A list of puns related to "Alumnus"
I think Georgia is rather obvious...
Bring back Ray Goff! /s
Jokes aside, Kirby is the clear choice for UGA.
EDIT: By alumnus I mean guys who attended/played for your school for their undergrad, not as a GA
Band leader, Ian Anderson, appears to be very much a trans ally, and accepting of her transition.
-The couches on the second floor of Mac Hall are great for grabbing a quick nap.
-The Noodle and Grill 5 dollar noodle and rice meal is great value.
-Dress warmer and avoid the tunnels. That way, you won't be late for class.
-If you guys want to take a dump without being self-conscious and in a relaxed environment, find out where the all-gender bathrooms are. You'll get a whole room just to yourself.
After a recent interaction with a few members of this subreddit, I’ve been given the impression that many believe you should, without question, cheer for the school you attended.
Is there a difference between a non-sports fan not cheering for their university’s sports teams and a sports fan who chooses not to cheer for their university’s athletics?
CFB fandom origins and complex inter-rivalry fandom stories are some of my favorite comments to read. Yes, most of these involve actually attending the school, but many fans inherit their allegiances as well. What’s you’re personal fandom origin story? Does a preference of NFL vs. CFB play a role in how you view allegiance to your school or a school you used to cheer for?
Edit: Okay, wow, these responses have been great and I’ve enjoyed reading so many of them! I appreciate all of you taking the time to reply with your personal stories. I believe college football is truly unique and I hope to get to take part in and enjoy some other people’s teams and traditions, even if just for a weekend. I’ll be representing a few other teams in the future thanks to Homefield’s BNS subscription (only caught the tail-end so that would be UNC, WVU, and USC for now)! Thanks again folks!
Aside from the celebration afterward, it had zero tangible impact on my life to this point. The results of tonight’s game will have absolutely zero tangible impact on my life moving forward. That being said, I have felt physically ill all day today. I am pretty sure there is a 17 pound festering lump of anxiety, trepidation, hope, and excitement lodged deep in my gut. Surely, if there is a God, he will smile on us tonight.
If you're having thoughts of quitting or giving up on your classes, please get off this subreddit.
Nothing against the mods or people that post here, it's just that I think it's becoming an echo chamber for giving up which can be very unhealthy for your state of mind. School assessments can be difficult, and I can only imagine how much harder it is now with the pandemic. If you start to go down that train of thought and see so many others talk about quitting, then you might normalize the idea and give up sooner than you should have. Go ahead and talk to someone if you need support (in fact I would highly recommend it). Even if I don't know you and have never met you, I already know that you're a brilliant person. Everyone that passes the UPCAT can pass their classes, some might just have to try a little harder than others.
Please don't think I'm belittling your problems, I honestly believe you're going through a lot more than I had to as a student. I just don't feel scrolling through this subreddit is what you need right now.
Hi y'all, I graduated almost a year ago, and I'm coming back to Rochester to visit some friends. I can work remotely but I'm staying in their on campus apartment so not the best environment for meetings. Any resources for alum visiting? Can I get access to one of the study rooms on campus or something?
There are a few menu items that I want to be able to recreate at home now that I’m feeling extra nostalgic Mainly some options from Burger 37 in squire or Fighting Gobbler in West End Market Who do I ask? Or how do I find out?
(I'll probably get downvoted to hell but whatever)
I feel like the alumni's accomplishments overall have been underwhelming. For a school that claims to be the best and has this dog eat dog style to carve out the best chefs, it seems to have produced so few who achieved some international recognition. This is important coz if all the graduates have only won competitions locally, that's like being a bunch of big fish in a small pond.
Shinomiya, for example, is touted as the first Japanese chef to earn the Pluspol award. This means that in 78 generations of alumni, the school failed to produce anyone who could win the award. There is also no mention of anyone else who won it after him. I also don't remember any mention of any other chef winning any other international award (Joichiro's journeys didn't net him formal awards unless I'm forgetting something).
There's also mention of Shinomiya going for "three stars" a la Michelin stars, meaning he still doesn't have them. Is there mention of anyone achieving any stars at all?
Edit: take note, Japan has the most Michelin starred restaurants in the whole world, with 668 restaurants having at least 1 star and 29 having 3 stars.
Does it mean all Japanese chefs in the story simply struggle to gain international recognition? Does it mean Totsuki is just a local player? Or am I just missing something?
