Zdravko Colic

Je l Cola stvarno je*ao pola Jugoslavije ili su to samo urbane price?

👍︎ 124
👤︎ u/fongsd
📅︎ Jan 18 2022
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Colic newborn, i feel like I'm drowning in tears

hope someone has some insight or suggestions for me.

I have a 6 week old and a 2 and a half year old. Since my 6 week old has been born she has been crying. I went pretty much right to formula at about day 2 because she just seemed so hungry. Since then she loves her bottle but crys about 5 to 10 mins after it and doesn't stop until she gets so tired from crying that she falls asleep on me. She is so tired. She's not getting enough sleep for a newborn I feel like.

I can't watch her suffer anymore it makes me so sad. At first I thought she would wake up right away because of my 2 year old just being a 2 year old playing and waking her up but I noticed over time even if it was so quiet she will wake up crying.

I have switched her formula 3 times and the last time I switched to lactose formula and a probiotic. she was getting these hard as rock poops it was awful for her to push them out. Yesterday I switched to Enfamil nutramigen and this morning she had a normal poop but still is crying all day. She doesn't spit up a whole lot but when she does it's projectile. Does this sound like a dairy allergy? How long does it take for formula to start making a difference.

sometimes I get so frustrated from the constant crying and rocking her I think about smashing my head against a wall. It's so frustrating and sad to see her like this it breaks my heart. I'm not sure how to fix this and it's ruining my life. I wake up with a headache and go to bed with one. I cry all the time.

Any suggestions or advice on what you did would be amazing.

Sorry for the long post.

👍︎ 23
📅︎ Jan 23 2022
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I just lost my heart horse, Finnley, to colic. I’m so devastated. He was only about 15y and I’ve had him since he was 3. He was such an incredible partner… anyway, I just wanted to share his adorable face. reddit.com/gallery/quqomb
👍︎ 1k
👤︎ u/LotteLou8
📅︎ Nov 15 2021
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How did babies with colic survive prehistory?

I can't stop his crying unless he is feeding. He has been crying on-off all day. How did bears not eat all the babies with colic when we were not on the top of the food chain? How did we make it this far?

Edit: although I didn't ask for advise and was more questioning how we got by without the safety of our homes, I did get some answers that got me googling new solutions. My watch has ended and I must get ready for another sleepless night while his mother keeps an eye on him. Thank you everbody for helping me through the night

👍︎ 137
👤︎ u/nikrstic
📅︎ Nov 12 2021
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Colic baby from hell

I really can't take it anymore. My 2 month old cries her eyes out since she wakes up to bed. She even refuses the breast because of how fussy and crying she is. She is constantly in pain, always grunting, so much movement in her stomach. We tried everything, rocking, bouncing, wearing her, tummy time, gripe water, fennel tea, magic tea, probiotics, every fucking thing. And everytime I hear some kind of suggestions I get excited maybe this is the end, but the disappointment hits hard. I cant bond with her when she is just crying and in pain. She even sometimes smiles at me then interrupts the smile with screams and cries. She wakes up at night from pain and cries. I'm losing myself, my marriage and my life. I have no life. I always wake up to her crying and try to comfort her with barely any results. I sometimes feel my breastmilk has some kind of acid that is destroying her intestines. How can an organ fail so hard and hurt so bad? I breastfeed with some formula supplement because I don't have enough milk. I tried different types of formulas and now using a colic type where the milk protein is already processed, I don't even know what that means. But they said it will help, well it didn't. I tried cutting dairy with no results. Please help me. This is a call for help because I can't take it anymore

👍︎ 322
👤︎ u/zarya2
📅︎ Nov 09 2021
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Found out my old lease horse passed away from severe colic tonight. Missing him dearly 🌈
👍︎ 124
👤︎ u/itsmepingu
📅︎ Jan 18 2022
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Has anyones newborn randomly become fussy out of no where? Could our baby be developing Colic?

