[SERIOUS] Married wife/husband, or programmers in general, or just, anyone. I could use some wise advice. Maybe even a "wake up call". A slap on the face if needed.

Originally wanted to post in DCT, but I guess a separate post could maybe help those in need (if there's any). So here goes!

For non married people, please excuse the technical terms I used.

tl;dr: Ada 2 pilihan kerjaan. What do I do. Is it wrong to stay in my comfort zone?

Jadi, udah hampir 10 tahun gw bekerja sebagai web developer. Gw belajar itu semua otodidak, gw ngga kuliah sama sekali. Berhubung gw besar di digital agency, yang biasa cuman bikin website company profile atau microsite untuk campaign suatu brand, skillset gw ya dalam programming kurang lebih ya PHP, CSS, HTML, Javascript / jQuery, CodeIgniter.. Udah, gitu aja.

Selama 2 tahun belakangan, gw udah ngga ngantor. Instead, gw ambil kerjaan sampingan. Gw emang ada beberapa temen yang kadang ada aja tuh referensiin gw ke orang yang mau bikin web, jadinya gw bisa dapet client. Gw pun saat ini lagi remote working, bantuin kantor temen gw, lokasi di Jakarta juga, cuman gw ngga perlu ngantor, dan meeting sama dia paling 1-2 minggu sekali.

Jadi bisa dibilang 2 tahun terakhir, gw udah terbiasa banget dengan hidup yang bebas. Salary dapet (dari kantor temen gw), dari freelance pun ada, walaupun memang freelance ini ngga setiap bulan bisa dapet. And I like it. I like flexibility. Gw sadar banget kalo ini zona nyaman gw.

Di waktu luang yang ngga banyak, gw berusaha untuk belajar Laravel sama Vue (jangan tanya kenapa bukan react/angular.. that's for another day). Tapi karena gw ngga ada wadah untuk menerapkan itu, akhirnya jadi sebatas belajar aja. Jujur, terkadang gw pun mikir, dengan umur gw yang udah menyentuh kepala 3, is it worth it buat gw untuk mempelajari bahasa pemrograman baru? Bukankah lebih baik gw fokus ke yang gw udah bisa dan terus asah itu? Selama ini gw pikir, toh client freelance gw terima beres, mereka ngga peduli teknologi apa yang gw pake saat bikin website mereka.

Lagipula, waktu gw juga udah habis karena gw harus selesaiin kerjaan dari kantor temen gw itu dan freelance gw. Ada sih, coba convert website2 yang gw pernah bikin dulu gitu ke Laravel / Vue. Tapi biasa terbengkalai juga akhirnya karena emang waktu gw yang ngga banyak..

Belum lama ini, gw direferensiin temen yang lain untuk masuk ke kantornya dia. Salah satu perusahaan besar lah. Bukan startup sih, tapi dari fasilitas dll, itu menarik banget. Problemnya adalah, mereka pake Java Spring Framework dan juga Vue. Pengetahuan gw soal Vue minim banget, sedangkan untuk Java gw nol sama sekali.

Now the ball is on my court

... keep reading on reddit ➡

👍︎ 22
👤︎ u/__dd__
📅︎ Sep 18 2019
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Got my first high paid customer as freelancer - just wanted to share!

EDIT: Answered a lot of questions here: https://old.reddit.com/r/cscareerquestions/comments/ncs4m3/got_my_first_high_paid_job_yesterday_here_is_a/?

Hey guys,

im Rene, living in Germany and 34 years old. I work as software dev since 15 years now, the most of the time I was an employee for companies, never got layed off and switched a lot because I got bored after a while.

Today I got my first contract for as a high paid freelancer. I did freelancing before but on the money side it was just meh... sometimes I did it because I hoped to get a foot in the door, sometimes it was just "I needed the money", but in total I never got paid more then 20€ after taxes .

Just I don't have someone to share since my dad died and I got a midlife crises and moved across the country to start a new life here.

Thank you for reading this!

