I got this ad on YouTube, needs rectification. Likely breaks the laws of physics. youtube.com/watch?v=eyvMN…
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👤︎ u/oshaboy
📅︎ Jan 07 2022
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PLIS HALP ME ;-; (rectification of errors)

I have accountancy exam tomorrow 2:30 pm if anyone is willing to help (don't worry only MCQ) pls comment my tuition teacher didn't teach this chapter and school teacher is bad I don't know anyone in my class I'm cry omg 😰😞😔

👍︎ 22
📅︎ Dec 01 2021
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Heat rectification via suspended asymmetric graphene nanomesh phys.org/news/2022-01-rec…
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👤︎ u/Vailhem
📅︎ Jan 12 2022
🚨︎ report
Centrelink deleting emails and changing payments - any rectification for this?

I’ll preface by understanding that with social welfare there is no real entitlement, but it’s put a family member in a tough position so I want to know if there’s anything he can do.

For context - they completed the application process for JobSeeker, and after 2-3 weeks received a text on Sunday 2nd saying they had an email in their inbox. When they checked it, it said they were to be paid on the 5th of January, and would be back paid for the weeks that they were in the middle of their application.

Today there was no payment in their account, and when they went to check their email - the email had been deleted (by Centrelink/myGov) and they have no proof of this assessment other than the text to check their inbox. Instead their claim says they will be paid on the 19th, and there is no mention of back payment.

He’s worried that he won’t be able to cover his rent/living expenses, so I’m helping him out.

I’m wondering if there’s anything (such as merits review) he can do to make up for the payments as he had relied on the payment suggested in the email, but since it’s now deleted has no proof.

👍︎ 3
📅︎ Jan 05 2022
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Rectification: Miles Davis youtube.com/watch?v=zUosP…
👍︎ 9
📅︎ Dec 17 2021
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Throttle stroke and syncronized rectification What are they?
👍︎ 3
📅︎ Dec 12 2021
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Puis-je demander une rectification du livret de famille ?

Je suis mariée à un américain dont le nom de famille est suivi d'un "II" pour "deuxième du nom". Lorsque je suis allée à la mairie pour faire changer mon nom de famille et prendre le sien, ils ont insisté pour que mon nom d'épouse devienne "Nom II", même si dans mon cas le "II' n'a aucun sens. Pareil à la naissance de notre fille, le "II" apparaît dans le livret de famille. J'avais en avril 2021 envoyé un formulaire avec les documents demandés à la mairie pour une rectification mais je n'ai jamais eu de réponse.

Il y a t-il quelque chose que je puisse faire ?

👍︎ 9
👤︎ u/666mmrs
📅︎ Nov 19 2021
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I think this needs rectification it's probably real I've seen another reliable YouTuber talk about this but I want to see how can you do it and to show something on the scope because I think it doesn't work with DC youtu.be/X0CTdWjyABE
👍︎ 4
📅︎ Dec 09 2021
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2005 accord stereo/radio issue rectification

My 2005 accord dx 4 cyl. has the infamous radio turning off issue where the damn thing turns on and off randomly when Im driving. Its infuriating. I already replaced the original unit with another identical unit pulled from a good car. Still I have the same issue. How should I fix this issue? Is there a way for me to play music to the speakers of the car directly from my phone(either in a wireless or non wireless way)? I'm so sick this pos stereo cutting on me randomly

👍︎ 2
📅︎ Jan 09 2022
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Is there anything significant about the rectification of the Georgia Guide Stones?
👍︎ 3
📅︎ Nov 14 2021
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OUR Florida NO Rectification Email

So I was approved and received rental assistance for August, September and October. Not long after I was approved I received a recertification email. This was in July. I completed the recertification After the last rent payment was completed in October and requested more months. I was approved 4 days later but only for Utility assistance. I was told I will receive another email to recertify rent but its been almost two months and NO recertification email. I tried a reconsideration and it was denied and I was told to wait for the email. No one seems to know anything. Has anyone experienced this? I am past due for Novembers rent and Ourflorida are not answering their phones been on hold for hours and nothing.