Our daughter is 16 days old and has been a dream as far as her demeanor so far. She had a bit of jaundice at first but they got it treated before we left the hospital and it’s been fine ever since. She normally is very laid back and hardly fussy at all. She’s slept great so far and we usually wake up every 3 hours or so at night and get her up to feed and she’ll go back to sleep and then we’ll also sleep in, in the mornings. During the day she hardly fusses at all and will be fine being held by family or us or sitting in her dock-a-tot or swing. Usually at night if we rock her she’ll fall asleep and we put her in her bassinet and she’ll fall asleep and stay asleep for hours. She even sometimes will seem to self soothe, where she’ll make some noises and then settle down and go back to sleep.

That is until last night. She was up and grunting/fussing very consistently and we didn’t sleep much. She slept for maybe an hour straight once and was only fine if we held her. When we would lay her down she’d get upset each time. We thought maybe she was trying to get her arms out of her swaddle or she was constipated but she had a couple small poops throughout the night. She’s been somewhat the same throughout the day today, we can’t lay her down for long if at all without her getting upset. I’m thinking maybe she’s having trouble with gas, she does fart loudly and often but we’ve got no idea what’s going on.

Has anyone else dealt with anything similar before? I can provide more detail if it helps at all.

She’s exclusively breast fed, I feed her usually one bottle at night during a feeding so my wife can sleep other than that she’s always being breast fed.

Edit - also we did just give her 1ml of gripe water for the first time so seeing how that helps

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👤︎ u/CMOx12
📅︎ Jan 05 2022
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Lost a horse to colic

To be clear, he wasn't my horse. I have a full-time desk job but volunteer when I can (typically on the weekends) at a trail-riding barn near my place. We have a pretty large herd but I love them all (mostly) so much.

This horse wasn't my favorite by any stretch, but I'd ridden him a lot and he was a good boy - a well-trained mustang. I don't think he was that old. Maybe in his mid-teens.

This is my first (and probably last, for other reasons) winter at the barn, and earlier this year the owner warned us all that this horse, and a few others, were particularly prone to colic and to keep an eye on him. We took quite a few precautions to keep him and the other horses safe. He seemed to have some issues here and there but was mostly OK.

Yesterday I caught him and brought him into the barn briefly. Then he had pretty gnarly diarrhea, so I told the manager and she said she'd keep an eye on him (which she did. She's great). She gave him some banamine, and that afternoon we called the vet out. To make a long story short, I could tell as I watched him that day he wasn't doing well. When I left that night, they were taking him to the hospital.

I found out late last night he went into kidney failure and they put him down. I'm mostly fine, but I'm pretty bummed. And I'm worried there was more I could have done, either yesterday or over the past few weeks, to keep an eye on him. I doubt it, since I know some horses just colic, but I still feel guilty. And sad. And anxious that in the future, if I ever own a horse, I'll have to deal with this. Anyway, just looking for some sympathy and help, mostly, from those who've been here.

👍︎ 24
📅︎ Jan 02 2022
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When did the colic end for your baby?

First time mom and very very tired!

My baby has colic and it has been a Roller coaster. My baby will not let anyone sooth him but myself and I am burning out so bad I need a little bit of encouragement and inspiration. I was so tired I was not able to do even a fraction of the things I normally do For the holidays and I’m feeling sad.

When did the colic end for your baby and what was your experience?

Did it go away all at once or gradually?

We are almost at three months and I feel like there is no end in sight

(Please excuse my grammar and spelling my hands are full and I’m using dictation!)

👍︎ 6
📅︎ Dec 25 2021
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Late onset colic

Have your babies ever experienced this? My boy was a calm newborn and rarely cried. He only really fussed from gas. He is going through a 4 month sleep regression and leap 4 (The Wonder Weeks). But he’s had more inconsolable crying the past couple of weeks. Sometimes I can tell it’s teething, but other times it feels totally unrelated and I try everything to help him, but nothing works until he’ll finally take a bottle and pass out. But the bottles don’t work until he’s tired enough to take it and pass out. My poor babe. People have told me it’s colic and I figure it can just come on late. Your experiences??

👍︎ 5
📅︎ Jan 10 2022
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My 3 week old baby has colic. How do I continue with tummy time and showing her different things during play without overstimulating her or making her overtired?