👍︎ 1k
📅︎ May 14 2021
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Work from a "pro certified celebrity makeup artist and global freelancer" reddit.com/gallery/mwot31
👍︎ 2k
📅︎ Apr 23 2021
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[For Hire] Freelancer Illustrator looking for paid jobs. Focus on characters designs and creatures design reddit.com/gallery/n9wy6i
👍︎ 830
📅︎ May 11 2021
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Suggest - Tax saving tips for freelancers

If you are working as a freelancers how you guys are saving taxes?

Some deductions I researched about:

80C - 1,50,000

80GG - 60,000

80D - Health insurance

👍︎ 137
👤︎ u/antpot
📅︎ May 01 2021
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Try the mod Freelancer

Seriously guys it’s like playing a whole different game. You just join what ever army you want and fight your way through the ranks shoulder to shoulder with your brothers, no more stressful campaign decisions no more missing out on fights because you have to coordinate an entire army.

👍︎ 182
📅︎ May 08 2021
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So I’ve been working my ass off this past month with 4 gigs (I’m a freelancer) and well, I just traded in all that fake money for real money. Bought my first gold as well! 💪🏼😎🦍🚀 LFGOOOOO! reddit.com/gallery/nb7z72
👍︎ 294
📅︎ May 13 2021
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¿Se viene la "ley freelancers"?: por qué se los acusa de competencia desleal y crecen los reclamos al Gobierno iproup.com/empleo/22304-l…
👍︎ 46
👤︎ u/AntiZdo
📅︎ May 03 2021
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Suka duka remote worker & freelancer
👍︎ 189
👤︎ u/apokado
📅︎ May 02 2021
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Humble request: When someone in desperate economic situation ask for a job, please do not refer them to freelancer.com, upwork.com, fiverr.com, etc.

Hello Randians,

There is already fierce competition in all these freelancing websites.

Starting from scratch and winning a project may take 6 months.

Even after project is delivered, there is no guarantee of payment.

If you fail to get good reviews(4+ star), you may not get any further project.

Many people have wasted 6-12 months in these freelancing websites without any success.

Let's not waste time of people who are in desperate economic situation.

👍︎ 348
👤︎ u/satyasys
📅︎ May 08 2021
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I'm a freelancer and I've got a customer who is asking for USB driver for a new device. They want it written in c++ and I said I'd only consider creating and supporting it if it was written in Rust. 🤷‍♂️ reddit.com/r/rust/comment…
👍︎ 130
📅︎ Apr 29 2021
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Freelancer be like : Hmmm sesajen lagi, mayan buat makan malam v.redd.it/riagb5a79vv61
👍︎ 72
👤︎ u/pancarona
📅︎ Apr 28 2021
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The Freelancers
👍︎ 254
📅︎ May 16 2021
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Impuestos a freelancers (comparativa). Estos días estuve averiguando sobre países vecinos, y esto es lo que descuentan los gobiernos a los freelancers que trabajan para afuera. Otros países atraen profesionales; este país los exilia. Todos mis colegas se fueron a Europa y USA.
👍︎ 2k
📅︎ Feb 19 2021
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How employers think freelancers work.
👍︎ 135
📅︎ Apr 24 2021
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If the freelancer survided bd and got caught
👍︎ 145
👤︎ u/AIex-Shaw
📅︎ May 06 2021
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Pakistani freelancers go brrr
👍︎ 174
📅︎ May 09 2021
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Freelancers with fulltime jobs: How do you manage your time better?

I currently have a fulltime job and am also freelancing on the side. The past month, I earned alot but in consequence, I got really burned out now. I didn't have time to workout anymore and alot of days where I just wanted to lie down and rest or whatever but couldn't because of my load. I just realized how we only really have 8 hours to work on freelance because the other 8 is for the fulltime one, and the other is for sleep. I compromised so much of my time for the sake of making deadlines work, and now I feel sad I bought weights but can't even find a minute of my time to workout because I feel pressured.

How do you guys do manage your time better?


Edit: Hi everyone, I'm not sure how to reply to each one of you because honestly, all of your comments, advice, and stories have been really detailed and it's so much more helpful than I imagined! Is it weird to say that I suddenly felt this surge of inspiration to finish atleast a week's worth of tasks (hopefully no burn out after) because of your responses? It just felt really assuring and calming to know that alot have been on the same boat and that I'm not just being weak. Some of you even juggled more than 3 clients at the same time, and even while parenting- you guys are wild!

