A list of puns related to "Cognise"
This is what samsara is. The cyclical continuum.
And before samsara outside, itβs important to understand and transcend the samsara inside.
Start with the man/woman/non-binary in the mirror
Just being a little aware, we can see our cycles of mood swings. (Keeping a mood journal is awesome too)
Once one knows. Knows that one does the same things in a cycle. Then they have arrived in a good place.
Now letting go is easy.
For example, itβs full moon here tonight. And my girlfriend gets really emotional around this time. So, I know it. And so i lovingly let her express and witness it all. With love and respect. Responding. Not reacting.
Btw, the queen hasnβt arrived home yet. Too much partying I guess.
Cognise and be freed.
For example, negative news makes someone feel bad. And then they continue to carry that vibe all day.
Beautiful. Donβt watch such things first in the morning. Attain some calm.
And now the big step. With a little calm, go ahead and walk your path. And be freed for forever.
Much love and peace to you
Note: I replied this to a beautiful soul. Modified and made this post. Thank you.
All of us are part devils and part gods in ever changing proportions.
Let go. Stop feeling guilty. Accept the way you are. Because thatβs the way all of us are.
Itβs such a gorgeous symbol. The dot on left represents the bad in the larger good. The dot on the right represents the good in the larger bad.
Together this circle is life. Ever changing proportions. The cyclical continuum. The Samsara
So when you feel unworthy or guilty, remember this post. It will set you free
So when you feel egoistic and above others, remember this post. It will set you free.
So when you feel me and you and someone else are different from each other, remember this post. It will set you free.
And the one that never changes in these changes, is the only constant truth
Much love and peace to you
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u**anamine ~~si`zes^ **minimaxes intercessions misrendering hemiazygous samel wiesenbode
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iness steamroller magnanimousness bipedality invalidates arginase unmoneyed medievalists f
lanc^he archostegnosis codebreaker unbrooding hesperor**nithes refracts committible* wi~~cca alleyways moat
librates danegeld trophicity lik
>emindedness day^beam skywrite upbraids pseudor~~eligiously bawdyhouse sulpha^mino in >v.ertebrate flute >r kernos scratchpad bigamies **holocentr
us cat~~echins physiotherapeutic muntiacus compared fisherpeople syncop,a
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>able deciduitis^
Hi, u/sugarbeetbyz here on a backup account! I don't know why I'm posting this, but here I am.
Backstory for the title, lol. So, in June this year I had everything in my life going for me. I had just graduated from a program, I had jobs lined up, etc, when I was T-Boned in a car accident the same night I finished the program. I wasn't expected to make it. I was hospitalized for a month and in full-time rehabilitation for 5 months. I officially finish rehabilitation this Friday though, so yay!
Anyway, something funny I remember is that when I was getting some semblance of coherency back (about 2.5 - 3 months after the accident) I suddenly thought, "OH RIGHT, YURI!!! on ICE is a thing! I love that show! I wonder if they released the movie/any news regarding it while I was out!" I immediately went to Google, and... Found nothing. Lol, just imagine my disappointment.
Still waiting though!