My 3 almost 4 week old baby girl is developing colic. I’m giving her gas drops and starting gripe water tonight. I’m making sure she’s swaddled at night and using various calming techniques but during the day I’m not sure how I can continue doing tummy time, activity mats, and various ways to play with her and get her to strengthen neck muscles and explore without overstimulating and making her overtired. Any ideas? Also if it helps to know where she’s at milestone wise she’s able to live her head while laying on me in the recliner and stare at me for long time and on the floor with some prompting she’s able to move her head side to side (usually once each way before she’s done so she’s doing maybe 4-5minutes of floor tummy time before crying) and she’s very curious about lights and her reflection. She’s not yet discovered her hands and feet and she isn’t reaching for items but she’s starting to smack me in the face when failing her arms about while I hold her. She will also grab my shirt and pull sometimes. I don’t want her to be behind but I need her to get good sleep and not suffer with the colic.

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👤︎ u/0Lauren0
📅︎ Jan 05 2022
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The demon that is colic

Our little dude is about 7 weeks old now, and me and my wife love him to pieces. He's brought a lot of joy to our lives.

And lately, a lot of insomnia as well.

For the past week he has had bouts of relentless colic. Crying for hours on end, doesn't matter what time of day, but seems to be worse in the evening. We've tried everything we know to sooth him--white noise, rocking, swaddling, etc. It seems to work for a little bit, and he does manage to eventually take naps. It's just that he often goes into full-on banshee mode when he's awake. Lately we've been anxious, frustrated, and most of all exhausted. Today is my first day back to work after a four day holiday weekend, and I can hardly concentrate on anything productive from the lack of sleep.

Maybe I'm reading into things too much, but I'm just concerned that he will somehow sense our frustration, and that it will have a negative affect on bonding. We make sure to put him down and take breaks if it gets to be too much, or we'll take turns if one of us is getting too frustrated. But still, our frustration is apparent in the moment, and we don't want that to imprint on him. Again, maybe I'm overthinking things.

Anyway, I just had to vent to some fellow dads.

👍︎ 14
📅︎ Nov 29 2021
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Colic at 8 months still...

Hi everyone! I have a 6 year old, and an 8 month old and things have been hard this last couple of months.

The baby still has gas and colic, that wake her up at night and during naps regularly and it's been intense. It seemed to get a bit better when she started solids, but then it got worse, she was kinda constipated and I just don't know what to do anymore. Anyone has any experience like this? I need to feel less alone...

We consulted a gastric specialist (not sure the proper word in English), and she found her healthy and said gas alone is not a enough to suggest an allergy or intolerance of some sort. She has no other symptoms or issues, she is super healthy otherwise and eats very well and has a more than healthy weight, she always has. She is taking a probiotic that might help, and she also prescribed a stool softener to avoid constipation since that can worsen gas apparently. It's only been 5 days since she's been taking this medication but nothing has changed. And I know it's not long (we go back to the specialist after a month of this), but I am just so discouraged. I haven't gotten 3 straight hours of sleep in weeks. She nurses at night and when she is in pain and cries, the boob is usually the only thing that will calm her down. And I'm just tired, and unmotivated.

I don't know what I want from this post. Maybe some advice if someone went through something similar. Or maybe some reassurance that this too shall pass... I can't see beyond a few days ahead, and feel stuck and this community has always been a great source of support for me, even if I don't post a lot...

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👤︎ u/Aneley13
📅︎ Dec 01 2021
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Anyone have any success using SNOO with a baby with GBS or light colic symptoms?

Wife and I are currently renting the SNOO and ever since we’ve brought baby home from the hospital it’s been pretty hit or miss. LO has an intense case of Grunting Baby Syndrome (GBS) and he is frequently waking himself up every 5-10 minutes to grunt and squeal loudly.

The grunting sessions last anywhere from 45 to 90 minutes after which he’ll sleep quietly for about 30 mins, then wake normally for a feed. This goes on for 24 hours. When the SNOO detects the fussing, it’ll ramp up and make baby cry more. I guess it’s kind of interfering with his process of expelling the gas or poop, so he just loses it. In the rare cases he’s not gurgling or straining, he sleeps really well with the SNOO.

