A list of puns related to "Inefficacy"
Yes or no. And here’s a relevant article https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7893405/
If someone can break that down thanks.
Hey team,
I had the luxury of chatting to a leading researcher in the IO Psychology space, Dr Brain Swider on my podcast. We specifically focused on the research on job burnout, what it is, why it happens and how it can be prevented.
One of the things that surprised me was how much feel ineffective in the workplace can be a cause of burnout.
As jobs increasingly get amalgamated, I know many of us are forced to take on tasks in areas we're less experienced in and less effective at while still dealing with the demanding tasks we were already delivering. Often, this can be tied to career progression. I was wondering what tips you have for maintaining productivity whilst dealing with the feeling of inefficacy that comes with taking on new skills on the job.
I saw the recent trust, albeit a small one, suggesting those on DMT’s that end in “-mod” most likely won’t achieve meaningful vaccine efficacy - and while the study looked at the Pfizer vaccine specifically, apparently this would be true of all the COVID vaccines...
I then looked into this further, visiting the St. Michael’s MS clinic website in Toronto - where they too stated that while they encouraged those on one of those DMT therapies to still get the vaccine, there was a likelihood of “blunted” response, but that some protection is better than nothing. Ditto with the MS society, but they were the least outright with it.
What the hell?!
It’s not like a patient on a “-mod” DMT can just pause treatment so they can get the vaccine. In our case specifically, and without having to re-hash all the details, it’s especially awful for my wife because the Gilenya has failed (and with SPMS and an EDSS of 7+, there is no DMT therapy approved for her), and the only reason she is staying on it is because we’ve been advised that the risks of pulling the drug, despite the fact it’s doing f-all, could be “catastrophic”.
So, she’s stuck on this drug that doesn’t work, that we have to now pay for out of pocket because of the fact it’s been considered a failure and therefore is no longer covered, and it’s that very drug that is rendering the COVID vaccine ineffectual, or at least significantly (if not entirely) ineffectual, and there are zero options.
PLEASE tell me I’m missing something? Is there anything out there demonstrating to what degree the vaccine is effective while on a “-mod”? I can’t find it.
We have received bad news after bad news and are genuinely struggling to cope at this point...
Tell me I’m misinterpreting something...
Does anyone have a list of peer-reviewed studies specifically focusing on lockdown vs no lockdown and whether or not there is a correlation with the number of deaths/hospitalisations/etc?
The only one I know of is this Lancet study:
A country level analysis measuring the impact of government actions, country preparedness and socioeconomic factors on COVID-19 mortality and related health outcomes https://www.thelancet.com/journals/eclinm/article/PIIS2589-5370(20)30208-X/fulltext
On another note, in the name of trying to be intellectually honest here, what should we make of these two that I just found, also from the Lancet?
COVID-19—a very visible pandemic https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(20)31673-1/fulltext
Wearing face masks in the community during the COVID-19 pandemic: altruism and solidarity https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(20)30918-1/fulltext
PS: Melbourne is a shit-show of compliancy right now...
This Wall Street Journal piece (https://archive.is/CUFa1) 'buries the lede'[1].
The most important item in the article, bearing on public policies interventions to reduce the spread of COVID-19 (e.g. lockdowns), is the last part of the last sentence : "... the different [COVID-19 fatality] rates among states [which differ widely in the extent of their lockdown rigor] were mostly due to the age of those in the population and rates of obesity".
Am I being reasonable in imputing bad faith to the WSJ in their burying the lede on this important fact that is evidence of the non-efficacy of lockdowns in reducing COVID-19 fatalities? Or am I just being grumpy?
All of my space traits, personal and active and Rep, are being unequipped when moving maps, for seemingly no reason. It's just the traits, not Active DOFFs or any equipment (though sometimes equipment will reset to a previous config). I thought it was related to loadouts, but I'm having trouble pinning down the exact sequence of events that wipe out all my settings.