👍︎ 2
📅︎ Nov 29 2021
🚨︎ report
Heat rectification via suspended asymmetric graphene nanomesh phys.org/news/2022-01-rec…
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👤︎ u/Vailhem
📅︎ Jan 12 2022
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Has anyone ever tested the accuracy of rectification?

I'm genuinely interested if the accuracy of rectification has been tested. It's pretty simple to test: take people who have known, recorded birth times and then have their birth times rectified by astrologers who do not know the recorded birth times.

👍︎ 12
📅︎ Oct 09 2021
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China Has Completed ‘Rectification’ of Crypto Transactions: PBOC coindesk.com/policy/2021/…
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👤︎ u/w_savage
📅︎ Sep 03 2021
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There is a rising sign rectification tool that I found on the internet. Would be great if everyone would test it and tell in the comments how/if it works. I am not the owner of the site. I just want to use it, if it is reliable.

This is the link:


👍︎ 14
📅︎ Sep 22 2021
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Birthtime Rectification

Hello! I've been studying Astrology for about a year and a half and I'm curious about accuracy of birthtimes. On my birth certificate it says that I was born at 4:35p.m. My dad says the clock read 4:31. I have personally analyzed my chart using major life events that seem to be in line with what I truly feel represents my own perception of my identity and place in the matrix, and I believe my time of "birth" is much different than what the clock read at my birth. I guess I'm here to see if anyone has ever toyed around with their "birth" time because we don't really know what -event- during the birthing process decides that transition from There to Here. I have a friend who delivers babies as a Doula, and she has told me that legally it is the full birthing of the body that decides the time of birth, but why? I've also heard a lot of people in the Astrology community say that it's the first breath the child takes that begins its life. I'm not questioning the truth of Astrology, but rather attempting to better understand it because I want to master it. So, what I'm asking is-- could I have actually been "born" at "2:30?" Thank you to anyone who responds <3

👍︎ 11
👤︎ u/blulube
📅︎ Aug 30 2021
🚨︎ report
Rectification Works to Piers & Fungal Decay to Timber

Hi All,

Have just inspected a property to purchase that has some pretty severe soil erosion around the piers and footings + some timber fungal damage from a leak in the Bathroom. Photos Here

I understand the Bathroom is probably a full $20k minimum reno + any repairs but are these piers even fiscally salvageable? Apparently it's been caused by soil erosion but it possibly looks like someone has dug it away for storage under the property.

Would love yo hear some thoughts, thanks.

👍︎ 2
👤︎ u/encyaus
📅︎ Oct 13 2021
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'The Guardian' view on Xi Jinping’s China: rectification, not revolution theguardian.com/commentis…
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👤︎ u/guanaco55
📅︎ Sep 14 2021
🚨︎ report

A recollection of Mao Yu Run [musician and teacher -- no relation to the other Mao]:

>In 1952, Mao launched a large-scale political movement called "a rectification movement in the field of literature and art". All workers of literature and art participated. We spent two months doing nothing but studying Mao's Yenan Forum on Literature and Art [aka Talks at the Yan'an Forum on Literature and Art], against which we examined our thoughts to determine if they had been corroded by feudalism, capitalism, or imperialism. We all admitted that our thoughts had been, and we were forced to undergo "reconstruction". We spent hours and hours reading the works of Mao, Marx, and Lenin. [...]
>After being told again and again that all human activities are class oriented and that it is the proletarian class that always excels, someone in a mass meeting audaciously but intentionally raised a question: how could we discern the difference of class character between two renderings of, say, Beethoven's Violin Concerto by Jascha Heifetz who had been trained in the U.S., a capitalist country, and David Oistrakh who had been trained in the USSR, a socialist country? All of a sudden, not even the sound of a crow or sparrow could be heard in the jam-packed assembly hall. Gradually, subdued sneers and whisperings crescendoed. A communist member in charge of this meeting became greatly enraged and vented anger by solemnly announcing: "The person who viciously asked this question is an out and out alien-class element who would spare no efforts in damaging the normal rate of progress of our thought rectification movement. I am authorized by my superior to issue the following order: the anti-socialist so-and-so must make a thorough examination of his reactionary ideology and write a timely confession. His measurement of penalty will be handled according to the degree of his penitence and realization of his offence."

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📅︎ Nov 06 2021
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Are there any modules with the sole function of full-wave rectification?