In the meantime, we’ve just unplugged the snoo and just use it as a basic bassinet. During the day he now naps dressed in a sleep sack swaddle in the pack n play located in our living room. Any tips? I’ve tried little ones gas drops, but they don’t really work long enough. I’d like to give the snoo another try. Thanks!

👍︎ 3
📅︎ Dec 29 2021
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Colic or gas? (Or does it even matter?)

Wondering whether our LO who is almost 6 weeks has "Colic" (which we're now calling "excessive crying" where I'm from).

In short, she will become very angry most nights right around the same time - usually for a 3-4 hour window between 5 and 10 PM. She gets super red in the face, goes rigid, throws her fists, and kicks her legs. She is often almost inconsolable but we'll usually get her to calm down enough to hold her or put her in her chair. Often once she's calmed down, she will suddenly start crying again for no obvious reason (not hungry, not wet, etc.) We thought it was gas but she usually isn't like this in the day. She will sometimes get upset in the day but is much easier to calm down. In contrast, she is always super chill first thing in the morning.

The only silver lining seems to be that it results in a pretty good night's sleep for everyone (two 3 hour stretches followed by an hour or so after 5 AM). It's almost worth it if it wasn't so sad to see her so angry.

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📅︎ Dec 30 2021
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How does colic go away? is it a gradual process or pretty much "overnight"

Struggling with twins where at least one is screaming for hours and hours every day. Most guides say colic goes away towards the end of the 3rd month (or sometimes between 3 and 4 months). But is it a gradual decrease after the pinnacle (usually 6 weeks?) or does it stay as bad and just go away more or less suddenly?

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👤︎ u/munzwurf
📅︎ Dec 26 2021
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Colic: A Rant

My son has had colic since he was about 7 days old. It got so bad my abundant, gorgeous, flowing boob-milk dried up because I couldn’t put him down long enough to pump and he couldn’t stop screaming long enough to latch. It’s supposed to be getting better, at least according to pediatricians and parent blogs and neighbors and coworkers and Santa and the Easter Bunny. Well I freaking hope so, because I’m going back to work in two weeks and I’m seriously wondering if I’ll have to quit my job.

But “hAvE yOU tRiED biCyCLe kiCkS?” Life tip: Don’t tell the parents of a colicky baby to do bicycle kicks. If another person mentions bicycle kicks I will bicycle kick them in the throat. Katie, let me tell you all the things I’ve tried: bicycle kicks, burping, tummy time, gas drops, probiotics, reflux meds, hypoallergenic formula, cutting dairy, swaddling 4 different ways, not swaddling, “drowsy but awake”, white noise, lullabies, warm baths, the 5 S’s, the swing, the carrier, the stroller, car rides, the exercise ball, the crib, co-sleeping, blackout curtains, wake windows, baby massage, pacifiers, prayers, and that stupid f*king Fisher Price hedgehog.

Oh, but your baby fusses when they’re hungry or tired? Are they going through a regression? Or a leap? Well mine is in a constant existential crisis. Cry me a river and send your perfect Moses baby on down so we can tradesies for a day. Then my little hellion can screech in your ear and head-butt you and scratch you with his nails and I can gently rock your little one to co-sleeping snuggly bliss. I haven’t slept more than three hours in a row since he was born, usually punctuated by phantom baby cries.

My mom came to help and she has been amazing but my sweet n sour little peanut baffles her. Before she came, her advice to soothe my adorable demon of a child was “Sing to him.” Yes, I’ll do that in between my own sobs, if I can reach a decibel level higher than his hysterical screams. Apparently I was such an easy baby, she was in for a rude awakening. She thought if babies were tired enough, they’d sleep. She thought if you patted a baby enough, they’d burp and be comfortable. Not my colicky, cute, wonderful a**hole baby. I could slit my wrists and make a sacrifice to Satan and my baby would be like “what up, bouta cry about it some more.”