Can we get a Ross Ulbricht flair? The university Soviet-style purged him when everything went public, and as an alumnus myself, I want to honor our legacy.
There are a lot of questions on here from applicants about the alumnus Interview, and because I am an alumnus interviewer myself I thought I would give some of my own advice and let other add to it here.
First of all, the interviews have virtually no impact on your chance of admission. Sorry to break it to you. As interviewers, we are told to have a 30 minute conversation with the applicant and then fill out a short form. The form consists mostly of questions about how well we think the applicant would fit in at Tufts.
If you want to prepare, make sure you have good answers to the "basic" interview questions, like why Tufts and what your strengths and weaknesses are (always make sure you have weaknesses, but spin them in a way that they can be strengths).
When I interview, I always want to leave 15 minutes (so half the time) for the applicant to ask me questions. Nothing looks worse than coming in for an interview and having zero questions. While you can ask about specific academic related things, it is best to keep your questions about the culture of Tufts, as that is what the questionnaire we fill out is about.
tl;dr The interview has virtually no impact on your chance for admission but come to the interview armed with questions for the interviewer about the culture at Tufts.
Saw the email from 9:24am this morning, and am interested in doing this. But is it only for current students, or can alumni also participate?
Hey folks! My buddy and I are going to come to Oxford next year to check an Ole Miss game off our bucket list.
Any advice on which game to come to, where to stay, where to tailgate would be much appreciated!
Thanks from a Domer!
>Shrivastav currently serves as vice president for instruction at the University of Georgia.
I wasn't able to attend the town halls so I just Googled this person to find out more about them. I don't know what I expected.......
UGA faculty told not to change class format if students test positive for COVID-19
Emails Reveal Georgia Colleges’ Extreme COVID-19 Pressure Tactics
And if you have any doubts about the connection, here's a statement that was put out by Whitten and Shrivastav in 2018: https://www.11alive.com/article/sports/college/georgia-bulldogs/will-uga-cancel-classes-for-the-national-championship/85-504300920
>"As we prepare to launch a new semester, we find ourselves celebrating a Rose Bowl victory and the incredible opportunity to pursue a national football championship," said the school's Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost Pamela Whitten and Vice President for Instruction Rahul Shrivastav.
Edit: if you're OOTL
[Under new president Whitten IU seems to be relaxing its tough stance on COVID](https://medium.com/@stevesan/under-new-president-whitten-iu-appears-to-be-relaxing-its-tough-stance-on-covid-
... keep reading on reddit ➡Alumnus 12 Science 1:
There is this male alumnus that I am close with, we get along well and we talk often and it’s not uncommon where he’d vent to me about what’s bothering him which I don’t mind listening to, I went out with him before to accompany him with his graduation papers, and he also has helped me with my studies.
A few days ago we got on a call and he joked about sexual stuff that I just rolled my eyes with (that he did sometimes but most of the time they were harmless), but this time the joke didn’t stop there and it was too far, he said whilst chuckling about which girl in our major was the most fuckable, he also made some sexual comments about the bodies of some of the girls. But that was not the worst part, he went on and said while laughing that the girls in our major that puff up their bodies (not sure if this is the correct term? Basically like standing straight I guess) were asking for it and they wanted to get fucked/raped like? It was so disturbing and I was so taken aback by that sentence and got very uncomfortable afterward.
I was dumbfounded by this remark because we’re pretty close, now I am not sure what to think of him anymore and I’ve subconsciously started avoiding him ever since :/
I really don't want to think this is a bad hire, but I can't help myself. I get that Collins clearly loves hiring former players as coaches, but there's only so many of those candidates that are actually quality coaches (not to mention the fact that if we don't AT LEAST make a bowl game next year, Collins is gone and he knows it). If you're not a huge college football fan then you probably wouldn't know this, but Michigan State ranked 130th out of 130 FBS teams this year in passing yards allowed per game. DEAD LAST. And we just hired their cornerbacks coach as our DBs coach. I hate to say it, and it's nearly impossible to have a worse secondary than we did this year, but we might just have an even worse secondary next year.
My node maxes out at 5,207,215 blocks and then just sits there. Is this of any use to the Polkadot chain. I've attempted to connect to the Salt Lake City xx network chain via the Docker CLI but it's not recognized.
Graduated but it’s still the nearest gym to me. How much should it cost?
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