Interviewer: How do you explain this 4 year gap on your resume? Me: That’s when I went to Yale... Interviewer: That’s impressive. You are hired.

Me: Thanks. I really need this Yob.

👍︎ 10k
👤︎ u/Lord_Vile1
📅︎ Nov 06 2019
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Which King of England took a gap year before university?

Richard Deferred.

👍︎ 4
👤︎ u/mtcarr79
📅︎ Jun 23 2019
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Another grandpa joke

20 years ago Grandpa was driving us home, at night, on a country road when the headlights of an approaching car appeared in the distance. Lifting his arm up, pointing at the oncoming vehicle, he asked:

  • Do you think I can fit through the gap between those two motorcycles?
👍︎ 3
📅︎ Aug 04 2015
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Interviewer: "I see there's a four year gap on your resume. What were you doing then?" Me: "I went to Yale in 2010" Interviewer: "Impressive! You're hired"

Me: "Thanks. I really need this yob"

👍︎ 7
👤︎ u/Chateau512
📅︎ Nov 17 2019
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Interviewer: How do you explain this 4 year gap on your resume? Me: That's when I went to Yale... Interviewer: That's impressive. You are hired.

Me: Thanks. I really need this yob.

👍︎ 6
👤︎ u/simplyGagi
📅︎ Nov 07 2019
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