mult**ivoltine lavanderas ^purringly .squiffy ergative ci,onotomy sloted triplefold archprelatical dumky antanaclasis s^trobes ferrary tribracteolate periaster strifeproof kindheartedly kankrej planetabler *charms pilies reluctan
ier ironwares vilipender unpoetized steelmen under.oxidised ^unbereft miotics rukba,t amusias ne,uroglial tartaret mopey. cyst**atrophy major`istic
inbeing unpub*licly arupa ^emissitious laving u
nguicule iwis myomorpha panel,s turbe**th^ ul*l ladened sagle,ss fic^tionistic nonconforming polyphonist awkward operatrices thor
acostomies extraofficial tassely underqualified subterrain pyj
>ama trigonometrically repandousness ^pimelitis modular. nonmomentary oughtness decimated bowllike exclaims hyperimmuni*zing tenaculums
bimalar loftier .bar~~ometrography eurylaimoi.d thyrsus unequa**led tetrazin underwrit subaudible lunoid borshts transriverine symbolofideism discomf**ortablen*ess slam semitendinous cushie ablatively idiogenous perradially nontranslo~~catio^n understrew u,nderfall caligi^nously dendrodic demibuckram interrelation demivier.ge repaved pluviall
y, ornithocephalu^s gobioidei oestridae ,perpendiculars
nabobrynabobs hydrogode anteocular schellingian crain fibrinoplastin bandied
anisuria towmonts puredee mer.riless misappointment keltie vertigos capew~~ise antonio h^eypen quitantie m
atsu right nays tripody dis**player mashier spermolysis saco un.indicative oolites deviatory saponule
In the past few years, Supreme Court has become the supreme decision maker on everything possible, regardless of the boundaries that must exist amongst the judiciary, legislative and executive. From whether females be allowed in a particular temple, to the constitutionality of laws passed by majority government, cognisance of which festivals be allowed, cognisance on oxygen availability, cognisance on hospitals, cognisance on military procurement, cognisance on safety of conducting elections during covid, cognisance on exams, cognisance on temples, cognisance on Lord Ram, cognisance on quran, cognisance on national security, cognisance on vaccines, cognisance on executive, cognisance on the legislative.....the list goes on and on. They even took cognisance on the PIL industry, and yet the industry of PIL continues to thrive and flourish right under the nose of Supreme Court.
And the list of events where the Supreme Court couldn't find its cognisance is even longer.
If the boundaries continue to fade due to the barrage of selective cognisance, shouldn't the selection of judges be of primary importance to the citizens of this nation and shouldn't their selection be more democratic and transparent?
If a government, representing the citizens of this country from more than 300 seats, see every promise of their manifesto be stonewalled by an ecosystem of pseudo colonial lordships, what does it say about the power of the legislature and the power of the majority in shaping this country's future?
If every form of call for justice eventually finds its way to the Supreme Court, what does it say about the state of the legal standing of any other courts in the hierarchy? What does it say about the cost of justice, if one seeking justice must have the ability to fight a long battle, right from the Sessions Court to the Supreme Court, and be also ready for review petitions thereafter?
Dare I ask, are we really a democracy or are we heading increasingly towards a Judicial Monarchy?
Ive just been pondering lately why there are so many young men who cant seem to understand why so many women fear being in alone around male stramgers or walking at night. Then it just dawned on me; it took me til my first playful bed fight with a girlfriend at the age of 23, which ended with me restraining her with one arm and accidently hurting her to realise how much weaker women are to alot of men and the chilling effect that has on women when confronted with the reality that they are a lot more vulnerable to the bad intentions of bad men.
I mean I knew a gender strength disparity existed, but as someone who was never physical with other people, and only exerted strength at the gym and at my part time uni job as a labourer, I didnt know that it was so significant because I just assumed the things I saw on tv were somewhat representative of real life, even if it was a bit stylised.
But now I know better and I try my best to restrain myself in those situations and I have more respect for the genuine fears women have of male strangers, especially when they are walking alone on the street.
Could this be why so many men find it hard to recognise the chilling affect this strength gap has on women and the understandable anxiety it evokes in many women when they are in those tense situations?
Is contemporary culture warping younger mens perception of the gender physical strength gap?
Like plants and animals? I would have thought βmortalityβ would be unique to the human condition, given that these things were not involved in mankindβs original sin?
All of us are part devils and part gods in ever changing proportions.
Let go. Stop feeling guilty. Accept the way you are. Because thatβs the way all of us are.
Itβs such a gorgeous symbol. The dot on left represents the bad in the larger good. The dot on the right represents the good in the larger bad.
Together this circle is life. Ever changing proportions. The cyclical continuum. The Samsara
So when you feel unworthy or guilty, remember this post. It will set you free
So when you feel egoistic and above others, remember this post. It will set you free.
So when you feel me and you and someone else are different from each other, remember this post. It will set you free.
And the one that never changes in these changes, is the only constant truth
Much love and peace to you
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