Thank you so much to all of your replies! I read each and every one and I'm trying to get more organized atleast for now, basing from what worked with you guys. I do feel that I might drop clients sometime if I absolutely can't handle it anymore like what some of you did, but I feel like I engraved all of your advice in my head because these are so helpful! I hope we all continue to have consistent clients, and still find ways to maintain the balance without the burn outs we experience. :)

👍︎ 105
👤︎ u/danggsam
📅︎ Apr 22 2021
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I think the UpWork freelancer and client community is insensitive towards cultural differences and I’d be happy if I’m proven wrong.

I just saw a post here that was poking fun at some Asian (most likely Indian/Pakistani) freelancer’s approach to client communication.

And the comments on the post didn’t help either. A lot of them referring to how freelancers from these countries are taking away their jobs because they charge $3 an hour.

My question is, if that price point is such a threat, it indicates that there may not be enough skill to back up your Eurocentric pricing model.

After all, if a client decides to go for $3/hr freelancer instead of a $80/hr one in Europe, there are only two likely explanations. Either the client was never your target customer you begin with or your work is not all that better than the cheaper freelancers and client made a choice in the free market.

Another pattern I’ve noticed here is subliminal derogatory remarks towards Indians/Pakistanis. Saying similar remarks towards any other community or race will be an open invitation to be called a racist.

After all, what applies to this community applies to every other community that faces these struggles. It’s for the same reason that Italian Americans had to live under strong stereotypes of being called mafia members. Where in truth, only about 5k people out of the 10 million or so Italian Americans were members of organised crime at its peak.

Similarly, it applies even more when you’re generalising the population of two densely populated countries and stereotyping them.

As a citizen of the world, it’s a request to all of you smart freelancers to consider your beliefs and biases. Keep in mind that unemployment is growing and some people and countries have no other option but to work at lower wages.

My final point of observation is that there is a surge in people criticising capitalism. Big corporates can underbid a small family run business and cause them to shut shop is almost as widespread as the pandemic.

The fact that platforms like Upwork enables people from developing countries a chance to earn their fair living should be a cause for celebration as a hope for equalising free market and meritocracy.

Once again, let’s not shame people who charge less. If clients know that you charge more and are aware that your quality of services are far superior than your competitors in other countries, they come to you. If they don’t, they were never yours.

👍︎ 116
👤︎ u/nambosaa
📅︎ Apr 08 2021
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Selbständiger IT Freelancer. Früher Schul-IT, jetzt mehr Cloud etc.

Habe keinen Studienabschluss, Ausbildung als Fachinformatiker Systemintegration.

Habe früher Schulen und Hotels betreut, jetzt zum Glück nicht mehr. Stattdessen DevOps / Cloud engineer.

👍︎ 113
📅︎ Apr 13 2021
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Freelancer DUR [4k screenshot]
👍︎ 114
👤︎ u/mr-hasgaha
📅︎ Apr 26 2021
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Burned out freelancer. My account got hacked, and they stole all of my money.

This is a vent post I'm sorry for posting here

Hi, I'm a 17-year-old freelancer in Online who edits for Content Creators on Discord. I learned something the hard way. I've been doing freelancing for 2 months now, and I've saved up an alright amount of money (from $600); then, I use PayPal for my transactions. So I leave my saved up money there, WHICH WAS A MISTAKE! I then saw all of the money to be moved to an account with all of my savings. I quickly reported it to PayPal. I'm now so anxious, depressed, and numb after seeing all of my hard work gone to waste. I couldn't open a bank account because I'm underage, so I have to use my Older sister's PayPal.

I'm also stressed from commissions before this, school, and an upcoming part-time job, so Freelancing will be a side hustle for me once I start doing my job at a fast-food chain.

I've read reviews by how PayPal is not a secured platform for saving money, and I wish I could've researched before using it. It was a mistake. I was saving up money for better equipment like a Drawing tablet and camera to harden my skills.