I have a Disting Mk4 and use the rectifier function on that a lot, but I’m looking for a dedicated module that has ideally more than one full-wave rectifier on it.

The CFM BHWR can do that if you pair it with an inverter, but I’m looking for something that does full-wave in a self-contained module.

👍︎ 7
📅︎ Aug 18 2021
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National Cyberspace Administration of China Starts Qinglang · Commercial Website Platform and "We Media" Illegal Collection and Publication of Financial and Economic Information Special Rectification reddit.com/gallery/pe24xn
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👤︎ u/Wat2Inv3st
📅︎ Aug 29 2021
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Astringent Rectification - Further Trumpet Exploration of "Lethargica" youtu.be/OCSLy_sHBNo
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👤︎ u/FunkyBev
📅︎ Oct 05 2021
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Top Police Officials Purged in Legal-Political Rectification Campaign - China Digital Times (CDT) chinadigitaltimes.net/202…
👍︎ 6
👤︎ u/SE_to_NW
📅︎ Oct 13 2021
🚨︎ report
The Guardian view on Xi Jinping’s China: rectification, not revolution | Editorial: A wide-ranging crackdown and leftist rhetoric have stirred fears of a return to the apogee of Maoism theguardian.com/commentis…
👍︎ 8
👤︎ u/SE_to_NW
📅︎ Sep 12 2021
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How to do a rectification when DOB is not accurately known? /r/AskAstrologers/comment…
👍︎ 10
📅︎ Oct 06 2021
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Rectification of a Return Envelope Error

OK, I sent VFS a USPS handwritten address overnight return.

Would anyone recommend (spending a bunch more money) UPS overnighting a UPS overnight return envelope with my info telling them to please use it for the application I sent a couple weeks back or will this complicate it more?

I can't afford a hold-up as Im already in danger of missing classes right now.

👍︎ 2
📅︎ Sep 15 2021
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Top Police Officials Purged in Legal-Political Rectification Campaign - China Digital Times (CDT) chinadigitaltimes.net/202…
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👤︎ u/SE_to_NW
📅︎ Oct 13 2021
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rectification of free energy fueless generator


Is this even possible

designed by :wasif khaloon

👍︎ 2
📅︎ Nov 03 2021
🚨︎ report
Can iQiyi's Share Price Revive in the New Round of Rectification After Market Value Evaporated by Nearly ¥100 billion?

I'm bearish on iQiyi($IQ)

As of August 26, 2021, iQiyi US stocks closed down 2.12% to US$9.22 per share. Its stock price fluctuated all the way from its highest point of US$28.97 per share on March 23. Now its share price has fallen by nearly 70%, and its market value has evaporated by over US$15.4 billion (about ¥ 99.7 billion) to US$7.4 billion.

In addition, as of August 25, in the past month, Weibo's share price has fallen by 10.07%. Since the stock price reached a peak of US$140 in early 2018 and its MAU(monthly active users) exceeded 500 million in 2019, the market value of Weibo has gradually fallen to around US$12 billion, and it still has 566 million MAU.

On August 27, Tencent in H-shares is now up 1.74% to HK$480.

CAC Cracks Down on "Celebrity Fan Culture" Again

The Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) issued the "Notice on Further Strengthening the Management of Chaos in the Fan Culture", which pointed out that the relevant measures are as follows:

Cancel the Popular Artists List, cancel all leaderboards related to individual popular artists or groups, and strictly prohibit new increase online lists and related products or functions.

Optimize the ranking rules, and strictly control celebrity brokerage companies.

Standardize fan club accounts, and prohibit mutual personal attacks among fans.

Clean up illegal group sections, and must not induce fans consumption.

Strengthen program setting management, strictly control the participation of minors, and regulate fan fund-raising behaviors.

On August 27, the China Daily published an article saying that iQiyi will cancel the idol talent show in the next few years. Since the industry has distorted to an extreme point, it is better to suspend the operation to stop the chaos.

This also ensures the entertainment industry takes the opportunity to purify itself, and back to the track of normative development.

Therefore, I think that $IQ will be affected by the policy in the near future, and the stock price will continue to fall.


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📅︎ Aug 29 2021
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