I’m starting to fall in love this little booger. I’m so grateful he’s otherwise healthy. But I just wanted to throw my feels out there for some colic solidarity.

👍︎ 136
📅︎ Oct 19 2021
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Colic -first time experience. Two questions, 1) looks like my boy is on the mend. What should I expect, how best to proceed over the next few days? 2) Learned today that I need a better equine first aid kit. What essential medicine do you keep at your barn?
👍︎ 59
📅︎ Nov 20 2021
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Pretty sure baby has colic. Anyone ever try Colic Calm?

Heya everyone, not entirely sure what to do. Hoping friends of reddit could offer some advice here. My baby girl (5.5 weeks) screams in agony for hours on end, usually at the same time each night from 5-9pm.

We suspected she had reflux a while ago since she needed excessive burping/ needed to be held upright for a long time post-feed. Doc said to try burp drops - those didn’t help. We still keep her upright and burp for 20-35min post-feed and that seems to help a lot.

Still, aside from that, she goes into these meltdown states where she cries her eyes out for hours on end. She’ll knock out for max 5 minutes in my arms and BANG, she wakes herself up and she’s back at it. Perhaps she’s sucking in too much air and it’s uncomfortable, perhaps she just can’t get to sleep and stay asleep for some unexplainable reason, perhaps I rock like shit! Whatever it is, my SO came across gripe water and thinks we should give it a try. We’re looking at “Colic Calm” since the ingredients seem relatively understandable without BS.


Anyone have experience with colicky babies and gripe water or this product specifically?

Thanks in advance!

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📅︎ Dec 20 2021
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Silent reflux/colic

I'm really struggling with my nearly 6 week old, he's been suffering from silent reflux in which he doesn't scream and cry or throw up but he is extremely uncomfortable and unsettled. He squirms the majority of the night and we haven't slept for more than 20 mins at a time for 3 days. Does anyone have any tips? We have tried gaviscon, anti reflux milk, carobel and infacol over the past 4 weeks but none have seemed to ease his discomfort.

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📅︎ Dec 06 2021
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Colic/Purple Crying Vibe: 1000-Yard Stare
👍︎ 82
📅︎ Oct 07 2021
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Colic at 4 months

Anyone else’s baby wake every single hour at night, squirming with gas? She is 4 months old and still wakes up farting up to 10 times a night.

Any words of encouragement appreciated!

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📅︎ Dec 15 2021
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Not sure if our baby is colic or not...

He's 7 months now and from the beginning he would kick and throw his arms like he was having a tantrum. Is that colic? He's 7 months how and it's starting to interpret his sleep. He's up all hr of the night and he barely naps during the day! Any advice would be appreciated! He's my second, my daught was NOTHING like this! She was an easy breezy dream come true and still is at 17 years old! Thank you on advance!

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📅︎ Dec 28 2021
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Dealing with colic past 4 months

My son is 4.5 months now and still colicky. He has majorly bad GERD which really doesn't help. We've been back and forth to the pediatrician a million times. He's been on three different reflux meds, adjusted several times. He has specialist visits scheduled with an ENT doctor this coming week and a GI specialist at the end of January. Our pediatrician says she is "just trying to help get us to the specialist appointment because she's tried everything". He is so, so hard to deal with and I don't know how to keep coping? My husband and I are both still off work but between the two of us we struggle to even keep the house clean, us fed and showered, etc. Tummy time doesn't happen because he screams no matter what. Floor time is the same. He even hates swings and bouncers now, which used to calm him down. In my arms specifically he is maybe sometimes okay for ten minutes before he starts screaming. He barely sleeps and hates to eat. My husband's parents came to visit and try to help, but he would barely let them hold him so I didn't get a break at all.

I know colic is temporary, but I am so, so drained and hopeless. I feel like he's falling behind on development and I am jealous and angry at everyone I speak with that has a baby that can be set down without screaming. I feel resentful and upset; he is harder now than when he was a newborn. Please help reassure me. Everything online I read just says "usually stops by 3-4 months" and I feel like we are more in the survival stage than when he was first born.