Unfortunately, I have to cancel commissions from people because I have to work these things out before I go back into freelancing. Now I'm burned out and feeling bummed out from losing all of my money.

I'm gonna cry because this made me feel so depressed. It might be a small amount of money for some, but I'm just saving up money to improve myself because I don't know what to do After High school, which is the only thing I got. I don't know anymore.

👍︎ 115
📅︎ Apr 14 2021
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We put a Freelancer in an 890 JUMP. reddit.com/gallery/mhbj5k
👍︎ 455
👤︎ u/TexanMiror
📅︎ Mar 31 2021
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Does Freelancer allow you to control large spaceships?

I am confused between Freelancer and X2. I want to be able to fly large spaceships.

Which game allows you to do that?

👍︎ 19
📅︎ May 09 2021
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This game had it's ups and downs, but it was a unique game for me. I'm really sad Anthem didn't recieve more support, imo it had so much potential. My advice to everyone: Turn off your hud and go have one last ride in your javelin! I'm glad I was here to play Anthem! Farewell Freelancers! v.redd.it/irki0vlu8mj61
👍︎ 2k
👤︎ u/szivak
📅︎ Feb 25 2021
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Offering for free, my software development services. Freelancer just starting out! Want to make long-trusted clients.

Yesss, i am willing to spend up to half a month for free, of my software dev skills and work, to help fellow entrepreneurs improve their business.. maybe in return you will come back in the future!

Trying ti become a full time freelancer and make good-trusted clients in the way.

Are you interested or need a software solution for your business???

Contact me!!!

You can send me a message here or contact me personally at www.frankeiffel.com

👍︎ 47
👤︎ u/b33felix
📅︎ Apr 26 2021
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Freelancers, how do you manage double booking?

Let's say client A books you M,W,F in the morning. And Client B books you M, W, F in the evening. Then Clent A adds something on Friday Evening. You're suddenly double booked. Client A pays more but you've made a commitment already to client B, what do you do?

This is just a scenario. But I try to manage time and maximize my time spent, I could see something like this happening in the future. What would you do? Assuming no contracts were signed and it is on verbal agreements.

👍︎ 32
📅︎ Apr 28 2021
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Remote freelancer looking for a country to migrate easily

Hi guys! I'm a freelancer on upwork and get gigs semi-regularly. I'm looking to move to a country with a better standard of living. (FWIW, I have a dependant spouse.) Can you guys recommend somewhere I can relatively easily migrate to. I would be looking to establishing a permanent residence.


👍︎ 37
📅︎ Apr 22 2021
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Two years ago, I bought Anthem, was immediately disappointed and decided to improve the game! This was the finished project that got me a job at Epic Games. Strong alone, stronger together freelancers. Thank you! aashreysharma.com/work/an…
👍︎ 931
👤︎ u/aashreys
📅︎ Mar 21 2021
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How to deal with lumpy income as a freelancer

Hi Everyone - hoping for some insights from the group!

My name is Alex and I'm new-ish to freelancing work and am finding that I have quite "lumpy" income month to month that is stressful and hard to predict. Some months I'm barely making enough for bills and other months I'm making more than I need.

Does everyone else have this problem too and if so, how are you guys currently solving it?

👍︎ 10
👤︎ u/nuthinator
📅︎ May 07 2021
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Freelancer outsourced my work, a month late, still error-ridden despite guidance. I can't get a refund unless I pay $300 for the appeal (for a $400 fee)? Help.


I am having a lot of issues at the moment with some work that recently got 'completed'. I am in disbelief at how this has been handled so far.

I paid an individual freelancer $400 to complete a webpage. I left instructions and videos on what was required.

The work was 'completed' numerous times. But ridden with errors every time. It was taking me longer to find and correct the careless errors than it would've done to complete the work myself.

It turns out the freelancer has outsourced the work to non-English speakers that had a hard time reading and implementing what was required.

A month late we still don't have a finished product, and the freelancer outsourced the work wasting time and energy.

