A list of puns related to "Andrea"
It isn't his fault.
I have always wanted to be generous to a fault.
It had its faults.
It was faulty
I went and saw author Bill Bryson speak last night and he told us how his dad used to make the most wonderful puns. I'll paraphrase best I can:
They had traveled from Iowa to California on vacation, and they were driving along the coast. They stopped at an informational plaque at the San Andreas Fault, and his dad walked straight up to the huge crack in the ground and threw a quarter in. When the kids asked why he did that, he simply responded "I've always wanted to be generous to a fault."
He would've said, "so you're having a birth-quake?"
*walking down the line asking everyone their name.
And whats you name?
My family and I were driving to the mountains when my dad says "It's not my fault! Is it your fault? Who's fault was it?" The rest of us look at each other very confused. Then he says, "It's San Andreas Fault" right as we drive by it.
Mom : I ran into Andrea the other day.
Dad : Did you say sorry?
Heard someone yell out at someone (jokingly) " It's all your fault." I walk up nonchalantly and seriously state. " You know who I usually find the biggest fault with?" Pause for looks of attention. "San Andreas." Turn around and walk away.
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