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👤︎ u/Sylphael
📅︎ Dec 12 2021
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My daughter has had colic and reflux so never settles but apparently loves F1 on Netflix. Wish I'd known this 3 months ago v.redd.it/dg2x0ix297i71
👍︎ 353
📅︎ Aug 18 2021
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Straight outta colic into teething

Babe is 18 weeks today and getting her first tooth in. Colic never really ended, despite trying all the things. And now I know we won’t get any fucking break from inconsolable crying because we’re teething early.

What did I do to deserve such a miserable start to parenting? The fact that my husband and I refuse to CIO just makes everyone’s suggestion to sleep train more infuriating. I feel like I’m being punished by the universe for not wanting to leave my infant daughter whom I love more than anything completely alone while she’s distressed and desperate for comfort.

Gaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh why :’(

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📅︎ Dec 27 2021
🚨︎ report
Shout out to all my colic moms today

We have a 5 week old that was just diagnosed with milk intolerance after being colicky since 2 weeks old. Switched formula to Nutramigen and now just waiting for her gut to heal so we can all get some relief. Hopefully.

Just wanted to show some mental solidarity with others that are struggling. I’ve heard all the colic advice, we’ve done everything. Just know and trust that better days are ahead…we can make it through the struggle. One day at a time, one meltdown at a time. I see you.

Ps, I really hope this post makes sense. I’ve been awake for about 30 hours

👍︎ 20
📅︎ Nov 12 2021
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Hey all. My 9 week baby (3weeks adjusted), has been having fits while eating. Screaming, inconsolable, pushes her bottle and tries to squirm away. Not on all feeds just randomly around 6pm or 7pm. Sometimes randomly in between. She’s EFF with the same formula, same everything. I brought it up to her doctor and he doesn’t seem concerned since she very rarely spits up and didn’t feel any anomalies in her tummy. I just tried gas drops today but too soon to know any affects. Also, she has no problem burping or farting so I’m puzzled. Any advice or anyone go through the same?

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👤︎ u/j3ssss3j
📅︎ Dec 03 2021
🚨︎ report

I’m a ftm and just looking for some suggestions or answers. I have a 7 week old boy. Every night around 7 pm he starts crying. He won’t take a bottle, he doesn’t need changed, and I try rocking him and soothing him and nothing works. Some days he cries so hard he gags and then spits up (or vomits). He’s been doing this since he was 3 weeks old. At his 1 month appointment I mentioned it to his pediatrician and he brushed it off. Can someone help me out?

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👤︎ u/queenyikes
📅︎ Nov 22 2021
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Colic? Gas? Tiredness?

My beautiful wife and I have a 5 week old son. We love him to bits but over the last week or so he’s taken a real turn. During the day his temperament is relatively good but in the evening around 5 or 6 he starts crying, usually until midnight or 1 am. The crying is just on another level and has a different urgent quality to it.

Yesterday we alternated between exercise ball bouncing and walking with him to try and stave off the crying and this worked…for a while. At 9:30 he started crying and the evening carried on that way. We tried taking him for a car ride as (sometimes) he will sleep on the car. Needless to say it didn’t work! Today he started crying around 2 pm and will only stop when walking with him or bouncing (or feeding).

During the day when he is less fussy he doesn’t like to be put down. Try as we might we can not establish any kind of consistent sleep schedule for him as he cries after he is put down. I will bounce and walk with him until he is asleep in my arms. Then I’ll put him in his swaddle which will start him crying again. Then I will walk with him again until he is asleep again. As soon as I put him in the bassinet he will start fussing and at that point it’s usually meltdown time. When he was younger my wife could nurse him to sleep and then swaddle him and put him down but he is resistant now and will cry after being swaddled and put down. He will sleep on us for chunks of time but he probably gets at most 3 or 4 hours of sleep during the day. Once he tires himself out crying around 12-1 am he will usually sleep for a good chunk of time, around 4 hours.

It’s so heartbreaking to hear him cry and feel useless to help him and to not know what is wrong with him. Does this sound like colic? Is it because he’s overtired? The crying roughly coincides with him starting to take less naps during the day…

Is he gassy? (He is not a good burper and we rarely get a burp when we try and burp him…he’s a huge farter though).