Now with the dispute... I have been told that I need to spend $300 for arbitration to have a 'chance' of getting my money back? Spending an additional $300 to get back the $400?

This is absurd. The freelancer was a month late, outsourced the work, didn't complete the work and wants full payments plus I have to pay an additional $300 to challenge this?

What is the best option here, I cannot believe this whole situation. Freelancer clearly violated TOS by outsourcing right? Plus the work is incomplete after me spending hours on revisions guidance etc.

Would love to hear your thoughts.

👍︎ 4
👤︎ u/VegMeso
📅︎ May 08 2021
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Is this freelancer scamming me?

I am a client and hired someone hourly for a project. He has great reviews but I'm starting to wonder if he's scamming me and the reviews are fake since he's barely made any progress and has already hit 2/3 of the budget. He claims he will not charge me extra hours more than what we agreed on but the work he's done so far should have only taken a few hours and he's charged 60 hours.

He's been difficult to communicate with and the one star reviews match the experience I've had. How should I proceed from here?

Here is his profile: https://www.upwork.com/fl/~01cb375e76b3251697

Edit: I contacted support and they’re escalating the dispute. Not sure what happens next but if anyone knows what I should tell them to help get my money back I’d appreciate it.

👍︎ 8
👤︎ u/gret08
📅︎ May 01 2021
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Why is it not advisable for a developer to start his career as a full time remote worker for a company or a freelancer?

What are the cons?

👍︎ 32
📅︎ May 05 2021
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I'm a former engineering freelancer for Fox News and CNN AMA

I worked as a freelance engineer for both Fox News and CNN. 90% of my job was doing live shots for the networks. Basically, when the host says "joining us now from (X city) is (a random person) to talking about (whatever) and you see two people talking (or arguing) on the TV. I was the technical guy in (X city) that made sure all the equipment was working. Worked this job for 7 years before I quit and moved overseas in 2019. AMA

Edit: Here are some crazy stories I remember:

TL;DR (1): Hurricane Harvey paid off my car TL;DR (2): Disney employees are creepy TL;DR (3): Made a lot of money off the 2016 election

Hurricane Harvey: Hurricane Harvey was one of the natural disasters I worked. As a freelancer a natural disaster is a gold mine because nobody knows what's going to happen and will pay for you to be there for days. It was kind of sickening knowing that while other people suffered, the news companies were making millions. The coverage for the disaster lasted for several weeks and I basically slept in the bureau working all day and all night. I basically went home to shower and change clothes and slept on the couch at random times of the day as much as I could. I had just bought a new(ish) car and had payments on it. By the time we got to invoicing, I had enough to pay off the car and rent money for the month. My boss told me stories about other national trageties like Waco and Katrina, he told me that some people at the end of that were buying homes and paying for their kids to go through college.

Disney: When I was an Intern at fox I was sent with a crew to go to this Disney exhibition at the President Ronald Ragan library. There were a bunch of people installing the exhibition. There was one guy who's job it is to remember and replicate Walt Disney's office and install it exactly how it was the day he died. We were setting up an interview with one of the employees and were going g to do a mic check. Basically make sure his microphone was working properly, upon announcing the mic check, the guy asked "What should I say?" Normally we ask people to count to five, but I jokingly told him to sing "It's a small world" He sang the whole song.... Verse by verse... Perfect pitch...the crew looked at me like "Are you an idiot??" From there I kept my mouth shut. Going through the rest of the exhibition I was helping the crew carry their equipment and this middle aged Disney employee came up to me and asked "why aren't you smiling?" Before I could answer he s

... keep reading on reddit ➡

👍︎ 27
📅︎ May 03 2021
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Koristi li netko stranice kao Freelancer i Fiverr? Htio bih zaraditi nešto sa strane preko toga i trebaju mi savjeti

Pisanje mi dobro ide tako da si mislim zašto to ne iskoristiti. Jedino ne kužim kako to sve funkcionira, kaj sve trebam, isplata, kako se predstavljam tamo, itd., a ne želim se registrirati bez da znam to sve.

