How does James Bond’s doorbell introduce itself?

Dong. Ding Dong

πŸ‘οΈŽ 214
πŸ‘€οΈŽ u/hungytoaster
πŸ“…οΈŽ Dec 27 2020
🚨︎ report
How did the hamburger introduce his girlfriend?

Meet Patty.

πŸ‘οΈŽ 61
πŸ‘€οΈŽ u/iTzbr00tal
πŸ“…οΈŽ Dec 16 2020
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Allow me to introduce myself
πŸ‘οΈŽ 6k
πŸ‘€οΈŽ u/raghav50w
πŸ“…οΈŽ Sep 08 2020
🚨︎ report
How dit the butcher introduce his wife?

Meat Patty

πŸ‘οΈŽ 19
πŸ‘€οΈŽ u/Koevoet91
πŸ“…οΈŽ Nov 25 2020
🚨︎ report
My wife was very excited to finally introduce our kids to her sister...

It was Auntie Climactic.

πŸ‘οΈŽ 3
πŸ‘€οΈŽ u/Kinjesus
πŸ“…οΈŽ Oct 01 2020
🚨︎ report
How did the wind mill introduce itself to the farmer?

Hi, I am a big fan.

πŸ‘οΈŽ 6
πŸ‘€οΈŽ u/Lead_the_leader
πŸ“…οΈŽ Aug 25 2020
🚨︎ report
I introduce to you, my thoughts at 3AM
πŸ‘οΈŽ 128
πŸ‘€οΈŽ u/neckbeardsamurai
πŸ“…οΈŽ May 15 2020
🚨︎ report
introduce yourself
πŸ‘οΈŽ 3k
πŸ‘€οΈŽ u/mythicalminty
πŸ“…οΈŽ Jun 30 2019
🚨︎ report
How did the Queen Bee introduce her son and husband?

This is my baby, and this is my bae-bee.

πŸ‘οΈŽ 6
πŸ‘€οΈŽ u/tyrannosaur85
πŸ“…οΈŽ Jun 27 2020
🚨︎ report
How does German bread introduce itself?

Gluten tag!

πŸ‘οΈŽ 27
πŸ‘€οΈŽ u/Cananbaum
πŸ“…οΈŽ May 02 2020
🚨︎ report
Me and my wife were scrambling to leave the house today. I happened to introduce myself to the mailman at the perfect time. His name was Mikey. Just then I turned back inside...

And yelled "HONEY, I FOUND THEM!"

πŸ‘οΈŽ 9
πŸ‘€οΈŽ u/fartingpinetree
πŸ“…οΈŽ Mar 08 2020
🚨︎ report
How did the Beatles’ new skillet introduce himself to them?

β€œI am the egg pan.”

πŸ‘οΈŽ 6
πŸ‘€οΈŽ u/hisdudeness9829
πŸ“…οΈŽ May 02 2020
🚨︎ report
They let me name the paper shredder at work! Let me introduce you to Shreddie Mercury!!
πŸ‘οΈŽ 40
πŸ‘€οΈŽ u/blkmktmaplesyrup
πŸ“…οΈŽ Jul 23 2019
🚨︎ report
Teacher: Introduce yourself to the class. Me: I'm Christian.

Teacher: Roman Catholic or Eastern Orthodox?

πŸ‘οΈŽ 4
πŸ‘€οΈŽ u/11_iamthewalrus_24
πŸ“…οΈŽ Nov 17 2019
🚨︎ report
My wife asked me to introduce our kids to the 90s rock I grew up on.

I told her sure but some of it is Garbage.

πŸ‘οΈŽ 16
πŸ‘€οΈŽ u/Bobsaid
πŸ“…οΈŽ Aug 17 2019
🚨︎ report
How does an eskimo introduce themselves to others?
πŸ‘οΈŽ 11
πŸ‘€οΈŽ u/PutinsFoot_
πŸ“…οΈŽ Jul 31 2019
🚨︎ report
I'd like to introduce you to my friend Luca Portabello...

...he's a Fungi.

πŸ‘οΈŽ 10
πŸ‘€οΈŽ u/halfburntcookie
πŸ“…οΈŽ Jun 21 2019
🚨︎ report
What sport would communists like to introduce?


πŸ‘οΈŽ 78
πŸ‘€οΈŽ u/Huahuawei
πŸ“…οΈŽ Jul 19 2017
🚨︎ report
How does a farmer introduce his wooden pig?

He says, "This is ma hog Annie."

πŸ‘οΈŽ 12
πŸ‘€οΈŽ u/Opjin
πŸ“…οΈŽ Dec 11 2018
🚨︎ report
Why did the cannibal always introduce his friends to each other?

Because he liked to have people meat.

πŸ‘οΈŽ 1k
πŸ‘€οΈŽ u/ItWasMyWifesIdea
πŸ“…οΈŽ Feb 28 2016
🚨︎ report
I'm going to get a job as a valet attendant, come dressed up as Spider-Man, and introduce myself as "Peter the Parker"
πŸ‘οΈŽ 94
πŸ‘€οΈŽ u/TISparta217
πŸ“…οΈŽ Jan 31 2018
🚨︎ report
Philadelphia Fusion introduce new hashtag: #IonThePrize…
πŸ‘οΈŽ 2
πŸ‘€οΈŽ u/okidli1
πŸ“…οΈŽ Feb 04 2019
🚨︎ report
how would milk introduce itself in Spanish?

soy milk

πŸ‘οΈŽ 4
πŸ‘€οΈŽ u/brian_03
πŸ“…οΈŽ May 15 2019
🚨︎ report
If Yoda went on stage to introduce the band β€œGuess Who,” the audience would be so confused.

