Oggi in nord Italia è la festa della Giubiana. Esistono anche da voi delle tradizioni pagane che sono sopravvissute?
👍︎ 231
👤︎ u/superskenz
📅︎ Jan 27 2022
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New Horikoshi Art from Jump Festa 2022
👍︎ 7k
📅︎ Dec 19 2021
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Jump Festa (Strawhat crew version). After seeing the voice actors all together I had to make this. Unfortunately Cho-san (Brook VA) wasn't there so I had to improvise a little bit (IG@zunou.art) reddit.com/gallery/s8km3d
👍︎ 2k
👤︎ u/2GOOD4YA
📅︎ Jan 20 2022
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Naruto anime's 20th year anniversary tribute at today's Jump Festa! v.redd.it/f88m8rh3yc681
👍︎ 5k
📅︎ Dec 18 2021
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Denúncia de festa clandestina no último final de semana na cadeia pública de Goiana-PE v.redd.it/8rfpfifamc881
👍︎ 1k
📅︎ Dec 28 2021
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Eslovénia pagando peitinho na festa reddit.com/gallery/sglcpj
👍︎ 406
📅︎ Jan 30 2022
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Hoje, a festa não é nossa. v.redd.it/bx08s1sona781
👍︎ 919
👤︎ u/Beard_Man
📅︎ Dec 23 2021
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Horikoshi’s Jump Festa 2022 Message (In full)


December is now here, and while I understand that everyone is busy with daily life, I hope you are in good health.

Thank you for coming to My Hero Academia Super Stage.

MHA is at a state where it will reach its goal in a about year….if things go smoothly.

If things don’t go smoothly, then Yamashita [Daiki]-kun will probably be reading the same letter again next year at JumpFes.

I’ve been sluggishly drawing for more than 7 years now, but now that we’re in the Final Act, I plan to vent everything that I’ve been sluggishly saving up until now in it.

I’ve said this to Okamoto [Nobuhiko]-kun in LINE, but Katsuki will be having his greatest scene in the manga in future developments. I hope people who like Katsuki and hate Katsuki will look forward to it.

And regarding Ochako and Toga,

I have a scene that I’m itching to draw.

Frankly speaking, Toga is a character that was created specifically for Ochako.

And I’ve developed Ochako match Toga.

I don’t know if I will be able to answer your expectations regarding how it [the Ochako and Toga plot] will end, but I plan to put my heart into drawing it.

Also, I became Fukuen-san’s fan because of Cure Happy.

When I heard that Fukuen-san will be voicing Toga….I was worried about whether Cure Happy’s Image will be defiled. (Because Toga’s the complete opposite of Cure Happy).

Thank you for lending your voice for Toga. I love you.

And then, we have Deku and Shigaraki.

Even though his consciousness is becoming more and more ambiguous, he’s [Shigaraki’s] a mass of destructive instincts and frustrations.

He’s the greatest obstacle in Deku’s goal of “saving”.

Saving and Destroying are both born out of ego. Whose ego will win in the end? Is it even a matter of winning or losing? How will things go? What shall I do? What am I supposed to do??

Well, everything’s somehow gonna come off alright I guess!

Do your best, Deku! Destroy it all, Shigaraki! Die, All for One!!

To people who have been reading MHA from its serialization,

To people who started midway,

To people who are just skimming through it while reading Jump,

I will push forward and try to make it so that everyone will think that they’re glad they’ve read MHA.

Anyway, I’m looking forward to the anime’s season 6!

I’m very happy that I can enjoy the broadcast along with everyone again.

The days will continue to be cold,

But I’m praying that everyone will stay healthy.


2021 12 19

Horikoshi Kohei”

... keep reading on reddit ➡

👍︎ 621
👤︎ u/PocketPika
📅︎ Dec 20 2021
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Minha tia de SP chegou. A primeira coisa que escutei dela foi "Estou cheirando a negão... Dois dias sem tomar banho". Que comecem as festas

Coube tudo no título

👍︎ 760
📅︎ Dec 24 2021
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New Horikoshi Art for Jump Festa 2022
👍︎ 4k
📅︎ Dec 14 2021
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Vocês estão animados para as festas de fim de ano?