👍︎ 18
👤︎ u/WillTook
📅︎ May 14 2021
🚨︎ report
A major reason why I decided not to melt my Freelancer MAX for a Connie Taurus v.redd.it/273y5wb5r2n61
👍︎ 389
👤︎ u/Bluetree4
📅︎ Mar 14 2021
🚨︎ report
Y'all still interested in those Freelancer successors? Because I just put out a huge new update to mine. youtube.com/watch?v=8z8Gh…
👍︎ 62
👤︎ u/Trainwiz
📅︎ May 08 2021
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Freelancer für ein Jahr?


ich befinde mich seit 5 Jahren in einer Festanstellung bei meinem ersten AG und verdiene etwa 90k€ brutto. Ich mag meinen Job, führe ein Team von 6 Entwicklern als technischer Leiter / Architekt, es wird aber langsam etwas langweilig, neue Herausforderungen fehlen. Perspektivisch wären in den nächsten 5 Jahren max. +20% Gehalt und ein nichtssagender Titel drin, wer weiter hinaus möchte, muss sich in dem Laden leider von der Technik verabschieden und den ganzen Management-BS mitmachen.

Jetzt habe ich ein Angebot bekommen als "Externer" ein interessantes Teilprojekt in einem größeren Projektkontext umzusetzen, in Vollzeit für ein Jahr befristet mit der Option auf Verlängerung. Ich bin interessiert, habe mich aber noch nie mit Thema Selbstständigkeit auseinandergesetzt.

Der Stundensatz beliefe sich auf etwa 90-100€, nach meiner Milchmädchenrechnung macht das 162 - 180 k€ brutto im Jahr wenn ich mir 5-6 Wochen Urlaub gönne.

Fragen die ich mir jetzt Stelle sind:

  • Müsste ich ein Gewerbe anmelden, oder bin ich Freiberufler?
  • Bin ich dann Scheinselbstständig?
  • Bin ich Rentenversicherungspflichtig, bzw. sollte ich freiwillig einzahlen?
  • Wie viel bleibt am Ende bei mir hängen? Als Abzüge habe ich momentan Steuern, RV s.o., 650€ KV (gesetzlich), diverse Versicherungen 200€ auf dem Schirm. In etwa so: https://www.imagebanana.com/s/big/2086/deqxasFc.png
  • Gibt es eine art Arbeitslosenversicherung für Selbstständige und ist diese sinnvoll?

Und zu guter letzt stellt sich noch die Frage ob ich meine sichere Festanstellung (quasi unkündbar) verlassen sollte. Ich bin sehr sicher im Zweifelsfall schnell eine Anstellung finden zu können, aber halt nicht eine so gute.

Wäre nett, wenn mir jemand bei meinen Fragen weiterhelfen könnte und auch generelle Kommentare einer anderen Perspektive sind mir sehr willkommen.

👍︎ 12
👤︎ u/higgns1
📅︎ May 13 2021
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Got more angles of my neighbor’s car that had ANOTHER’S tree branch fall on after hiring a freelancer. reddit.com/gallery/nbtvlq
👍︎ 34
👤︎ u/tritheist
📅︎ May 13 2021
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Freelancers protesting in Belgrade v.redd.it/0i4yntiqlxr61
👍︎ 160
👤︎ u/botle
📅︎ Apr 08 2021
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Freelancers, como hacen para pasar su dinero de PayPal a bolívares?

Les explico. Recientemente conseguí un trabajo como writer, y me van a pagar bien por primera vez en mi vida.

Hasta ahora solo cambiaba 50$ mensualmente y de esto vivimos en mi familia, una amiga gringa me los regala para ayudarme a mi y mi familia, y normalmente los vendemos por Zelle. Los vendo a través de un familiar que conocemos que tiene varios contactos y trata de buscar personas interesadas. Este familiar actúa como intermediario y es el quien me pasa el dinero a mi.

Hasta ahora no nos ha jodido, pero como se pueden imaginar, si voy a manejar cantidades mayores de dinero seria mucho mejor que yo estuviese en control de eso directamente, para evitar que me jodan.

Me puse a investigar en este subreddit y vi que varios recomiendan usar Binance P2P. Me puse a investigar mas sobre ellos y pensé en lo siguiente.

