A list of puns related to "Ailuropoda Melanoleuca"
[Just For Fun] [Review] Giant Chinese Panda, aka Panda Bear, aka Ursidae Ailuropoda Melanoleuca, aka "Bad Replica Panda," aka Lyra the Sheepadoodle
Factory and PSP Photos (warning, you may overload from these)
Intro: Even though I bought this Panda about 18 months ago, some stuff hasn't quite worked out the way I expected (in both good and bad ways). It only seemed right and just to let the rep community know what they are getting into should they attempt to purchase a Panda Bear. Along those lines, there's a lot of evidence that this Panda is more of a dupe than a replica (to start with, she's not labelled). Unlike most reps, she spends a lot of time running around and getting into things. She also has grown from 2 lbs to 17 lbs in the time I've had her, which reps usually only do if you fill your giant purse with heavy, heavy stuff. Finally, I've never actually gotten to handle the authentic version (the closest I've come is seeing them at a distance in the zoo), so I can't promise that my QCing is as accurate as it might be.
Seller’s name: TLC By The Lake, in Maryland
Seller contact: tlcbythelake.com
Price of item: Way way too much, not to mention toys, flexy dog items, vet bills, training costs, and emergency room costs the time she ate a pin cushion
Payment method used: Personal Check
Order timeline:
That it cheif
There are countless bear subspecies, with some being more common than others. But what subspecies is Nita's bear, Bruce?
We know that he cannot be an Ailuropoda melanoleuca (giant panda), although he is when you are using the Panda Nita skin. He is also not an Ursus maritimus (polar bear) and unlike the panda, there is no skin that depicts Bruce as a polar bear. That leaves us with multiple brown and black bear species, as well as the sun bear, the sloth bear, and the spectacled bear.
In my opinion, I think Bruce is a basic brown bear, more specifically a grizzly bear. Grizzly bears are the main brown bear that inhabits North America and they are known for hibernating in the winter. Since Nita is in Bo's tribe of native Americans, she seems to be of American descent. Because of this, I would assume that she would befriend a bear from America, and Bruce happens to be that bear. But of course, Bruce could simply be a different type of bear, as there are many more species. So what do you think is the species of Bruce?
You can take a look at the number of bear species here.
I'd appreciate some help here. Thank you so much in advance.
So, I've been looking for for around three weeks, and I can't find one that I can use, and that isn't 50 pages long. Perhaps because I don't master English yet. I have to translate it to my language.
I have to explain in class, with a PowerPoint, a translated English article about some population of an animal or plant species, that uses quantitative ecology techniques, like life tables, and that is maximum 10 years old.
I tried with Panthera onca, Ailuropoda melanoleuca, Neomonachus schauinslandi and Pan troglodytes verus.
The next hours I'll do some research about common rats and Drosophila melanogaster.
Do you know about some article I can read? I would be sooo glad if you can help.
Thank you so much!
And have a nice life! :)
Seis de las ocho especies de osos que existen en el mundo pueden desaparecer. De acuerdo con una reciente evaluación de los Grupos Especialistas en Osos y Osos Polares, Asia y Sudamérica son las áreas que requieren con mayor urgencia medidas de conservación
El oso malayo (Helarctos malayanus), la especie de oso más pequeño del mundo, ha sido clasificado como Vulnerable, mientras que el panda gigante (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) permanece en la categoría En peligro de la Lista Roja de Especies Amenazadas de la UICN.
Se ha aceptado incluir el nuevo estatus del oso malayo en la Lista Roja de UICN de 2007. El oso malayo habita en las tierras continentales del Sudeste Asiático, Sumatra y Borneo, y había sido previamente listado con Datos insuficientes, es decir, que no se conocía la especie lo suficiente para asignarle una categoría de amenaza en la Lista Roja de la UICN.
Rob Steinmetz, copresidente del equipo de expertos en osos malayos del Grupo de Especialistas en Osos de la UICN, dijo: “Aunque aún nos queda mucho que aprender sobre la biología y ecología de esta especie, sabemos con certeza que tiene problemas. Nuestras estimaciones señalan que las poblaciones del oso malayo han disminuido al menos un 30% en los últimos 30 años (tres generaciones de osos), y continúan disminuyendo al mismo ritmo.
