Urgent suggestion for which Kräuterlikör to buy ?

I have a flight to home on Monday and wanted to buy some local (german or saxony ) drink for my friends. Unfortunately cannot take back so many delicious beer I have drank here. And have no idea in hard drink , so was hoping to get suggestion from you guys :). I think Kräuterlikör will be good choice , but i don't know any other than jaggermeister. Danke

👍︎ 5
📅︎ Jul 27 2019
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A sample box of Austrian whiskey (UAAHUOO) ft. their rum and Stift Melk‘s Kräuterlikör
👍︎ 9
👤︎ u/ZeetoVW
📅︎ Jun 20 2019
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Use of Kräuterlikör in cocktails?

There is a rediscovery of a lot of old-world liqueurs in the cocktail scene. Chartreuse, Bénedictine, St Germain, for example. There are many others that are becoming more popular from italy. There they are called Amari (plural of Amaro). These are all herbal liqueurs, and are always described with reverence and respect.

However, there are other countries with Herbal Liqueurs that aren't as well-known. For example, Kräuterlikör, or German Herbal Liqueurs. They are cheap and some like Jan Torf Kräuterbitter are absolutely amazing. I would say it is the German cousin to DOM Benedictine, different, but with similar notes. It is also much cheaper. I'm looking for resources to learn more about German Herbal Liqueurs, and how to use them in cocktails. I'm surprised that I can't find recipes that use them. I know it isn't traditional, but with all the innovation going on these days, I feel some of these could become the next new thing. If these liquors aren't well known, there are many that should be!

Of course, there is one that is already infamous, and frankly, the black sheep of the family: Jägermeister. Maybe because of the bad reputation of Jäger the good ones have been dismissed? Why can't I find more information about the others and recipes? Is it because the cocktail revival is centered in the USA and these aren't broadly distributed there? On a related line, are there any books that are more centered on European ingredients and newer cocktail trends? Are there redditors here from Europe that would like to share websites and such?

👍︎ 12
📅︎ Jul 31 2014
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What do you call a man with no arms or legs in a hole?


👍︎ 5k
📅︎ Jun 30 2021
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Did you know Bruce Lee has a faster older brother?

Sudden Lee

👍︎ 9k
📅︎ Jul 02 2021
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Go post NSFW jokes somewhere else. If I can't tell my kids this joke, then it is not a DAD JOKE.

If you feel it's appropriate to share NSFW jokes with your kids, that's on you. But a real, true dad joke should work for anyone's kid.

Mods... If you exist... Please, stop this madness. Rule #6 should simply not allow NSFW or (wtf) NSFL tags. Also, remember that MINORS browse this subreddit too? Why put that in rule #6, then allow NSFW???

Please consider changing rule #6. I love this sub, but the recent influx of NSFW tagged posts that get all the upvotes, just seem wrong when there are good solid DAD jokes being overlooked because of them.

Thank you,

A Dad.

👍︎ 11k
📅︎ Jun 18 2021
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I've asked so many people what LGBTQ stands for

So far nobody has given me a straight answer

👍︎ 7k
📅︎ Jul 04 2021
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Anyone who can spell the word drawer backwards...

..... Will get a reward.

👍︎ 11k
📅︎ Jul 04 2021
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I'd ruther not say
👍︎ 10k
📅︎ Jul 01 2021
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👍︎ 8k
📅︎ Jun 30 2021
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Why are elevator jokes so good

Because they work on many levels

👍︎ 6k
📅︎ Jul 05 2021
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My wife blocked me on Facebook because I post too many bird puns.

Well, toucan play at that game.

👍︎ 9k
👤︎ u/Zayan-ali
📅︎ Jun 30 2021
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If Apple made a car what would it be missing?


👍︎ 2k
👤︎ u/Moplex1234
📅︎ Jul 02 2021
🚨︎ report
There are only two white people in the movie Black Panther

Martin Freeman, and Andy Serkis.

They also play roles in Lord of the Rings.

I guess that makes them the Tolkien white guys.

👍︎ 12k
👤︎ u/jzagri
📅︎ Jun 24 2021
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My 3 yr old daughter made her first pun today and I almost cried. She was eating an apple and I asked her if she liked apples.

She said apple-lutely

👍︎ 12k
📅︎ Jun 29 2021
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"ground" the kid
👍︎ 6k
👤︎ u/freakynit
📅︎ Jul 03 2021
🚨︎ report
What did the left eye say to the right eye when they got married?


This is my first post pls don't kill me lol.

The people in the comment section is why I love this subreddit!!

Cred once again my sis wants credit lol

👍︎ 6k
👤︎ u/tieyz
📅︎ Jun 27 2021
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Proud dad moment.

Keep in mind, my son is 4 years old, so everything is an original to him.

I had to work late into the evening yesterday, and he was just going to bed when I got home. I had left home for the office nearly 14 hours prior, had a long day, lots of meetings, traffic, etc.

When I walked through the door, I was exhausted, run down, and starving. My wife hugged me and asked how my day was, and I replied, "Done. It was a good day, but has got me exhausted. I just want to grab a bite and go to bed. I'm hungry."

From my son's bedroom, I hear him shout, "Hi Hungry! Nice to meet you!"

Not only did it make me laugh, but I completely forgot about how hungry and tired I was. I went to his bedroom, and we laughed together about it. It was exactly what I needed.

Edit: Thanks for all the awards, kind strangers! I'll let my son know y'all enjoyed his joke too!

👍︎ 7k
📅︎ Jul 01 2021
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What was a very common name in the middle ages?

I heard parents named their children lance a lot.

First post please don't kill me

Edit: i went to sleep and now my inbox is dead, thank you kind strangers for the awards!

👍︎ 9k
📅︎ Jun 24 2021
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Jägermeister-Äquivalent aus Bayern?

Der Hüttenwirt hat sich gemeldet: Odl vom Chiemsee!

Hallo Schwarmintelligenz,

ich hoffe der Flair stimmt Ü Ich bin seit längerer Zeit auf der Suche nach einem Kräuterlikör, welcher mir auf einer Hütte in den bayrischen Alpen serviert wurde. Hersteller war um den Tegernsee angesiedelt. Kann mir jemand helfen? In jedem Fall war es ein BY Produkt.

Edit: Ich meine der Name begann mit „B“ und es war eine dunkle Flasche.

Edit2: Ich werde versuchen den Wirt (irgendwie) zu kontaktieren und das Ergebnis hier posten. Danke euch allen!

👍︎ 6
📅︎ May 03 2021
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Well there goes his reproductive fitness...
👍︎ 6k
📅︎ Jul 05 2021
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Apologies if it's a bit corn-y
👍︎ 3k
📅︎ Jun 26 2021
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👍︎ 8k
📅︎ Jun 29 2021
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What pan is the best to make sushi in?


👍︎ 6k
📅︎ Jul 01 2021
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so many choices
👍︎ 5k
📅︎ Jun 07 2021
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Why did the toilet paper roll down the hill?

To get to the... Bottom...

(as told by my 5yo son, I'm so proud)

👍︎ 7k
👤︎ u/wotmate
📅︎ Jul 05 2021
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