El dinero que me van a pagar va a caer al PayPal de mi amiga. Es un PayPal americano verificado y se que ella no me joderia así que no hay peo con eso. Coinbase recientemente activo la opción de comprar cripto con PayPal sin riesgo de que te cierren la cuenta. Entonces, lo que podría hacer es decirle a ella que compre USDT o algo así con PayPal en Coinbase, me los transfiere a mi cuenta de Binance y de ahi los vendo en el P2P.

El problema que veo con esto es que enviar de Coinbase a Binance requiere pagar cierta cantidad de dinero por las miner fees. Si ella me pasa una coin con fees bajas como Litecoin por ejemplo (no se si USDT tenga fees altas), no seria tanto peo, pero entonces tendria que cambiar la Litecoin a otra coin como USDT, BNB, ETH y eso para poder venderlas en P2P, y entonces me cae la trading fee. Se que comprar cripto en Coinbase con PayPal trae una fee del 4% pero eso no me importa mucho.

Me gustaría que me pudiesen orientar mas si ven que hay una manera mejor para manejar esto a traves de las cripto, o si conocen otra manera distinta de poder cambiar ese dinero.

👍︎ 10
👤︎ u/revelbytes
📅︎ May 04 2021
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Prepaid HMO for freelancers/self-employed?

Been searching through this community to see if anyone has really asked this. What would you recommend someone who is self-employed to have in terms of health insurance and HMO? Planning on cancelling my high af VUL and just going BTID.

I'm 23, a non-smoker with no dependents. Since I freelance, I'm thinking of getting a prepaid HMO for confinement/ER needs then getting health insurance (AXA Health Start)

For the prepaid HMO, thinking of getting either Maxicare or PhilCare. This is just based on what I've seen on Maria Health.

To other freelancers/self-employed out there, how are you guys covering your confinement/ER bills right now? Would love to know. Thanks!

👍︎ 4
👤︎ u/ketkalat
📅︎ May 12 2021
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The middle man in a freelance job wants to have my AE project file. I think he's trying to trick me. (I'm a baby newbie freelancer)

hey so I might be overthinking this or being paranoid but:

For the job I had to make a social media animation for a brand doing its thing. I recreated the UI for Instagram and Twitter for posts, likes, comments, and sliding photos in both vertical and horizontal form. I did animation as well on them as was required and approved. I sent him rendered products and there were iterations and now tonight I'll be sending him the final render for vertical and horizontal.

The problem - he told me send him my After Effects project file with the assets I used to build it. He said it's so that "If he needs to change like a name or something small he doesn't have to bother me or anything. The client is unsure of things.....blah blah blah". He asked me to send him my project file (which is ALL designed, animated, and ready to go) earlier in the project too but I kinda passively ignored that but now he's told me on Zoom he would like the project file too with the final renders.

I don't want to give it to him. I made it like a template for efficiency's sake and he knows it. If he gets the whole thing I feel like he will just use my work to get more projects for himself and will never include me. He'll just use my project file to make himself money instead of hiring me every time. I think he knows that's what he's doing and is purposely lying to me/trying to trick me.

I don't know how to tell him that I don't feel comfortable sending him my project file (basically a template) without burning a bridge. I also don't know if his excuse of "small things like names I don't have to bother you for" is legit or not. Sounds lame. Have you guys ever had to give up your project files like that? Am I being paranoid here? Should I just give it to him and get the 2nd half of my payment (250 USD) and be done with it?

I'm a little worried and could use some insight/advice. Thanks a ton for reading through all this!

TLDR: middle man wants my project files which I designed as social media templates. I think he's trying to trick me into giving him my work so can use it later to make more money and cut me out of gigs like that. What can I do?