I have read some descriptions of colic that describe it as almost constant crying then I read some that seem to fairly closely match his behaviour.

Not sure 100 per cent what my question (questions) is really but I guess I wanted to vent a little and bounce some of this off of others who have been there and done that. TIA for any replies.

👍︎ 9
📅︎ Oct 27 2021
🚨︎ report
Has anyone ever tired Colic calm?

Our almost 6 week old is struggling with “colic” and my hubby and I are losing our minds. So exhausted and sleep deprived and we snap at each other more because we are so overwhelmed- just not a happy time. I always imagined having a baby to be so wonderful and sweet and beautiful but right now we are really struggling. We tried gas drops- did absolutely nothing… pediatrician suggested Levisin drops but after looking at the side effects I got worried and decided to skip out on it. I kinda hate the word colic because it’s just an umbrella term and tells you nothing about the cause. Who can just “wait it out until month three”? Impossible. All I want to do is cry. Anyways our little girl has inconsolable crying periods from about 5-9pm every night & fussiness throughout night time too when trying to pass gas or poop- it wakes her up everytime, UGH. She also never seems really settled after feedings and i’m assuming it’s because of trapped gas and burps. It’s so heart breaking to see your baby cry and not know how to help. Anyways, I’m curious if anyone has ever tired Colic calm, an herbal alternative to gripe water. I’ve seen it everywhere and I’m willing to try anything at this point to offer any relief for our baby but still a little hesitant on giving her an herbal mixture.

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📅︎ Dec 20 2021
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Our sweet 7-week old has recently started doing a grunting thing at night. After his first chunk of sleep of about 3-4 hours he'll wake himself up because of spitting up. I'll feed him again, put him back down, and usually an hour or so later he's back up grunting, making throat clearing sounds, curled up on his side/kicking his legs and rubbing his face with his hands quite vigorously, and, most concerningly, turning his head/face into the mattress. This goes on for several cycles and I'm about at my wit's end. I'm both worried about him (he seems uncomfortable and in distress) and exhausted. He's EBF and I don't consume dairy already (I'm allergic), so that's already ruled out. Also, this doesn't happen at all during the day, only at night and usually between 2 and 6 am. During the day he spits up a bit, but not more than your average baby. He's otherwise happy and very content!

I messaged our pediatrician describing what's been going on and he said it was colic... But my LO isn't crying and is easily pacified with a boob or being held upright. Anyone have any ideas what might be going on and/or how to help him?

👍︎ 9
👤︎ u/redblink14
📅︎ Nov 07 2021
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Head ache everyday, I'm drowning from colic

I hope someone has some insight or suggestions for me.

I have a 6 week old and a 2 and a half year old. Since my 6 week old has been born she has been crying. I went pretty much right to formula at about day 2 because she just seemed so hungry. Since then she loves her bottle but crys about 5 to 10 mins after it and doesn't stop until she gets so tired from crying that she falls asleep on me. She is so tired. She's not getting enough sleep for a newborn I feel like.

I can't watch her suffer anymore it makes me so sad. At first I thought she would wake up right away because of my 2 year old just being a 2 year old playing and waking her up but I noticed over time even if it was so quiet she will wake up crying.

I have switched her formula 3 times and the last time I switched to lactose formula and a probiotic. she was getting these hard as rock poops it was awful for her to push them out. Yesterday I switched to Enfamil nutramigen and this morning she had a normal poop but still is crying all day. She doesn't spit up a whole lot but when she does it's projectile. Does this sound like a dairy allergy? How long does it take for formula to start making a difference.

sometimes I get so frustrated from the constant crying and rocking her I think about smashing my head against a wall. It's so frustrating and sad to see her like this it breaks my heart. I'm not sure how to fix this and it's ruining my life. I wake up with a headache and go to bed with one. I cry all the time.

Any suggestions or advice on what you did would be amazing.

Sorry for the long post.

👍︎ 9
📅︎ Jan 22 2022
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