Acho que esse foi o pior ano pra mim. Todo ano compro roupa nova, me animo com ceia, decoração e todos esses rituais, mas esse ano parece que tudo deu errado, sei lá. Só queria dormir no dia 24 e acordar no dia 1 e torcer pra dar certo dessa vez

👍︎ 253
👤︎ u/Calygula
📅︎ Dec 23 2021
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Press Release Tweet containing the summary of Jump Festa confirms that Masashi Kishimoto is not writing Boruto. He’s simply an editorial supervisor, which I imagine means that Ikemoto submits what HE’s written for Kishimoto’s final approval

His official post was declared as editorial supervising director

What do you guys think is going on behind the scenes of Boruto ?

(Credits to u/OrganicDinosaur for the complied translations)

👍︎ 562
👤︎ u/FeindMan
📅︎ Dec 19 2021
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Melhores bebidas para festas low cost

Basicamente o título qual a melhor combinação de bebidas para não gastar muito mas com álcool suficiente para animar a festa.

Digam aí as vossas receitas preferidas

👍︎ 46
📅︎ Jan 07 2022
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Jump Festa 2022 Poster
👍︎ 2k
👤︎ u/SaKaly
📅︎ Dec 17 2021
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Minha mãe me expôs ao COVID de propósito, sendo que sábado que vem seria minha festa de aniversário.

Minha mãe é totalmente antivaxxer, sabia que estava com suspeita e não me falou.

Hoje de manhã ela me pediu pra levar ela pra fazer uma endoscopia, e só depois do exame ela me contou que estava com suspeita (meu padrasto testou positivo).

A questão é que sábado que vem é meu aniversário e eu organizei um evento com alguns amigos (todos vacinados e testados).

Ela disse para eu dar a festa mesmo assim, pq tá todo mundo pegando, e a variante nova é suave.... Eu não aceito isso de jeito nenhum, é muita irresponsabilidade!

A minha vontade é de morrer de COVID só pra ela calar a boca.

👍︎ 164
👤︎ u/Uatarreu
📅︎ Jan 18 2022
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Douglas Costa marca festa de casamento no Rio de Janeiro durante a pré-temporada; Grêmio diz "desconhecer" gauchazh.clicrbs.com.br/e…
👍︎ 144
👤︎ u/wzD_
📅︎ Jan 05 2022
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Jump Festa Dokkan Battle Panel Megathread

Please keep all posts regarding the Panel currently live on this thread. I'll update as it goes, or try to anyway, others can keep updated in the comments as well.

  1. Teaching how the game works.
  2. Discussing Ver. Z Part 1
  3. Discussing current celebration
  4. End of Year Campaign.
  5. DDF Goku and Kid Buu

That's all folks. Nothing but the DDF. RIP in peace LR Kid Buu

👍︎ 324
👤︎ u/Zehal
📅︎ Dec 18 2021
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[Jump Festa] Voice actors of Loid, Yor, and Anya, do a live reading of Chapter 14 v.redd.it/qluhoh396p681
👍︎ 932
👤︎ u/frs-1122
📅︎ Dec 20 2021
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After years, Ichigo is finally here on the poster of Jump Festa 2022!
👍︎ 677
📅︎ Dec 17 2021
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The voice crew are present at the Jump Festa event.
👍︎ 2k
👤︎ u/mugiboya
📅︎ Dec 19 2021
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Ranking dos melhores investidores da família nas festas de fim de ano em 2021
👍︎ 348
📅︎ Dec 30 2021
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Muitas capitais do Brasil estão cancelando os seus carnavais de rua ao mesmo tempo em que mantêm autorizada a realização de festas de carnaval privadas (grandes festas, camarotes). O que justifica isso? Qual a opinião de vocês sobre esse fato?

Não consigo ver nenhuma coerência nessas medidas. Então só a classe média e classe média alta poderão curtir o carnaval esse ano?

Nota: Como vivemos em tempos de distopia e polarização sobre tudo, destaco que não sou negacionista, já estou vacinado 2 doses e acredito na ciência 👍🏻

Fonte: https://www.cnnbrasil.com.br/nacional/prefeitura-de-olinda-cancela-carnaval-de-rua-em-2022/


👍︎ 55
👤︎ u/vitorpga
📅︎ Jan 12 2022
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A eslô pagou peitinho a festa toda ontem... kd os heróis com os vídeos?
👍︎ 52
📅︎ Jan 27 2022
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Illustration by Yuki Tabata to Celebrate Jump Festa 2022
👍︎ 2k
📅︎ Dec 14 2021
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So according to the official Dragon ball website Ultra Ego Vegeta will get an official colored illustration at Jump Festa

Source: https://en.dragon-ball-official.com/news/01_718.html


So we'll finally get to see what color his hair is. Chances are it's purple but it'll be nice to see it confirmed or not.

