A list of puns related to "Affianced"
https://youtu.be/wCDQhznvJLg?t=10 (timestamp: 00:14)
Zazu says "affianced" but it does not sound like /ΙΛfaΙͺΙnst/ (as suggested by dictionaries) to me. It sounds more like /Γ¦ΛfΙͺΙΛnst/. Did I hear it correctly? If so, why is he saying it like that? Is that some kind of accent, like French?
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Hi r/childfree. Longtime lurker, I feel like you would sympathize, or maybe offer advice from those who have been here.
My 19 year old sister is engaged to be married in 2 months to an older, religious, "the husband is the patriarch" kind of guy. She has been vehemently against having children her entire life, ever since I can remember. However, she admitted to me this week that she would consider having kids to keep her fiance, "Jeff" happy, who wants a very large family. She doesn't know much about birth control options, living in a religious, sheltered place in the United States, so when she asked in an email about my Mirena IUD I was happy to answer. I couldn't help but keep typing, and this is what I would say to her if I had the balls:
I really think you should get some form of long-lasting birth control sooner rather than later. "Oops" pregnancies are more common than planned ones. Last time we spoke, you mentioned you would only consider having kids because Jeff really wants them, and you would consider doing it for him. I understand that people change their minds about wanting kids, and you're perfectly free to want them even if you didn't used to. But that decision should not be made from a place of wanting to keep your husband happy. That's a huge commitment, and wouldn't be fair to you, nor any potential kids you would have, if you weren't committed 100% to the idea.
Pregnancy sucks majorly, and it's easy to want a big family if it's not your own body you're sacrificing. I'm not just talking about the vanity aspect either. Pregnancy complications are still in the top 10 leading causes of death for women of your age group in the United States, and that's accounting for access to medical care. At least research before you have kids, maybe even before you become sexually active, and what that could mean for you. Research episiotomy, the not uncommon occurrence of "tearing forward", weakening pelvic floor, etc. These are the "minor" complications, and there are many more. I'm not trying to scare you, but too many women get pregnant not even hearing these things or knowing that bad things could happen.
I know you are just about to get married and aren't considering this for a few years anyway, but a few years is a very short time. Jeff doesn't want to be an old dad, I highly doubt he is not going to pressure you before you're in your 30s. You live your life how you want, and I'm your sister and I'm going to love you no matter what. I'm reall
... keep reading on reddit β‘My fiance and I are going through the registration process currently, and I'm REALLY enjoying it. Target.com, Bedbathandbeyond.com and crateandbarrel.com have all had increases in traffic since I started this process.
It goes like this:
Me: Oooh! Look! Him: ...Wow. Me: I KNOW! ::click::
What I'm wondering, what did you register for/recieve as a gift that has been indispensible for you both? Also, what was the worst?
Now that we're through the christmakwanzafestivyulukkah drama, Valentine's Day and spring will bring engagements and the attendant N-drama. To everything there is a season, after all!
Many of us here have survived a wedding so I was thinking, maybe we can help out those not-yet-married RBN sistren and brethren. There is so much pressure on people to have a ceremony, family involvement, etc in Western society - I know the Asian contingent here has even more of this cultural pressure than usual - but it doesn't have to be that way if the stars of the show don't want to follow the damned script. We can support them to make healthy decisions and, most importantly, to dispel the myths and fears and BS that the "wedding industry" and "cultural" load onto the affianced.
I thought this might tie in with RBN life skills, since it takes a lot of skills to pull off a wedding and controlling those skills or just never teaching them is often an N's way.
So what do you say?
I don't want to step on anybody's toes here, but the amount of non-dad jokes here in this subreddit really annoys me. First of all, dad jokes CAN be NSFW, it clearly says so in the sub rules. Secondly, it doesn't automatically make it a dad joke if it's from a conversation between you and your child. Most importantly, the jokes that your CHILDREN tell YOU are not dad jokes. The point of a dad joke is that it's so cheesy only a dad who's trying to be funny would make such a joke. That's it. They are stupid plays on words, lame puns and so on. There has to be a clever pun or wordplay for it to be considered a dad joke.
Again, to all the fellow dads, I apologise if I'm sounding too harsh. But I just needed to get it off my chest.
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