On that note, whenever I file a ticket through the ingame "Character Problems" form for this sort of thing, the response I get is "Gee, that sounds like a bug. You should post in the boards". Only, it used to be that when I posted in the boards, the answer I got was "Gee, that sounds like a bug, you should file a ticket". That kinda thing is funny maybe once in a Monty Python sketch, but in real life it's frustrating and erosive to a guy's faith in the system.
Hey guys!
I believe as people who use peer reviewed research to conduct best practices, we should find recently published research articles to help fight the midlevel creep and add it to a pinned post. For all the areas lacking research, you could create projects to explore said area. For example, here's an article I found about midlevels being worse than physicians at prescribing antibiotics: https://academic.oup.com/cid/article/70/3/370/5382371. I feel the larger our evidence using peer reviewed articles over anecdotes are, the more (hopefully) the community, then the politicians and regulators, will listen to us.
Edit: wording
It's been a long-running joke that stormtroopers seem to be basically pointless. Besides their horrible accuracy, their armor seems to be made of cheap plastic. For some reason, it's no longer funny to me. It's infuriating. Watching >!Boba Fett!< shatter Stormtrooper armor like nothing with what is basically the Star Wars equivalent of a caveman's club just makes me think "wow, really?" The Ewoks helping defeat the empire never made me think "oh that's bad writing." It made me think "these cheap fucks can't make decent armor for their ships or their troops. Fucking figures."
Now, hear me out, I don't mean I'm mad at the writers, or actors, or producers, or George Lucas or whatever. I mean I'm mad the Empire. After all these years, they STILL can't make good armor for what remains of their military?
Is anybody else as irritated by the Empire as I am?
In the Vipeholm dental caries study, it seems that the researchers tested fluoride pills on human test subjects. This is theoretically better than water fluoridation since the dosage is more consistent; e.g. sweaty people will drink more water. Unfortunately I couldn't find a paper where the results were published, but another paper states the results. See The Vipeholm Dental Caries Study: Recollections and Reflections 50 Years Later.
>This was followed by the Vitamin Study (1946- 47), during which different supplements vitamins A, C, and D, 1 mg fluoride tablets, or bone meal containing 1 mg fluoride were given to different groups. The basic diet, containing sugar in a quantity representing half of the average consumption in Sweden and the usual amount of starch, gave a low caries activity. None of the supplements had any effect on caries activity (Fig. 1).
The Vipeholm experiments should be considered a landmark set of experiments because they were controlled studies on real human beings. (Yes, it was highly unethical by current standards.) Unfortunately I don't see many contemporary papers citing it... probably because the current dogma is to uphold the authority of "scientists".
There are other studies that show that fluoride slightly reduces the rate of cavities. Here are what various reviews by the Cochrane Collaboration say about fluoride treatments:
I'm discussing gender with a relative of mine, and I'd like to demonstrate that transitioning is generally the best treatment of gender dysphoria. I know that said relative will try to imply that psychotheraputic conversion therapy could be used to change someone's gender identity to reflect their sex. While I don't believe there's any evidence that this is true, I would like to be able to point to research showing that conversion therapy is not an effective way of treating dysphoria. If anyone has any research they could point me to, I'd appreciate it.
I do not prefer to think about beliefs very often but would like to propose this idea to Deist. We believe that the universe operates in some sense as a giant clock. Everything working in unison all forces ultimately equaling zero. I was thinking the other day if the universe operates the way it does: all forces equaling zero, as in complete balance. What allows for us and our minds, our beliefs, and other aspects that deem inefficient against the operation of the universe. Is it the idea behind our cause that among all these equal forces somehow life equals not zero but one among the operation of the universe. Life is a inefficiency? Something threw it off balance maybe. Or is it that this is just another aspect of the efficiency of the universe and how it fluctuates. This is hard for me to articulate but I believe is the basic concept I am trying to ask. I do not know how to argue. But am here to learn from all of you. What do you think of this idea, is God the off setter?
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