Why are you complaining?

My dad said this last summer. We were in Mexico, and there was huge flocks of birds swarming above us that day. My stepmom was out on our little porch, reading fifty shades of grey. Suddenly she storms in all huffy and goes up to my dad who was in the kitchen.

Dad: What's up with you?

Stepmom: A fucking bird SHAT on my book! Look! (Sure enough, there was.)

My dad, without missing a beat: Well why are you complaining? Now you got an extra shade of grey!

👍︎ 112
👤︎ u/mini5
📅︎ Jan 30 2014
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Cell reception in New Mexico.

I'm on vacation with my family out west (from Michigan) and were passing through New Mexico and I decide to pass the time on my phone but I look at my reception and I'm getting 0-2 bars so I say outloud "The cell reception is a little rocky out here!"

The groans/chuckles were amazing!

Edit: I'm not a dad.

👍︎ 2
👤︎ u/Zamibe
📅︎ Jul 15 2015
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Dad joked...In Spanish!

I'm on study abroad in Mexico right now, staying with a host family. Last weekend I went to the beach, and when I got home I was talking to my "dad" about it. He asked if there was a lot of people there, and I told him that no, it wasn't very busy. Then he commented that during Semana Santa (basically spring vacation) the only place to stay is "hotel camarena."

I looked at him confusedly, and he clarified.

"You know, hotel 'cama(bed) arena(sand)'."

(Meaning the only place to stay is on the beach, because the hotels are all full.)

This isn't the first dad joke I've gotten from him, hopefully I can remember more to post in the future.

👍︎ 6
📅︎ Mar 11 2015
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One time on a road trip from Texas to New Mexico

Just as we were crossing the border, I look over and see a train crossing the border at the same time as us.

Me: "So if a train is leaving Texas and entering New Mexico, what state is it in?"

Dad: "A state of confusion."

👍︎ 2
📅︎ Aug 27 2013
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