👍︎ 790
📅︎ Nov 19 2021
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My Interpretation of Oryx (Fan Art) reddit.com/gallery/ra6zau
👍︎ 283
👤︎ u/hurB_aduM
📅︎ Dec 06 2021
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Oryx and Crake on sale today

This one is a blend of dystopian horror and sci-fi but it's really good. Currently on sale for $1.99

👍︎ 33
👤︎ u/xenya
📅︎ Jan 13 2022
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cower in fear of Oryx the Mad God
👍︎ 37
👤︎ u/Zathsu
📅︎ Jan 08 2022
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Oryx really took “hell on Earth” literally when he created the Taken v.redd.it/yl9mcln12z781
👍︎ 98
📅︎ Dec 26 2021
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Ruger American Predator in MDT Oryx Chassis
👍︎ 49
📅︎ Dec 21 2021
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Oryx vs Akka Statue in the Trailer.

At 24 Seconds in the newest Trailer.

👍︎ 5
📅︎ Jan 11 2022
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$100 bounty to Solo Oryx

Edit: Thats all folks, thanks for playing!

After 13 hours of attempts, Xbox user zombiej009 has defeated Oryx in a fireteam of one. This makes 2021 the first year in which somebody new has soloed oryx every month. I’m happy, my friends are happy, and zombiej009 is the proud owner of $100 in Xbox gift cards.

Thank you for participating, if you did; the challenge ended a lot sooner than any of us expected! And if any of you end up completing the solo, be sure to let me know, so I can add you to the spreadsheet.

Yep, you read that right. If you're the first (new) person to solo Oryx before January 1, we'll pay you $100 in Xbox or PS gift cards. If that's enough explanation for you, then you can stop reading here and go try it! Otherwise...

Why are we doing this?

As you can see, somebody new has soloed Oryx every month in 2021 -- except for December. If someone solos Oryx before the end of the month, then 2021 will be the first year since the raid's release in 2015 that somebody new has completed the challenge each month.

So, some friends and I have pooled our money together. We've all invested an unhealthy amount of time into solo Oryx, and we want to see one last person complete it before the end of the year.

Ok, but how do you solo Oryx?

Well, I always suggest starting off by watching someone else do it. Esoterickk has a nice video, or if you prefer a proper explanation then you can check out my guide or Textbook's guide. There's a lot to pay attention to: it's a solo that's all about the details. After that, just get yourself a 290 Oryx cp and give it a shot.

If you have any questions that those videos don't answer, then feel free to comment here, PM me on Reddit, comment on my video, or PM me on Discord at Valk#0600. Personally, I'm gonna ping u/clawifii and u/dannyriordan79 in case they wanna help out too.


Anyway, I think that's everything. If you complete the challenge, comment here or ping me somewhere. I'll edit this post once it's completed, so if I haven't edited this post yet then the challenge is still active. And you'd better get busy: we've already got three people running it! Good luck!

👍︎ 56
👤︎ u/Vaelkyrim
📅︎ Dec 26 2021
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On Savathun and Oryx

Forgive me if this has already been discussed, I didn't spot anything by searching Savathun Oryx Light.

A thought that has occurred to me regarding Savathun's arc heading into The Witch Queen is that there could be a link drawn between what we are seeing now with Savathun's bargain, and eventual possession of the light, to the events described in the Book of Sorrows regarding Oryx conjuring Savathun and Xivu Arath back into existence by enacting their nature.

Oryx, being the first navigator and the one who seeks to understand and venture forth into the unknown, would certainly have his nature expressed by the actions of Savathun in her seemingly successful attempt to understand and take the light for her own. It draws parallels to Oryx gaining understanding of the Deep and taking the power to take.

I do understand that Oryx has suffered a seemingly final death in his Throne, but I'm not sure if it's ever been clarified if it's only death within one's own throne that would be a final death, or if it's death within the ascendant plane that would be a final death. If the latter, then Oryx brought Savathun and Xivu Arath back from beyond a non-final death.

The other thing that contests this is that Oryx became Touch of Malice, in an attempt to remain a part of the final shape, but I would believe that this wouldn't be a factor as ToM was seemingly destroyed along side the Tower itself, which would release Oryx of any of those bonds.