He’d come to the microphone and simply say β€œGuess Who, this is”

πŸ‘οΈŽ 7
πŸ‘€οΈŽ u/TilTheRiverRunsDry
πŸ“…οΈŽ Apr 01 2019
🚨︎ report
How does Mr. Bean introduce himself in Spain?

Soy Bean

πŸ‘οΈŽ 10
πŸ‘€οΈŽ u/anvil-14
πŸ“…οΈŽ Feb 26 2019
🚨︎ report
How To Introduce A Real Animal

Let’s have a round of a paws for...

πŸ‘οΈŽ 4
πŸ‘€οΈŽ u/babushkaTWIN1
πŸ“…οΈŽ Apr 11 2019
🚨︎ report
How do people with Parkinsons introduce themselves?

They shake hands.

πŸ‘οΈŽ 22
πŸ‘€οΈŽ u/Kelson93
πŸ“…οΈŽ Jan 10 2019
🚨︎ report
Allow me to introduce my Russian friend.

He's very Igor to meet you!

πŸ‘οΈŽ 2
πŸ‘€οΈŽ u/skullsparasiteunit
πŸ“…οΈŽ Mar 28 2019
🚨︎ report
Tried to introduce my dad to tennis.

Dad: Hi there, sport!

πŸ‘οΈŽ 5
πŸ‘€οΈŽ u/DontPjanic
πŸ“…οΈŽ Feb 06 2019
🚨︎ report
How did the dad introduce the bread


πŸ‘οΈŽ 5
πŸ‘€οΈŽ u/specificshit
πŸ“…οΈŽ Dec 15 2018
🚨︎ report
Let me introduce to you...
πŸ‘οΈŽ 576
πŸ‘€οΈŽ u/leftanantcolonel
πŸ“…οΈŽ Oct 31 2013
🚨︎ report
How did the hamburger introduce his wife?

Meet Patty

πŸ‘οΈŽ 67
πŸ‘€οΈŽ u/golf_echo_sierra26
πŸ“…οΈŽ Oct 16 2020
🚨︎ report
How did the butcher introduce his wife?

Meet Patty!

πŸ‘οΈŽ 22
πŸ‘€οΈŽ u/chappo_
πŸ“…οΈŽ Sep 29 2020
🚨︎ report
How does a hamburger introduce his wife?

Meet patty

πŸ‘οΈŽ 46
πŸ‘€οΈŽ u/BasementTenant
πŸ“…οΈŽ Jul 25 2020
🚨︎ report
How did the butcher introduce his girlfriend?

"Meat Patty"

πŸ‘οΈŽ 18
πŸ‘€οΈŽ u/Firefighterbard
πŸ“…οΈŽ Jul 12 2020
🚨︎ report
How does a butcher introduce his wife?

Meat Patty.

πŸ‘οΈŽ 6k
πŸ‘€οΈŽ u/haymalb
πŸ“…οΈŽ Dec 15 2018
🚨︎ report
How did the hamburger introduce his girlfriend?

Everyone, meat Patty

πŸ‘οΈŽ 18
πŸ‘€οΈŽ u/Mastrwill
πŸ“…οΈŽ Jul 25 2019
🚨︎ report
How do you introduce a hamburger?

β€œmeet patty”

πŸ‘οΈŽ 93
πŸ‘€οΈŽ u/blueboy9120
πŸ“…οΈŽ Feb 08 2019
🚨︎ report
How did the butcher introduce his wife?

β€œMeat Patty.”

πŸ‘οΈŽ 30
πŸ“…οΈŽ Jun 10 2019
🚨︎ report
How did the butcher introduce his wife?

β€œMeet Patty.”

πŸ‘οΈŽ 409
πŸ‘€οΈŽ u/iamfinefettle
πŸ“…οΈŽ Apr 29 2018
🚨︎ report
How did the butcher introduce his wife?

Meet pattie

πŸ‘οΈŽ 1k
πŸ‘€οΈŽ u/d4r2ag0n
πŸ“…οΈŽ Aug 27 2016
🚨︎ report
How do you introduce a hamburger

Meat Patty

πŸ‘οΈŽ 16
πŸ‘€οΈŽ u/j0hnnyj0hns
πŸ“…οΈŽ May 27 2019
🚨︎ report
How does a hamburger introduce his girlfriend?

Meet Patty

πŸ‘οΈŽ 4
πŸ‘€οΈŽ u/heebiejeebiecreepy
πŸ“…οΈŽ May 09 2019
🚨︎ report
How did the butcher introduce his wife?

Meet Pattie

πŸ‘οΈŽ 24
πŸ‘€οΈŽ u/swinging_chippy
πŸ“…οΈŽ Feb 08 2019
🚨︎ report
How does a hamburger introduce his sister?

Meat Patty.

πŸ‘οΈŽ 6
πŸ‘€οΈŽ u/leohat
πŸ“…οΈŽ May 22 2019
🚨︎ report
How does a hamburger introduces his girlfriend ?

Meet Patty πŸ˜›πŸ€€

πŸ‘οΈŽ 2
πŸ‘€οΈŽ u/music_snobbbb
πŸ“…οΈŽ Mar 24 2019
🚨︎ report

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