“La deforestación ha reducido tanto la superficie como la calidad de su hábitat. En aquellos lugares donde su hábitat se encuentra protegido, la caza furtiva sigue siendo una amenaza importante. Estamos trabajando con los gobiernos, los gestores de áreas protegidas, los grupos de conservación y la población local para evitar la extinción de las numerosas, pero pequeñas y aisladas, poblaciones de oso malayo que permanecen en muchas partes del Sudeste Asiático.”
La única especie de oso considerada actualmente En peligro es el panda gigante. Este estatus permanece sin cambio a pesar de los enormes esfuerzos realizados en China para su conservación, incluyendo el establecimiento de cerca de 60 reservas para pandas, la prohibición de la tala de árboles y amplios programas de reforestación.
Dave Garshelis, copresidente del Grupo Especialista en Osos de la UICN, señaló: “Se conoce bastante sobre la ecología de los pandas gigantes y se han dedicado recursos financieros y esfuerzos substanciales para tratar de calcular el número total de estos animales. Los cálculos son, sin embargo, imprecisos y propensos a errores significativos.
“A pesar d
... keep reading on reddit ➡Характерный рисунок на морде больших панд помогает им укрываться от самых опасных хищников из семейств кошачьих и псовых. Такой вывод был сделан группой ученых, возглавляемых Тимом Каро из Бристольского университета в Великобритании, моделировавших вид панды для разных типов хищников. Статья об этом опубликована в журнале Scientific Reports.
Ученые проанализировали 15 фотографий больших панд (Ailuropoda melanoleuca), сделанных в китайских лесах, и применили обучаемую компьютерную программу для анализа этих изображений, чтобы понять, как панды могут выглядеть с точки зрения опасных для них хищников. «Мы не знаем, как на самом деле работает глаз тигра или леопарда, но представляем, как видит мир обычная домашняя кошка или собака, поэтому можем все это экстраполировать и на других представителей тех же семейств», — утверждает Тим Каро.
Известно, скажем, что кошки гораздо хуже человека различают разные оттенки цвета. Применяя специальные программы искусственного интеллекта, предназначенные для выявления скрытых объектов, видимых глазами разных животных, группа выяснила, что кошкам и собакам будет довольно сложно заметить панду в лесу, особенно если животное находится в некотором отдалении. С точки зрения хищника, панда не только соответствует цветам фона, но и на дистанции свыше 55 м начинает терять свои общие очертания. Фотографии были сделаны с расстояний от 5 до 150 м от панды в зимнее и летнее времена года. Выяснилось, что черно-белая окраска прекрасно подходит в качестве универсальной маскировки в любой обстановке.
По словам Каро, в настоящее время панды, как правило, не страдают от нападений хищников, однако когда их популяция была достаточно велика, они часто сталкивались с угрозами со стороны тигров, леопардов и азиатских черных медведей. В отличие от ряда других животных, панды так и не научились меняют свой окрас в зависимости от времен года, но при этом всегда оставались «невидимыми» для хищников.
A Panda eats 12-38 kilos of bamboo per day.
According to google, pandas go from pink to white and black.
A panda can weigh from 150 lbs. to 280 lbs.
The scientific name is Ailuropoda Melanoleuca.
They're good at climbing trees and can swim well.
I just searched up panda facts, if I got something wrong please let me know.
More animal facts in a few hours lmao
Do your worst!
I'm surprised it hasn't decade.
It really does, I swear!
For context I'm a Refuse Driver (Garbage man) & today I was on food waste. After I'd tipped I was checking the wagon for any defects when I spotted a lone pea balanced on the lifts.
I said "hey look, an escaPEA"
No one near me but it didn't half make me laugh for a good hour or so!
Edit: I can't believe how much this has blown up. Thank you everyone I've had a blast reading through the replies 😂
I haven’t done much research into the captive populations but I just see this as basic/popular animals that would be my first choice.
They’re on standbi
Pilot on me!!
Dad jokes are supposed to be jokes you can tell a kid and they will understand it and find it funny.
This sub is mostly just NSFW puns now.
If it needs a NSFW tag it's not a dad joke. There should just be a NSFW puns subreddit for that.
Edit* I'm not replying any longer and turning off notifications but to all those that say "no one cares", there sure are a lot of you arguing about it. Maybe I'm wrong but you people don't need to be rude about it. If you really don't care, don't comment.
When I got home, they were still there.
What did 0 say to 8 ?
" Nice Belt "
So What did 3 say to 8 ?
" Hey, you two stop making out "
I won't be doing that today!
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