EDIT: For people who want to know Jump Festa takes place on December 18 to 19

👍︎ 650
👤︎ u/ryushin6
📅︎ Dec 06 2021
🚨︎ report
Com festa da torcida, Conselho Deliberativo do Botafogo aprova venda de 90% da SAF a John Textor ge.globo.com/futebol/time…
👍︎ 57
📅︎ Jan 14 2022
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Jump Festa hype trailer! v.redd.it/9lghe078sz481
👍︎ 1k
👤︎ u/SylverZ05
📅︎ Dec 11 2021
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I don't think I have ever seen a Jump Festa with this much hype going into it.
👍︎ 779
📅︎ Dec 14 2021
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I cleaned up Horikoshi’s new Jump Festa 2022 Art reddit.com/gallery/rjy9rh
👍︎ 1k
👤︎ u/Meldanna
📅︎ Dec 19 2021
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Fui convidado para uma festa de aniversário!

Eu joguei um truco ontem na casa de um amigo. Foi a coisa mais divertida do mundo! Foi excelente! Então... depois que acabou o jogo, um parceiro nosso me disse assim: "James, te colocarei no grupo do WhatsApp".

Eu disse "uai, grupo do truco?"

Ele: "não, grupo da festa que vou fazer de niver no sábado"

Eu: "pera aí! Você está me convidando para vir aqui no seu niver?"

Ele: "Sim!"

Eu até agora tô um pouco sem acreditar. Na minha vida sempre fui um sujeito muito sozinho, nunca consegui ser otimista quanto minha vida social (amorosa então nem se fala, apesar de ter tido algumas alegrias (seguida de uma baita tristeza, depois um pouco de alegria (que postarei aqui em breve)). São várias frustrações e poucas alegrias. Nessa festa não deixarei de ir kkkkkk, meu Deus do céu! ME CONVIDARAM PARA UMA FESTA!

👍︎ 47
📅︎ Jan 25 2022
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Ex-jogador do PSG detona Neymar por festas em meio a lesão: "Menos eficiente e ganha peso" ge.globo.com/futebol/fute…
👍︎ 79
📅︎ Jan 04 2022
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JJK & JJK 0 illustrations for Jump Festa 2022
👍︎ 3k
📅︎ Nov 27 2021
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Voice actors of Zorojuro, Usohachi, and Sangoro at Jump Festa reddit.com/gallery/rjt3we
👍︎ 3k
👤︎ u/mugiboya
📅︎ Dec 19 2021
🚨︎ report
Vai casar? Douglas Costa tem covid-19 e festa pode ser cancelada uol.com.br/esporte/futebo…
👍︎ 70
📅︎ Jan 11 2022
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Fujimoto during his Jump Festa 2022 Interview
👍︎ 925
📅︎ Dec 20 2021
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É estranho eu levar uma cerveja mais cara na festa de Natal/Aniversário da minha prima?

Então, minha família bebe muita cerveja, então eles pegam de umas marcas mais baratas.
Eu bebo bem pouco, então quando bebo, prefiro beber uma melhorzinha (no fim das contas eu ainda gasto menos que eles kkk).

É estranho eu levar uma cerveja mais cara na festa de Natal/Aniversário da minha prima?
PS: eles são mais simples, são mais do interior, etc

👍︎ 60
👤︎ u/djonguinha
📅︎ Dec 24 2021
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New Chainsaw Man Illustration by Tatsuki Fujimoto for Jump Festa 2022
👍︎ 3k
📅︎ Dec 14 2021
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Jump Festa 2022

Tomorrow (Dec.19th) we should be getting news about the anniversary. What structure deck do you guys think will be announced?. Last year we got BEWD EX SD. I really hope it will be a Dark Magician structure deck or Pendulum SD that has tier potential.