👍︎ 58
📅︎ Apr 12 2021
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TGMC Historical Document portraying an Freelancer Squad capturing an TGMC licensed ship and firing an orbital warhead. Year 2415. reddit.com/gallery/n4li1z
👍︎ 32
📅︎ May 04 2021
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correct entry point main character hair color/styles for animation and freelancer avatar

people like to dress up as sparrow n such for their freelancer and most of the time they pick the wrong hair color and style, so heres your rundown on the correct things to use. how do i know this, well its simple. roblox studio.

sparrow: animazing hair. correct hair color: R: 0 G: 143 B: 156

rose: anime hair. correct hair color: R: 117 G: 0 B: 0

wren: charmer hair. correct hair color: R: 124 G: 92 B: 70

jackdaw: scene hair. correct hair color: R: 163 G: 162 B: 165

director: programmer hair. correct hair color: R: 205 G: 205 B: 205

ryan: charmer hair. correct hair color: R: 91 G: 93 B: 105

falcon: charmer hair. correct hair color: R: 17 G: 17 B: 17

rivera: drama hair. correct hair color: R: 27 G: 42 B: 53

harvey: dreamy hair. correct hair color: R: 253 G: 234 B: 141

jade: cannot be done for freelancer avatar cuz custom hair decal

dmitry: spikey hair. correct hair color: R: 17 G: 17 B: 17

sparrow (aftermath): animazing hair. correct hair color: R: 108 G: 88 B: 75

nightshade: animazing hair. correct hair color: R: 106 G: 64 B: 40

hemlock: cool hair. correct hair color: R: 17 G: 17 B: 17

hopefully that covers all of them for ya. if you want any suggestions or feedback pls tell me and ill fix it. i'm 100 percent sure these are all correct.

👍︎ 36
📅︎ Apr 27 2021
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After a year of having two jobs, today is the day. I’m a full time freelancer. And I brought the donuts.
👍︎ 265
👤︎ u/OPsDaddy
📅︎ Mar 29 2021
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Working as a freelancer in Toronto

I know r/PersonalFinanceCanada is probably better suited for this question, but I honestly can't deal with the downvotes and snarky condescension right now, plus I've always appreciated the advice I got here more anyway.

So I'm starting to get the ball rolling on a number of freelance projects. I work under my personal name, and I know that when I hit 30K I have to register a business number--which I'm going to do now anyway). But:

  1. If I anticipate making >30K by the end of the year, does this mean I have to start charging clients HST taxes right now?
  2. Do I charge clients abroad taxes as well?
  3. Do I need an RBC business account for all of this to keep my finances organized?
  4. Do I also need a TransferWise business, or can I just use my personal one (if all I ever use it for are work projects anyway)?
👍︎ 32
👤︎ u/safadian
📅︎ Apr 30 2021
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Easier way to find legit projects on freelancer.com?

Hi everyone!

I’m still fairly new to the freelance writing world, a little fish in a HUGE pond. I have signed up for freelancer.com about a couple months ago and I actually don’t fancy this site that much because of the bidding process and the endless amounts of scammy looking job postings from non verified accounts. However, each time I google where to find freelance work for writers, freelancers.com comes up each time. I figured this site might actually be worth something, but I can’t figure out how I can actually find the good ones early on so I can bid early for a higher chance of getting hired for a project — does anyone have any pointers? :/

👍︎ 7
📅︎ May 07 2021
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Dinheiro de breja, freelancers e coisas parecidas?

Bom dia meu povo.

Quais experiências e recomendações vocês tem quanto a esses sites de serviços/dinheiro de breja (daqueles que você realiza alguma pesquisa ou algo assim em troca de alguns centavos?)

Como um pobre estudante cuja pandemia encareceu e pra caralho o dia a dia, tô caçando formas de ter aquele espacinho de lazer com um restinho de dinheiro, já que contando o que recebo fico até em déficit.

Como meus horários com a faculdade me impedem de trabalhar, penso que esse tipo de trampo é o que restou, então... Conselhos? Ajuda ou algo assim?

Tenho um técnico em informática e curso filosofia, tanto bacharelado quanto licenciatura, se conta de algo quanto a habilidades que posso comprovar, por assim dizer.

👍︎ 14
📅︎ May 03 2021
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Me, a Freelancer on My Own Schedule, Waiting for My Friend with a 9-5.
👍︎ 531
👤︎ u/Shwayfromv
📅︎ Apr 01 2021
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