A list of puns related to "Green Parties"
Note by me: the Green Party is one of the coalition parties in the federal government and in general the more pro-restriction party of the two already hardcore pro-restriction coalition partners, that's why I find this open revolt interesting.
Source: https://corona-strategie.at/sites/presse.php ("Offener Brief an die Nationalratsabgeordneten")
Open letter, 18.01.2022
Dear colleagues in the National Council,
on Thursday you have the highly responsible task of deciding on the introduction of a general vaccination obligation against COVID-19. You have to take into account far more than 100,000 - mostly critical - statements [filed during the formal process of legislation]. In addition, new findings on the Omikron variant are coming in every day. Therefore, we would like to ask you once again in advance whether you are sure that you have all the relevant facts at hand:
Are you convinced that compulsory vaccination is medically necessary? That the pandemic can be ended by a higher vaccination rate? That it is expedient to oblige younger people without pre-existing conditions to get vaccinated, which may do them more harm than good? And that after Omikron there will be more dangerous variants against which this vaccine will offer protection?
Are you convinced that compulsory vaccination is enforceable? That people who decided against vaccination for medical reasons will now suddenly get vaccinated? And that people who have recovered or who have had vaccination side effects will agree to be vaccinated again - at a time when the Omikron craze is over and summer is just around the corner?
Are you convinced that compulsory vaccination is constitutional? That all less intrusive measures have been exhausted? That people may be punished for not getting vaccinated with conditionally approved, non-sterilising agents? And that penalties of 3,600 EUR are proportionate and that the prohibition of penalties being increased [after an appeal] in administrative procedures may indeed be undermined?
Are you convinced that compulsory vaccination can be managed? That out of more than a million people affected, only a few will appeal against the penalties? That the administrative courts can handle this amount of work? And that it makes sense to invest so much money in lawsuits that the state might even lose in the end or have to discontinue because statutes of limitations expire?
Are you convinced that compulsory vaccination is okay from a data protection p
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Direct here: https://twitter.com/RedfieldWilton/status/1472975104007155714
The year is 1940 and America is yet again on the precipice.
Hjalmar Petersen, 33rd President of the United States of America, has had a fairly successful first term. In March 1937, the first act of the Petersen Administration was to establish the National Recovery Administration***,*** which established the nation's first minimum wages, set maximum hours, and helped reduce unemployment by providing benefits and services to the recently-unemployed to find jobs. Petersen, in the same year, also established the Nationwide Advisory Council of Unions and Employers, which allowed all worker's organizations to have a hand in managing the economy in a way that would both stimulate the economy and provide greater worker's rights.
Meanwhile, Huey Long, Secretary of the Interior, got right to work on the more intricate, public-works based parts of the Share Our Wealth Program, where extensive highway systems were built to connect America by the unemployed. Long and Petersen also made a joint effort to end the ongoing Dust Bowl Crisis by endorsing Long's tree-planting program, where trees and other natural crops were planted on ruined farmland to reconstitute the soil, in exchange for subsidies and one-time payments. The Wyoming mining crisis had come to an end when all the miners left the state due to Governor Alonzo Clark had enforced archaic anti-union laws, and the state experienced a severe micro-Depression. Petersen had fixed these issues mostly by 1938 when the NRA and NACUE took a greater hold and Governor Clark had been proved powerless to stop these laws, but the entire administration was scratching their heads, trying to figure out how to invite the ex-miners back to come work in Wyoming when the majority had settled down in California and Texas and were slowly integrating (while at the same time being an unanticipated burden on these states).
Then, in July 1938, the Alpine War broke out. The French Social Republic, lead by Jacques Doriot, had demanded the annexation of Geneva for a measly sum of 2 Billion Francs, unless the Swiss desired total annihilation. Switzerland initially accepted in April, and the deals were already being drawn up, when the government had changed its mind, believing that Germany would protect the little confederation and Geneva should remain an integral part of Switzerland. This move proved disastrous, as Doriot was fully prepared to use the Chaussers Alpins, an elite, mountain-based army group, in a t
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