Also the existence of Touch of Malice and Whisper of the Worm seems to imply that such power by the sword logic does not simply dissipate from a final death, and the soul, spirit or whatever you want to call it of that being exists beyond those rules we understand of a true death within someone's Throne.

So, I'm curious to see how wrong I am. Let me know.

👍︎ 17
👤︎ u/toejam316
📅︎ Jan 07 2022
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Why does Savanthun sound so much more "human" than Oryx and Crota?

The answer I'm expecting is that there is no reason and Bungie just wanted Oryx to sound more powerful and mysterious while they wanted Savathun to sound more human-like to add to her intelligence but it would be really cool if there is some sort of lore explanation

👍︎ 5
👤︎ u/kvnzq
📅︎ Jan 14 2022
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Atheon vs Oryx

Someone tried to argue with me that Atheon was more powerful than Oryx because he has weapons that can "rewrite reality" while Oryx doesnt. I believe that Oryx is much stronger than Atheon but I want people to give their own opinion based on lore. My reasons is that Oryx has killed a worm god and has an army much greater than Atheon's

👍︎ 2
👤︎ u/kvnzq
📅︎ Jan 13 2022
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Is the logo an Oryx or a Burlesque Sloth
👍︎ 60
👤︎ u/Artorae83
📅︎ Dec 23 2021
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Divine oryx displays beast phantom skill and knocks Honey badger away.
👍︎ 26
👤︎ u/AzureSky77
📅︎ Jan 06 2022
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If you have a teammate supporting Montagne, Oryx isn't all that hard to counter. v.redd.it/90i5w81js1r71
👍︎ 4k
👤︎ u/Le_Casual
📅︎ Oct 02 2021
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Is there a reason, either a Lore reason or something said by Bungie, why there was no Nightmare of Oryx?

Oryx is arguably the most powerful entity we've ever killed, but if not he's still definitely near the top of the list. Seems an obvious choice for a Nightmare version to have appeared in Shadowkeep or sometime after. So why didn't this happen?

I mean, Zydron from D1 (some of you are probably thinking 'who?' right now) was brought back as a Nightmare. Shanks and Thrall are brought back as Nightmares. But not Oryx? Seems odd to me.

👍︎ 258
📅︎ Nov 10 2021
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Hello, I was finally able to get the Trials of Oryx armor set for my Goliath. I was using the Charger subclass for most of my run. It's fun to use, especially if the enemy team is all lined up together. I can't wait to get the set for my other characters. reddit.com/gallery/q9r1fc
👍︎ 1k
📅︎ Oct 17 2021
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Oryx in Polymer Clay reddit.com/gallery/rv5245
👍︎ 136
📅︎ Jan 03 2022
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Savage Axis ii Precision vs Howa 1500 Oryx

Should I go with the Savage Axis ii Precision or Howa Hogue 1500 Oryx?

Going to be used for hunting and smoking paper at the range. Thanks in advance!

👍︎ 2
👤︎ u/mase0013
📅︎ Dec 25 2021
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I drew Oryx! Please be gentle…


👍︎ 713
👤︎ u/HolcBuster
📅︎ Oct 23 2021
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My oryx v1 (left) from half a year ago vs oryx v2 (right). Progress takes time!
👍︎ 95
📅︎ Jan 13 2022
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Can savathun "Take" just like Oryx ? And some other basic queries about Taken.

Oryx killed akka to gain table of ruins for communicating with darkness. Darkness gave Oryx power to take. No other sibling did this afaik.

  1. So can savathun take ?
  2. Where are all these new takens coming from and Who is taking them ?
  3. Do we have multiple entities taking these individuals. I can see xivu arath taken enemies. Savathun has her taken allies. Can some one explain did Oryx taught them how to take ?
  4. What's the lore behind it. In LoS we have this dialogue who is having control over all these takens. Savathun is mentioned at the end of strike. In D1 we had one strike also which was to stop making one guy to become next taken King( it was a tough NF iirc). So whom does all the takens take order from now that Oryx is dead.
  5. If Oryx or anyone had taken some one and now he is dead, will they have an autonomous behaviour .
    Edit : Thanks all for response.
👍︎ 3
📅︎ Jan 15 2022
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