👍︎ 86
📅︎ Dec 18 2021
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Jump Festa 2022 Illustration
👍︎ 372
👤︎ u/AceMeteor
📅︎ Dec 18 2021
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[Black Clover Mobile] Jump Festa 2022 PV Reveal (EN Full Ver.) youtube.com/watch?v=qFyOp…
👍︎ 265
📅︎ Dec 19 2021
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Shihei Lin and Fujimoto interview in Jump Festa
👍︎ 3k
👤︎ u/zeedware
📅︎ Dec 18 2021
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The results of the fan voted 5 best fights in Season 5 of My Hero Academia have been revealed during Jump Festa 2022! reddit.com/gallery/rizsla
👍︎ 525
👤︎ u/McKnighty9
📅︎ Dec 18 2021
🚨︎ report
DBFZ Japan Regional Finals Will be at Jump Festa this weekend. Hoping they announce something at Day 2, but im keeping my hopes low for now
👍︎ 284
📅︎ Dec 15 2021
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[ART] Character banner from Jump Festa 2022.
👍︎ 337
👤︎ u/DawgBloo
📅︎ Dec 17 2021
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Jump Festa discussion thread

Chainsaw Man Jump Festa '22 stage is live!

Link to Festa- https://youtu.be/qXhwG_CqVwQ

You will need Japanese vpn to see the stream

👍︎ 227
👤︎ u/indi_n0rd
📅︎ Dec 18 2021
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Special illustration by Akutami Gege for Jump Festa 2022
👍︎ 992
👤︎ u/pumpukuyo
📅︎ Dec 14 2021
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Oda’s Autograph for Jump Festa 2022!!!
👍︎ 925
👤︎ u/shikajaru
📅︎ Dec 14 2021
🚨︎ report
[DIFO] Dimension Force JUMP Festa Reveal Stream

A stream is starting that will reveal and demonstrate combos with new cards from the upcoming main set Dimension Force, it will last about 90 minutes.

You can watch it here

I'll be updating the thread with the reveals as they're shown.

Psychic End Punisher

LIGHT | Psychic-Type | Synchro Effect Monster

LV 11 | ATK 3500 / DEF 3500

> Materials: 1 Tuner + 1+ non-Tuner monsters

> (1) While your LP are equal to or less than your opponent’s, this Synchro Summoned card is unaffected by your opponent’s activated effects.

> (2) Once per turn: You can pay 1000 LP, then target 1 monster you control and 1 card your opponent controls; banish those targets.

> (3) At the start of the Battle Phase: You can make this card gain ATK equal to the difference between both players’ LP.

Illegal Knight

DARK | Fiend-Type | Effect Monster

LV 7 | 2000 ATK / 2000 DEF

> You can only use the 1st and 2nd effect of this card’s name each once per turn.

> (1) During the Main Phase, if you control no monsters, or you control “Adventurer Token” (Quick Effect): You can Special Summon this card from your hand.

> (2) If you control “Adventurer Token” (Quick Effect): You can target up to 2 cards your opponent controls; give control of this card to your opponent, and if you do, return those cards to the hand.

No-P.U.N.K. Dia Note

EARTH | Warrior-Type | Effect Monster

LV 5 | 2100 ATK / 1800 DEF

> You can only use the 1st and 2nd effect of this card’s name each once per turn.

> (1) You can reveal 1 other “P.U.N.K.” monster in your hand; Special Summon this card or the revealed card, and if you do, send the other to the GY.

> (2) If this card is sent from the field to the GY: You can target 1 “P.U.N.K.” monster in your GY, except a Level 5 monster; Special Summon it, but you cannot Special Summon “Noh-P.U.N.K. Dia Note” for the rest of this turn.

Exorsisters Magnifica

LIGHT | Warrior-Type | Xyz Effect Monster

RANK 8 | 2800 ATK / 2800 DEF

Materials: 2 Rank 4 “Exosister” Xyz Monsters

> Must be Xyz Summoned with the above Xyz Materials.

> (1) This card can make a second attack during each Battle Phase.

> (2) Once per turn (Quick Effect): You can detach 1 material from this card; banish 1 card your opponent controls.

> (3) When yo

... keep reading on reddit ➡

👍︎ 131
👤︎ u/EncorePls
📅︎ Dec 18 2021
🚨︎ report
Marcelo da Silva, seu DNA foi encontrado na faca que foi usada para matar Beatriz Mota sem seu colégio, durante uma festa, em Petrolina, e inclusive ele confessou. Por que eu não acredito nisso? (1º comentário)
👍︎ 12
📅︎ Jan 13 2022
🚨︎ report
Happy "Festa di a Nazione" (National Holiday) to all corsicans, a festival that has been celebrated throughout Corsica since 1735.
👍︎ 270
📅︎ Dec 08 2021
🚨︎ report

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