A list of puns related to "Rare Earth Magnet"
We clicked. We clicked hard and we clicked fast. A confident and instantaneous connection. I knew that I would love you for the rest of my life and with a grin that wrapped around my heavy head I'd think to myself I am so fucked.
We were complete opposites in so many ways. Different upbringing. Different political views. Different life paths. Etc. Commonalities that people often idealize when they dream up their Dream SO, we had none.
We didn't require any idealizations.
Because the only undeniable fact that we did have in common was each other. And that fact meant the world to me. My heart tells me it still does. Because the Heart's Love can only exist in the present. The Present is Forever and it is Undefeated in it's crytal clear clarity. So, it remains.
I don't think the Heart is meant to belong to us. When I take the time to listen to mine It whispers to me ...
that it was born yours.
It was never mine to begin with ; just born for an adventure and journey to find it's way Home.
Love's Polar Nature is probably what gives it's strength and longevity but also comes at the price of inherent pain.
The Loving Heart doesn't "break". Physical things break. Eternal things leave a much more complicated and painful wound when injured. Eternal things are ripped and torn apart when their habitat is stolen.
In those painful moments it's vocabulary is reduced to a one word, defiant sentence that echos far into a frightening Cimmerian future.
I know that we were still in love with one another when we ended.
I think that's why I still feel you after all this long long time.
My New Year's Resolution will be to learn how to cherish all of that. Because silencing the voice of my heart has proven to be a futile and foolish endeavor.
Be Good in 2022.
If you're really concerned about the environment try to use the Mac that you have right now for as long as possible.
- Typed on a 4 year old MBA 128 gig. How old is your Mac?
Apes please help! Can someone link me a reliable online store to buy powerful magnets to test my rounds and bars?
When I take a REM to any silver piece that I have in my modest sub-50 oz stack, I do feel some interaction between them. I wouldn’t describe it as an attraction, feels more like a slight sluggish oppositional force. Anyone else notice this? What’s going on? Happens with any old Morgans or 2 oz New Zealand turtles. What’s going on?
So easy. No tools. Endless possibilities for exterior doors, fridges, freezers, top loaders, file cabinet sides, metal bookcases, outdoor grills, garage door support rails ...
I googled for this project and couldn't find it when I started. If I am the first, please make me Reddit famous.
QUEUE THE VIDEO!! https://drive.google.com/file/d/12BTo64tsohD7pc-PnZJq4vVHylGS99yZ/view?usp=sharing
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