My wife went into labor today, so I read the front page of /r/DadJokes to her as a distraction from the pain. Unfortunately, she didn’t laugh once, was clearly not amused and I have no idea why...

It must have been the delivery...

👍︎ 206
📅︎ Aug 26 2020
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I came home to find out that one of my kids tore both the front and the back pages of our dictionary.

Things just went from bad to worse.

👍︎ 3
📅︎ Oct 31 2020
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I am having a really bad day, somebody ripped the front and back pages out of my dictionary.

It just goes from Bad to Worse!

👍︎ 44
📅︎ Aug 18 2020
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OK here we go. Soap this gets to the front page...
👍︎ 16k
📅︎ Jan 28 2019
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The local paper ran a front page article about offering a large print edition to be more accessible.

Apparently it was big news.

👍︎ 9
👤︎ u/dave7243
📅︎ Jul 01 2020
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I recently made it to the front page and celebrated with this Punny post
👍︎ 27
📅︎ Feb 01 2020
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How do you buy the front page of the internet?

Using your reddit card

👍︎ 6
📅︎ Mar 06 2020
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The pun was actually the front page headline of the local newspaper.
👍︎ 723
📅︎ Apr 06 2018
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I heard /r/dadjokes really liked puns, so I posted 10 thinking at least one would make the front page.

No pun in ten did.

👍︎ 2k
📅︎ Jul 18 2017
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I told the "apparent" joke on the front page to my manager

He asked if I had a book of dumbass jokes.

"No, just Reddit."

"Yeah, out of a book?"

👍︎ 352
👤︎ u/j0rdanthi
📅︎ Feb 08 2018
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"DELETER OF THE FREE WORLD" - New York Post front page on the Hillary email scandal
👍︎ 142
👤︎ u/wazzzzah
📅︎ Mar 11 2015
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I got on the front page of Reddit!!!

You just go to and it takes you right there.

👍︎ 236
📅︎ Apr 11 2017
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Texted my family a post on the front page and my dad shot back with this. Should have seen it coming
👍︎ 1k
👤︎ u/curly_Q
📅︎ Nov 13 2013
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My girlfriend was explaining to her sister that Reddit is the front page of the Internet.

Her dad overheard and asked, "Well then what's the last page?"

👍︎ 195
📅︎ Oct 05 2015
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Thanos made it to the front page with 2 words. Prequelmemes made it with 1. StarTrekGifs made it with 0 words. Can we make it with negative?


👍︎ 8
📅︎ Aug 30 2018
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A [grand]dad joke I saw on the front page this morning.
👍︎ 126
👤︎ u/yolonazi
📅︎ Sep 22 2013
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Just talked to my dad about the gif on the front page of the cop tackling the gunman and his hostage

i said "yeah the cop was on the roof and tackled the guy, it seemed intense." My dad says "it wasn't outside?" I said "uh...well yeah he was on a roof and jumped down." He says back "but I thought you said it was in tents?" I let out the biggest groan as he starts giggling like a school girl

👍︎ 28
👤︎ u/landophant
📅︎ Jan 07 2015
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Saw this on the front page, and it made me laugh a little.
👍︎ 81
👤︎ u/btrm98
📅︎ Feb 01 2013
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Why did we allow two period jokes on the front page of /r/dadjokes?

They're cramping our style!

👍︎ 6
👤︎ u/kanninabu
📅︎ Jul 18 2016
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Found a dad joke on the front page

Someone get this guy over here!

👍︎ 12
📅︎ Feb 06 2015
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The first of what I'm sure are to be many front-page worthy posts... Such are the jokes of my dad.

Ok so my Dad was helping me move into my new uni accommodation last month and in the process we had to carry a lot of heavy boxes up my rather steep stairs.

Understandably, being a man in his 50's, he was a little bit worn out after lugging several metre-by-metre crates up to my room, generally full of heavy electrical equipment and books. After letting out a deep sigh he exhaled - 'Crikey, this is like the Great Stairs Crisis of 1965!'.

To my knowledge, or indeed to anyone else's knowledge (including my dad's), so such crisis ever occurred. I just hope he didn't hear my housemate sniggering in his room downstairs*; he does love a good dad joke.

*Ironically I've noticed that laughing at Dad jokes tends to make said Dad more depressed than when you don't, since they're usually fully aware of how bad their joke is and laughing at it only serves to remind them of the fact that people are actually paying attention to the regrettable nonsense which often leaves their mouths.

👍︎ 2
📅︎ Oct 08 2013
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I heard r/dadjokes really liked puns, so I posted 10 thinking at least one would make the front page


👍︎ 27
👤︎ u/Salmonduck
📅︎ Jul 18 2017
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