An elderly inventor was becoming depressed with his life: his hearing was failing, his wife was always nagging him, he hadn't invented anything good in years, and his former good looks had been replaced by wrinkles and sagging skin.

He goes to the doctor to discuss his depression. When he arrives back home he has a huge smile on his face. He rushed past his wife and heads into the basement, where he immediately starts tinkering with a brand new invention.

His wife comes downstairs, gives the invention a once-over, then asks "What on earth is this thing, and how this supposed to help your depression?".

"Honey, the doctor told me working on this should have me feeling better in no time!" replies the man. He then proceeds to describe in detail how the machine cracks eggs, steams them, and flips them out onto a plate in under a minute, all at the touch of a button.

"But what on earth does this have to do with your depression? What did that quack doctor tell you to do?" asks the wife

The man replies: "He told me to work on my self egg-steam".

šŸ‘︎ 2
šŸ‘¤︎ u/Musicferret
šŸ“…︎ Apr 17 2021
šŸšØ︎ report
I wasn't sure how to re-build our fence when it started sagging

So I checked r/dadjokes, to see how other people repost

šŸ‘︎ 18
šŸ‘¤︎ u/voip_geek
šŸ“…︎ Oct 20 2019
šŸšØ︎ report
My wife said she should get an award for breast feeding the baby.

I said Iā€™d nominate her for the SAG awards.

šŸ‘︎ 9
šŸ‘¤︎ u/RootbeerDreams
šŸ“…︎ Feb 11 2021
šŸšØ︎ report
Dinner was uncomfortable after this one

An aging woman goes to see a doctor about her sagging skin. The doctor offers her 2 solutions: a cream she'd have to apply every night, or a more permanent solution.

She wants the more permanent solution, so she asks what that would entail. He says she woukd get a key put into the back of her head that shoukd would turn when she wanted tighter skin. She liked the idea, and had the key put in.

A few weeks later, she returns to the doctor.

"Is it not working," the doctor asks.

"Its working fine," she replies.

"Then what appears to be the problem?"

"I've started to get these bags under my eyes."

"Ma'am, those bags are your breasts getting pulled up."

"Oh," she says, "so this isn't a beard I'm growing?"

šŸ‘︎ 19
šŸ‘¤︎ u/thyyoungclub
šŸ“…︎ Jul 29 2013
šŸšØ︎ report

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