A list of puns related to "Agent"
What lectures and training scenarios would a guild based around the fantasy version of the FBI/CIA/S.H.I.E.L.D combined have?
The first few sessions were recruiting the player characters into a mysterious organization known only as “the guild” and traveling to a the guild’s hidden base and training grounds “the farm”.
My plan is for the player characters; a young female emo divination wizard, an african themed monk and a female edgy eladrin rogue, to receive their training at the farm before they become field agents (pun intended ;D, character levels 2 to 5ish)
For the next five to seven sessions I want them to be in their ‘agent in training phase’ and include in each session a physical challenge, a lecture, a practice scenario based on the lecture (puzzle and or practice mini-adventure or skill challenge scenario).
The PC’s are competing against 6 other NPC for a spot (maybe just to be best in class and receive more rewards). At the end of each session they will get points on a scoreboard, most events will be group, and the PC’s will be on a team, some events and challenges will be solo.
The base that the PC’s are at now is an interesting place, from the outside it looks like a huge corn farm, with several farm appropriate buildings: tool shed, stables, barn, main house, silo, warehouse..etc
Most of the buildings however are fronts for other purposes: the barn is where they conduct lectures and some training scenarios. It is modeled after the X-Men danger room or a holodeck from Star Trek and powered by a four quadruplet high level, gnome illusionists. The warehouse is the barracks, mess hall and common room, each recruite has their own room. The tool shed is the armory. The main house has several underground levels, which include: offices and admin, medical, secondary armory, 2 labs, a archive/library, level with portals, a computer powered by several enslaved mind flayers and a beholder and at the very bottom of the compound is a prison.
The players do not know about any of these hidden features yet as they just recently arrived at the farm, had a brief tour of the grounds, were fed and shown to their rooms, the next session will be their first full day of training.
NPC’s on the farm include, a Gandalf in appearance only looking wizard that runs the guild, His meek assistant, both human. Human ninja-ish trainer, recruiter and senior ag
... keep reading on reddit ➡Recently, there have been lots of little things adding up in my life. Things I couldn't have known about in the past, but are now catching up to me. Or things that I wasn't expecting, but come out of nowhere. For example, I was in 6th grade the year that it was 666. My phone number has 666 in it. My license plate has 696 (I know, the 9 is upside down if we're going to call it 666 but it's still strange). I graduated high school (12th grade) in 2012, which was supposedly the end of a particular Mayan cycle. Throughout elementary school, I was alphabetically the 27th child in the class (27 is the number associated with death). I had never been afraid of death growing up, and was more-so welcoming it. Not that I wanted to die, but I have always thought of death as positive. My life path according to numerology is a 7 (spiritual growth), which I discovered after creating my username (no secret agent pun intended). I had also discovered my life path number after I had been dating this girl for sometime, but recently awoke to some really strange/ familiar spiritual energy. I expressed these overwhelming compulsions and feelings that growth must be pursued no matter what. She had been very dedicated to the Christian faith, and ultimately we had to break up. I had decided that I was just going to be alone for awhile. Take some time on my own and just grow. But literally the same week I broke up with my gf, I was introduced to a woman whom I later discovered I had a soul connection with. That's an entirely different line of synchronicities that confirm the soul connection, which I'd be more than happy to go into if anyone is interested. Also, months ago my roommate (who recently moved out) burned all of his occult books and items in a sort of fear after he rediscovered his Christian faith. Since then, he had let go of attaching to belief systems and became open to occult things once again. However, the bin that he burned everything in hadn't been cleaned out for the months since he burned everything and he only recently emptied it. At the bottom he found a corner of "The Hermit" card from his tarot deck that he burned. Everything else was ash but this tiny little corner that only says "The Hermit." He moved out recently and left that pinned up on my cork board before he left. He doesn't know about my username (which has seven in it) or my life path 7 (spiritual growth). I find it interesting that The Hermit is "Soul-searching, introspection, being alone, inner guid
... keep reading on reddit ➡I’m looking to buy a house and am working with an agent. I’ve lost out on several multiple offer situations already and am in a competitive market. On the last offer the agent put down the wrong amount in the offer contract which was 30% higher than what I told the agent to put. Thankfully I caught it before signing but I feel like this was such an egregious mistake that warrants having to fire the agent. Am I overthinking?
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"This is a fully remote job, you'll be expected to attend our London office 3 times a week...".
It's the same bait-and-switch as all those one bedroom flats that turn out to be in a massive house share.
There is a lot of great advice that pops up here for when you get very wealthy fast, but one that is super important that gets ignored usually is insurance.
Please guys for the love of god, increase your liability on your home/auto if you become wealthy from this.
I’d highly recommend a umbrella policy as well which is usually $1-$5 million in coverage to protect you from lawsuits due to accidents. These won’t set you back much and you should really have enough liability to match your assets.
With this an a maxed out liability on your home and auto you will be much better protected.
Depending how rich you get you may need to seek insurance for wealthier people. Geico and these shit tier companies won’t do much for you.
Life insurance as well.
Can’t wait to be rich with you guys and not sell insurance anymore.
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