My dad hit me with this so fast I am almost positive he'd been setting this up for weeks.

My dad has been making jokes as if he is in a cult, either the cult of landru from Star trek, scientology, or the heaven's gate cult for weeks.

So, today I'm making pancakes while he's telling me I must give myself to Landru, that it would be a good idea to get my thetans checked, Xenu died for my sins etc etc, and so I say to him

"You know, most people just pick the one cult and stick with that."

And he immediately lights up like it's Christmas morning and he's got a god damned Red Rider beebee gun, and he goes

"I can't help it if I'm multiCULTural"

I felt violated, used, and extremely proud all at once.

👍︎ 252
📅︎ Dec 29 2016
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